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  • Big cat sightings, UK A few years ago now. I was staying at a mate house and we were both woken up by a strange sound. We both got up and looked down the stairs, to see his pet cat pinned in a small corridor in front was an offer cat 3 times the size of my friends pet cat. There were a strange sound coming from them both before a new it mate mate picked up a shoe and lobbed it down the stairs. This panicked the big cat and it ran off. my mate cat was then able run up the stairs. He was unharmed thankfully. As a said it has been a few years since that day and i have not seen anything like it since i have heard a few over storys in the area with the same sound big cat, Black as the night panther looking thing. also found this same area as me. if anyone eles has seen this cat please let me no :)
    Keyword tags: big black catPanther 
    Posted: Nov 18 2012, 1:48 AM EST by wez225
  • Ammit An Egyptian goddess who has the head of a crocodile, the front part of a panther or lion, and the rear of a hippopotamus. She is the devourer of heart at Judgement.
    Keyword tags: Ammitcrocodileegyptian mythologygoddesshippopotamuslionpantherthebes 
    Last updated: Apr 2 2010, 5:51 AM EDT by movie_mad_grl
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