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  • blood theory in the wild predators take down weaker animals and animals with diseases. so maybe its the virus the crusnik really wants and not the blood itself
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Mar 29 2013, 10:33 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • crusnik blood theory just one theory i have is maybe its for the safety for humans. the way a human is turned by a vampire is through exchange of blood not just the intake. so maybe its to leave no fluids behind to make a transfer in some ritual or somebody happens to touch it with wounds.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Mar 29 2013, 10:28 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • Crusnik Suggested Theory I've been researching a little on Crusniks and I see everyone wondering why they would go after Vampires. My personal opinion is maybe they don't Have to at all. Maybe it's almost like an occupation. Exterminate all vampires. The only reason I say this is because I see a lot of it stuffed based around religion and not a single thing about how they are born. So to me this says God (or the Gods) use them as guardians for human beings. If we need a reason as to why they drink the blood instead of just killing it. It's possible the blood carries no nutritional values but instead power. Lots of creatures feed to gain power like ex in a video game. The more they drink the stronger their powers are. Of course this could all be just a bunch of bull and there's another explanation as to why they kill vampires instead. I just figured it was an idea worth mentioning.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Mar 28 2013, 9:45 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • xD Vamps Aren't Like That Seriously guys?! They don't fly, aren't allergic to sunlight, and aren't immortal creatures of the night. Know your stuff! Lol ^_^
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Feb 4 2013, 12:35 PM EST by Anonymous
  • Watch The Anime Trinity Blood The main character in the anime Trinity Blood is actually a Krusnik!! Happy new year creature-fans!!! ^^
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Dec 31 2012, 7:35 AM EST by Anonymous
  • THE THEORY They follow through a specific blood line that branched but not to far. the certain families are savage, bonner, yacamora, i got you started now continue your search any questions ask me.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Nov 26 2012, 2:14 AM EST by Anonymous
  • black angels love the black angels they're awexuum.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Nov 2 2012, 4:55 AM EDT by herbut
  • we're not bad (dhamphyr/black angel/more...) so whats so bad about them, we're not all evil beings so what if we're considered to be dark? i don't hurt anyone. my fiance is a masocist so he doesn't mind me feeding off of him. he sees it as a kind of release of stress and as helping the one he loves. he also is planning to start hunting animals and drain their blood so that i can satisfy my thirst a little. we use everything of the animal and thank mother earth for our brother that has given us energy. so, we're not actually bad or evil creatures.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Oct 20 2012, 3:59 PM EDT by misty-shadows
  • Truth well as we have seen above most that do not believe choose not to and really do not understand the truth when it right in front of them. now as for the theorys above u r correct with the 1st theory and yes they r a sort of "knight" and most do not enjoy the taking of a life and will only hunt vampires because thier need for vampiric blood is too great therefore in thinking that they protect humans in a way but the ballance must be maintained cause if any ony specise dies out then the rest will overrun and it would be caos.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Jun 5 2012, 7:35 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • What he says is truth IT IS TRUTH i an angel of the highest order serafin state this as truth the lord created the krusnik as a way to serve his children
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: May 23 2012, 7:34 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • krusnik krusnik is a angel bloodline that feed on vampires cause it is a very healthy thing to eat they are God's creation that he lets them serve and kill the vampire's so they can feed and gives them energy . Krusnik is a sacred and sorce blood and also rare. they protect the humans and allow us to undrestand them.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikCruximKrusnik 
    Posted: Apr 10 2012, 6:56 AM EDT by Anonymous
  • crusniks are just as real as vampires crusnik are credible due to if vampires feed on humans theres has to be something that feeds on vampires because they are not on top of the food chane but crusniks are not widely known or as many as vampires.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Feb 10 2012, 6:20 PM EST by Anonymous
  • This crusnik buisness is a lie. I have a serious problem this this. this is a load of bull, the closest thing to what your talking abouts name... is spelled differently and not what you are talking about. this is ONLY a monster from the anime trinity blood, they are not angels on that note. please do not post downright folklore lies otherwise Alucard from hellsing and Alexander Anderson are just as legitimate. If anyone is serious about these myth remove this crusnik crap. It is all lies, Black angels are essentially nothing and the closest connection that is findable is either Death or an exotic particle. Ksrnick is a wereman (no specific beast listed) who knows black magic apparently or something to that avails... Crusniks are from the Anime Trinity blood ONLY.

    Also there is not one good reason that drinking a vampires blood would do anything for anything for the most part in myth.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Feb 6 2012, 9:28 PM EST by Anonymous
  • gardian? ok so the black angels helped us in a way.

    my qustion is can they be a personal gardian to people
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Jan 23 2012, 6:40 AM EST by Anonymous
  • crusniks i full well beleive in crusniks ive had multiple visions of past lives in which i myself was one, some are good some bad nothing is inherently good or evil , crusniks use powers of shadows and darkness which is in some way makes people think they are evil though they killed vampires, i dont know if my slight ramblings have helped any of you to learn more about crusniks, but i beleive what i saw and know and will never stop beleiving , thank you for your time
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Jan 4 2012, 7:05 PM EST by Anonymous
  • Growing up When I was growing up my Grandma told me the Czech stories of the Krusnik. In which a holy man's spirit had come back to inhabit the body of a white wolf. It did drink the blood of vampires, and killed them, to protect the villages as it would be secure them from plague and pestilence, as vampires would bring them into the village with them. And if they were seen they were the sign of a good harvest to come.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Jan 2 2012, 10:53 PM EST by Anonymous
  • trinity blood japanese anime show that relates to most of this.
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Dec 13 2011, 4:31 PM EST by Anonymous
  • black angel has there been any ideas where thet come from?
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Dec 10 2011, 5:57 PM EST by Anonymous
  • krusnik.kool that is intresting.these beings sound powerful.thank you for writing about the krusnik
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Aug 28 2011, 6:54 PM EDT by CrazyMythologyLover9
  • the truth to why the crusnik drinks vampire blood the crusnik drinks the blood of the vampire to obtain the white blood cells from which boosts its own immortal powers the white blood cells of vampires breaks down the red blood cells with out which the white blood cells start to digest the vampires own body in a way is like human bodies eating the away at the fat stored in the body to survive it only works for so long then its game over but the crusnik can not only feed on vampire blood but on human and animal blood as well this makes the crusnik a threat to humans and vampires alike you may think but in fact that would be a incorrect presumption the crusnik doesn't feed on human blood for even though it will keep them alive they loose there supernatural powers also the crusnik is made ill by the consumption of human blood if the blood is not correctly balanced but what makes the crusnik such a special type of vampire is the fact of they can live on a human diet although to make up for the low white blood cell count they consume alot of sugar to give there bodies the energy to make up for there bodies slow white blood cell manifacture there for they can go hundreds of years with out feeding as long as they don't use immortal power where as the normal vampire must feed daily with or with out the use of there supernatural abilities
    Thread location: Blank Page 94
    Keyword tags: Black AngelCrusnikKrusnik 
    Posted: Aug 9 2011, 2:43 PM EDT by Anonymous
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