I am a monster expert so why do the mermaids lure sailors to destruction i thought that was the sirens job and the mermaids are good and siren are bad.
Dec 19 2012, 6:12 PM EST by Anonymous
Yeah yeah we all get it they forgot a lot of things but if your angry about it then just edit this page. It doesn't take a lot to join this site
Apr 6 2012, 12:16 AM EDT by Anonymous
you forgot another
wtf where is megaladon
Aug 18 2011, 10:35 AM EDT by Anonymous
You forgot one...
You forgot the Hippocamp... http://th08.deviantart.net/fs23/PRE/f/2008/016/a/2/Hippocampus_by_Nuka4ever.jpg
Jul 26 2011, 1:59 PM EDT by Anonymous
Not at all
No we would never eat old Mr.Kraken. He gets senile at times but when he's not he's just like a baby again. We have to keep him fed or else he'll re-surface and wreck havoc on your world.
Jul 20 2011, 12:43 PM EDT by Anonymous
umm okay
Ummmmm miss mermaid lady what about tha Kraken did yall eat him???
mmmm I wonder what fryed Kraken taste like ..........
Jul 20 2011, 12:40 PM EDT by Anonymous
Of course I'm real you idiots
I AM a mermaid and I swim along side the Loch Ness creature who is actually just a baby (very sweet child). He likes to play with my pet Sea Serpent. (He gets angry when people intrude on his territory) We're all just one big family :)
Jul 20 2011, 12:36 PM EDT by Anonymous
Mythical Sea Creatures
Deep sea creatures of the unknown. Kraken - huge sea monster that's part octopus and part crab. Also known as the Giant Squid. Loch Ness Monster -a plesiosaur-like creature believed to inhabit the deep-waters
Last updated:
Jun 7 2013, 1:13 PM EDT by