yeah what he said
serberus is awesome
Oct 21 2013, 12:52 PM EDT by Anonymous
May 2 2013, 4:18 AM EDT by Anonymous
Devil's Dandy Dogs
In West Britan, a myth goes on about a gang of fire-breathing hounds with firey-eyes that romp through the countryside on stormy nights. The Devil himself commands this hellish troop. If you are unfortuante enough to cross their path, you will be tor
Last updated:
Nov 18 2010, 9:55 PM EST by MattHadder
Cerberus or Kerberos in Greek and Roman mythology is a bronze multi-headed dog, usually three heads. Often referred too as a Hell Hound with a serpents tail, a mane of snakes and lions claws. It guards the entrance of the underworld to prevent thos
Last updated:
Mar 30 2014, 2:12 AM EDT by