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![]() WolfGirl18 |
20. RE: werewolf
Mar 11 2014, 10:08 PM EDT
"I've turned my friend so you're wrong.... And look we hide for many reasons but humans need to relax with their death to anything unknown stuff and finally their isn't really a scientific explanation it's just, we're here."that means they had a dormant gene, so they were a werewolf from the start they just didn't know it Do you find this valuable? |
alphalumus |
21. Listen
Friday, 12:15 PM EDT
i am a lycan/druin wolf. all i have to say is there is a bigger picture then all of us at stake here. there is a war to come between all supernatural kind and hunters. it will be a bloody one. i dont know exactly when but sometime in the next ten years. so prepare now. and any rivarlys with other supernaturals, cut it. because if we want to win, we ALL have to work together. i need help spreadin the word. so help me.
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![]() Lesionia |
22. RE: Listen
Friday, 12:22 PM EDT
| Post edited: Friday, 12:23 PM EDT
........................*shakes head* Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Aerce7 |
23. RE: Listen
Friday, 1:46 PM EDT
| Post edited: Friday, 4:59 PM EDT
Well now, there's something that sounds somewhat familiar. You know, i never really liked the term 'supernatural' i mean it sounds cool and all, but it isn't completely accurate considering the 'laws of nature' aren't limited to our 'current understanding' of the laws of nature, so how can we classify anything as going beyond the laws of nature when we ourselves have yet to understand their extent? For all we know transformation among various races and beings in accordance to their bodily structures is perfectly normal and we are simply ignorant. x] Alpha i don't know if what you're saying is true but i very much doubt a supernatural vs hunters war will break out would be completely stupid for both sides and risk public attention which has been shielded for so long lol.
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lakesake1 |
24. RE: werewolf
Friday, 2:17 PM EDT
| Post edited: Friday, 2:22 PM EDT
I wasn't sure what I was before, but now I know I'm a werewolf.I met this strange guy, he told me the wind showed him to me. He calls himself one of the 6 wise spirits, or something. He didn't have much time because the dark power was hunting him and the other wise spirits. But the nature wants me to know about my self so he couldn't leave before I knew more. So I asked and he answered. First of all, you can either get born as a werewolf or get changed, I'm a number 2. If you get changed the shape shifting will hurt the first 2-3 years. If you get born as one you can learn yourself things you can use on others mind: read what they think, make them do things and so. But it's very rare to learn them We all get changed for a reason. We are all in the same big chess game, that's how he said it. Not all werewolfs are good, and not all hunters are bad. The nature always make a good and a bad side to keep the balance. If we ever kill one from our pack or betrayed them we will most likely die in the next to days Werewolves can't tolerate silver, wolfsbane and wood. If any of those touch the heart we will die. We also die if ours heart and brain looses connection. Cut the head of, rip our heart out or just cut us in to pieces between the heart and the brain. We will recover if our hand, leg etc. get cut of or something. If we don't find a pack and stay solo hunters have a good chance on us, but I'm lucky that there are only 1500 paranormal creations in my country. And that was what I Could catch up, before he leaved Do you find this valuable? |
Tolonkolo |
25. RE: werewolf
Saturday, 10:27 AM EDT
"I wasn't sure what I was before, but now I know I'm a werewolf.True and accurate on many accounts. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Aerce7 |
26. RE: werewolf
Saturday, 1:37 PM EDT
That could explain the whole waking up covered in blood outside bit. Someone i've conversed with in the past on another site had also experienced waking up with blood on them but she found out she had unknowingly killed during her first shift, hoping it was just an animal.
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Joshua.D.Elswick |
27. RE: Listen
Saturday, 4:04 PM EDT
"...........................I've been here for like ... um seven years, if you don't count me leaving for like six months? but these are so common it isn't funny, please ignore, if they were really like this, they would ask for help with their problems being one, not state they are one Do you find this valuable? |
Tolonkolo |
28. RE: Listen
Yesterday, 5:33 PM EDT
"...I've been here for like ... um seven years, if you don't count me leaving for like six months? but these are so common it isn't funny, please ignore, if they were really like this, they would ask for help with their problems being one, not state they are one"The opinions of one individual concerning what they think they should or should not do. including what they think they may or may not do. varys. There are over a billion people on the planet brough and raised up in a multitude of different environments religious systems etc etc etc. The logical reaction that is determined varies. the ideology of right and wrong varies. Its a good thing its not the same with every person. otherwise there'd be no change no improvements no discoveries and it would be totally boring. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |