This is Incorrect
Dec 1 2010, 12:39 PM EST
| Post edited: Dec 1 2010, 12:39 PM EST
This is an anciant greek myth .The legend is told when a young fisherman named Glaucus saw an enchanted herb in the water that he has never seen in that particular way before , trusted his instinct and ate it . He than began to change drastically , his hair color turned green like seaweed and his legs turned into scales . Everyone around him was unformilliar of that particular form and the gods have agreed to make him god of the sea. Glaucus fell in love with a beautiful sea nymph her name was scylla daughter of phorcys ( but most people say she was the daughter of posiedan) , Glaucus who was madly in love with her tried to get her attention but scylla was not interested and fled to land to get away from him. Glaucus determined to have her whent to circe's island ,he told circe (the powerful sorceress) of his love for scylla and asked her for a love potion that would make scylla melt her heart all over him circe who was in love with him herself tried to get him to change his mind about Scylla and tried to be submissive towards the sea god but Glaucus would not change his mind of Scylla. Cice grew into a jealous rage towards Scylla made a powerfull poison, whent to the whirlpool where Scylla bathe and poured it into the water , unsuspected Scylla emerged into the whirlpool to take a bath and she transformed into a hideous monster with twelve feet and six heads each with three rows of teeth , each head resembling a dog , and a serphant tale the upper part of her body stayed a nymph. Scylla stood in utter misery and takes her pain out on sailors who passes by the cliff near strait of messina were Charybdis a sea monster also lived sailors who passed there on two sides of the strait are within an arrow's range of each other, so close that sailors attempting to avoid Charybdis will pass too close to Scylla and vice versa.
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