About Slenderman
I was just wondering where the Slenderman even lives. I heard that he lives in wooded areas! Just saying.
Aug 4 2012, 9:33 AM EDT by Anonymous
Baba Yaga
I have a film called bartok the magnifercent and it has Baba Yaga in any way I am Half Russian and I have a Russian stepmom who lives with me this is familiar and Im getting scared of her.
Apr 1 2012, 2:27 AM EDT by Anonymous
what if the nothing is simply paranoia?
Mar 22 2012, 11:08 AM EDT by Anonymous
The Nothing is thought to be a ghost many say, but most are unsure. The Nothing is simply nothing. The Nothing is that feeling you get when you think something is behind you, but when you turn around nothing is there. The Nothing is however able to
Last updated:
Jul 16 2012, 12:24 AM EDT by
Do any of you ever get the feeling that life pointless?
Aug 24 2011, 3:35 PM EDT by
pathetic this is not what i wanted
Jan 22 2011, 2:49 AM EST by Anonymous