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Mar 29 2010, 8:42 AM EDT
how can a vampire die can it die by old age or does it have a time limit if niether HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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living dead
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1. RE: vampires
Jun 19 2010, 10:59 AM EDT
You need to take it out in sunlight and then cut it head off.Or you can simply impale it with a strong, sharp and easy-cutting-trough-skin - like wooden stick. Thats how! Hope it helps! Good luck! And no, Vampires doesn't ages and they is immortal... almost. 2 out of 5 found this valuable. Do you? |
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2. RE: vampires
Jun 21 2010, 6:21 AM EDT
"how can a vampire die can it die by old age or does it have a time limit if niether HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"sun light and garlic can kill a vampire so can stabbing it with a stake 2 out of 5 found this valuable. Do you? |
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![]() mythicalmaya |
4. RE: vampires
Feb 5 2011, 3:13 PM EST
yes dat sounds about right but u still struggle u take d vampire out in sun but they dnt shrivel up n die dey just loose all deir powers dey r like normal humans acctually a bit more burnerable. But yes cutting offf their heads does d trick
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![]() mythicalmaya |
5. RE: vampires
Feb 5 2011, 3:17 PM EST
no... no.. no... just have to say staving it wont do anything but make him super pissed d sunlight can only weaken deir powers also garlic cant kill them people garlic only keeps dem away but not too far to keep them away far you need pumking
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6. RE: vampires
Oct 17 2011, 6:27 PM EDT
"sun light and garlic can kill a vampire so can stabbing it with a stakeya only you half to place the garlic in its mouth not a easy task by hand .and sun light just burns, alot but not a nuff to kill 2 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
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7. RE: vampires
Oct 17 2011, 6:30 PM EDT
"ya only you half to place the garlic in its mouth not a easy task by hand .and sun light just burns, alot but not a nuff to kill"p.s. mythicalmya is right people 2 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
SaphireJoashia |
8. RE: vampires
Mar 23 2012, 7:16 PM EDT
This explains all about vampires:
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9. RE: vampires
May 19 2012, 9:38 AM EDT
oh! and you can drown a vampire
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![]() Blackwolf7337 |
10. RE: vampires
Nov 17 2012, 6:00 AM EST
| Post edited: Nov 17 2012, 6:08 AM EST
None of those are correct. I know, because all of those methods have been tried on me, and they just tend to make me angry. Angry vampires are not easily dealt with.Doesn't Work On Us- Garlic Bullets Silver Holy Water Rosary Crosses Stakes Running Water Drowning Sunlight Does Work On Us- Destroying The Entire Body. And just so you know... Trying garlic will get her to laugh at you. Bullets would slow her down a bit, if you shoot her in the right places. Silver is actually good for us. We're not unholy, therefor holy water, rosary, crosses, ect. wouldn't work. It would just make her angry. I get angry when people try and kill me with holy water, because I'm not an unholy creature. Staking her gives her the vantage point. You get close, drive the stake into her chest, she would most likely pretend like she was dying, then smile and laugh. Essentially, she'd take the stake right out, and stab you with it. That running water thing just plain doesn't work. We actually love living around rivers and streams. We can't drown, because you wouldn't even get our heads under the water. We're very powerful swimmers, with an amazing lung capacity. The sunlight is essential for all life on earth. It gives vampires headaches, makes their eyes hurt a bit, or gives them a sunburn at the most. It makes my eyes uncomfortable for a minute or two, upon going outside. To kill one of us, you must destroy the entire body of the vampire. Setting her on fire would just make her angry, but it wouldn't destroy her. You have to literally destroy her. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Ashkinuna |
11. RE: vampires
Nov 17 2012, 7:51 AM EST
Since you are divulging what methods work or don't, I shall ask a few questions.Does it have to be the "entire body" or *just* a decapitation? Do poisons work. Like poisoning a vampire's food, or maybe shooting it with some poison darts or arrows? I know that there are many types of poisons, so I doubt a vampire would be immune to all of them. Though I am guessing if it isn't a fast acting poison, you end up with an angry vampire... Hmm, a somewhat devastating idea would be putting highly corrosive acid in paintballs and... (not sure if these is a feasible thing, but if it works...) Of coarse if a grenade basically explodes while colliding with a vampire, the vampire's body is destroyed, same with any high powered explosive. But getting accurate grenade tosses towards a fast moving target probably is hard, and military grade weapons to launch explosives probably have prohibitive costs. So, the best bet to getting a vampire with explosives would be luring them into a trap. Which means you have to have the whole thing planned out and nothing CAN go wrong. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Blackwolf7337 |
12. RE: vampires
Nov 17 2012, 8:30 AM EST
"Does it have to be the "entire body" or *just* a decapitation?Nothing SHOULD go wrong. But, in my experience, things usually do. The entire body must be destroyed. If you decapitate a vampire, it's mostly dead. Mostly. There are ways, albeit horrible ways, to bring her back after her head is off. It's all horrifying, so I won't go into detail. Some poisons sort of kill a vampire, but not really. Also they're not available to humans anyway, so... Either way, what I mean by 'sort of' is that the vampire is, for all intent and purposes, dead. But she isn't. This class of poison is called 'Sleeping Beauty' poisons, but it's not a kiss that wakes the vampire, mind you. It's a complex thing, and sometime it doesn't work, leaving the poor dear in that state for years sometimes. (In case you were wondering, the story of Sleeping Beauty was written by a human, about a vampire.) Corrosives would result in a pretty angry vampire. Also trauma. Lots of trauma. Watching a vampire heal is- just, ugh... Explosives would work, if they destroyed the whole creature. Which is actually much harder than you think... Do you find this valuable? |
Ashkinuna |
13. RE: vampires
Nov 17 2012, 10:01 AM EST
Yeah, I guess seeing skin dissolving on a human and regrowing would be traumatic.Well, I would guess you would either need a directed explosion, one designed for maximum destruction, or an explosion at the center of their body. I guess the best bet of human poisons working on a vampire would be the venom of blue ringed octopi. At least on humans it will give full body paralysis in a few minutes, and the only hope of survival is for a human to have machines doing the breathing and pumping of blood for the, til the venom passes through their system. So, if its neurotoxin works on vampires, even if the vampire can some how end up reviving themselves, it should act fast enough to give a hunter enough of an edge to kill it a different way. I am guessing the reviving after the head was cut off would be mostly some sort of surgery re-attaching the head to the body. And unlike humans the vampires would some how be able to heal up from there. If vampires truly can comeback from as much as you claim, it is no wonder why people would have claimed they were undead. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Blackwolf7337 |
14. RE: vampires
Nov 17 2012, 11:14 AM EST
"Yeah, I guess seeing skin dissolving on a human and regrowing would be traumatic.Yeah. But truly coming back is impossible. Dead is dead... Either way, our nervous system is slightly altered. That's why we can endure so much pain. Neurotoxins work to a point for us. That's what the Sleeping Beauty poisons are, neurotoxins. There are other poisons that are neurotoxins, but we don't like to talk about the Black poisons. One of the only ways to kill us. Do you find this valuable? |
Emsterkit66 |
15. RE: vampires
May 6 2014, 12:08 AM EDT
"None of those are correct. I know, because all of those methods have been tried on me, and they just tend to make me angry. Angry vampires are not easily dealt with.Totally, utterly , agreed. I would totally pull the stake out and shove into the other guy's heart! (That sounded better in my head) Do you find this valuable? |
![]() mech1031 |
16. RE: vampires
May 6 2014, 8:35 PM EDT
"how can a vampire die can it die by old age or does it have a time limit if niether HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"cut the head off and you will be good Do you find this valuable? |