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Artemis2704 |
Hellhound dreams
Apr 6 2011, 5:10 PM EDT
I have weird dreams where I'm sat on a rock in somewhere that seems familiar but isn't. It always looks the same, like I imagine the Fields of Asphodel look like. But anyway, in the dream, I'm sat on this rock - always the same rock - when this Hellhound approaches me and starts a telepathic conversation with me. It always tells me the same thing: there's grave danger ahead. When I wake up, I see floating, glowing eyes and a vanishing body of black fur. So I don't think they're just dreams.It doesn't freak me out, but it worries me as I believe in Greek 'mythology' and I have prophecies. I had a recent one about something, something bad. I keep seeing the Hellhound around when I'm awake. It's not trying to hurt me, just warn me. Her name is Pax, meaning peaceful. I don't even know how I know that. I think she told me 11 out of 16 found this valuable. Do you? |
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1. RE: Hellhound dreams
Apr 7 2011, 5:30 AM EDT
i wonder what will happen when we saw the hellhound in our dream three times~will we die?or something bad happen? 2 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
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2. RE: Hellhound dreams
Apr 7 2011, 9:09 PM EDT
there are a lot of things that are hard to understand, i guess listen to it and be careful...its trying to help.
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3. RE: Hellhound dreams
Apr 17 2011, 2:11 AM EDT
"i wonder what will happen when we saw the hellhound in our dream three times~my husband been haveing hell hound dreams since childhood... and is still here. Hes also and ex addict and just before a relaps he would have these hell hound dreams that always chased him down. 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
Artemis2704 |
4. RE: Hellhound dreams
Apr 28 2011, 3:19 PM EDT
I've seen it more than three times both in dreams and real life. I'm still here. I had a panic attack at a sleepover coz i saw her
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bloodwolf2000 |
5. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 23 2011, 4:58 AM EDT
in my dream i was camping up in the mountains where i usually go, by a creek so i can fish and hop in when it gets hot, yet in the dream it had a twisted eiree feeling of being watched and hearing what sounded like a howling dog, i caught glipses of yellow and red eyes watching me and waiting, i just watched kinda paralysed then at once they both steped forward baring thier teeth bowed thier heads then darted through the bushes not making a sound when i woke up i was drenched in sweat. the next dream i had of the same two i was being chased through a forest at night b them hearing them snarling but i didnt dare look back. about two weeks later me and a few friends were suposed to go camping but they ended up not going and by time i got up there it was dark and so i went to my usual spot after i got everything set up i turned off the headlights in my truck and started walking to the fire i heard the same growls and snarles from my dream immediatley i grabbed the axe and i glanced over i saw the same yelow and red pairs of eyes moving back and forth then vanishing. i till go to the same spot since i had that dream a couple years ago but ive never been chased. im just curious what it means
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6. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 23 2011, 4:13 PM EDT
You say you believe greek mythology, then search there. Seek out Phantasos, if it's the hell hound that's warning you, then consider things like, he stops the living and the dead from colliding (usually, I mean unless your Orpheus, Hercules, Psyche etc etc) he's a guard. If Pax means peaceful, maybe it's a warning about conflict, maybe it isn't your conflict, but a friends or something? Could even be a warning against oposites, because he seperates the living from the dead, which are oposites. What's the hell hound linked to, that's what you should think. Hope this helped x
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![]() melanjo |
7. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 23 2011, 5:34 PM EDT
"my husband been haveing hell hound dreams since childhood... and is still here. Hes also and ex addict and just before a relaps he would have these hell hound dreams that always chased him down."my ex husband that was an addict would have similar dreams with hounds that chased him too. This would happen after being clean for a while and was near a relaps. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() melanjo |
8. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 23 2011, 5:40 PM EDT
| Post edited: May 23 2011, 5:50 PM EDT
She might, might be your guardian, or as its called a" Totem animal". I suggest you read more on this. By the way, you have a beautiful Gift. I also suggest you keep a diary on all your experiences with this creature.
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bloodwolf2000 |
9. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 25 2011, 7:12 PM EDT
"my ex husband that was an addict would have similar dreams with hounds that chased him too. This would happen after being clean for a while and was near a relaps."im not an addict or anything like that, i only smoke ciggarets and drink everynow and then Do you find this valuable? |
![]() melanjo |
10. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 25 2011, 7:18 PM EDT
Im talking bout one person only... this is not in no way every person. These dogs were his own demons (short comings!)
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bloodwolf2000 |
11. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 26 2011, 3:44 AM EDT
sorry i was going on 36 hours of no sleep when i replied. im thinking it could be a warning about my deployment comming up in march
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![]() melanjo |
12. RE: Hellhound dreams
May 26 2011, 10:03 AM EDT
| Post edited: May 26 2011, 10:12 AM EDT
Sometimes, These "Hell hounds" dreams are our own fears or love hate depictions of ourselves. lets call it our own demons, for a better understanding. While other hell hound dreams are simply messages. That and you ate pork before turning in for the night :D But seriously, is our fears.
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bloodwolf2000 |
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14. RE: Hellhound dreams
Jun 1 2011, 2:33 PM EDT
"You say you believe greek mythology, then search there. Seek out Phantasos, if it's the hell hound that's warning you, then consider things like, he stops the living and the dead from colliding (usually, I mean unless your Orpheus, Hercules, Psyche etc etc) he's a guard. If Pax means peaceful, maybe it's a warning about conflict, maybe it isn't your conflict, but a friends or something? Could even be a warning against oposites, because he seperates the living from the dead, which are oposites. What's the hell hound linked to, that's what you should think. Hope this helped x"i belive you!!!! 1 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
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15. RE: Hellhound dreams
Jun 13 2011, 3:43 PM EDT
you all sound like a nice trip to a psychiatrist would be extremely beneficialDo you find this valuable? |
Logic_Chair |
16. RE: Hellhound dreams
Jun 14 2011, 4:05 AM EDT
If you lost your time to come to a site that's all about things you don't agree with just so you can type a short insult and leave, i think you should keep me company while we wait in front of the psychiatrist's office.
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![]() melanjo |
17. RE: Hellhound dreams
Jun 14 2011, 10:40 AM EDT
| Post edited: Jun 14 2011, 11:03 AM EDT
"you all sound like a nice trip to a psychiatrist would be extremely beneficial"And Slowly She turns, Step by step, inch by inch." And knock you the **** out! Many that come here have a real experiences that are shut out from "over logical" people! And that find somekind of solice speaking about it here. Granted many are kids just looking for attention, but many are lidgit. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
PhyllisStevens |
18. RE: Hellhound dreams
Nov 7 2011, 8:11 AM EST
i love greek mythology so i love these subjects.according to mythology there is a 3 headed dog guareding the gate of hades.i dont know if this qualifies as a hellhound,i will be doing some research today
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19. RE: Hellhound dreams
Wednesday, 11:21 PM EST
well just to be clear, i think this'll be a hell of a book jajaj. Now seriously, I cant say im jealous about that but let me tell you, a dream like that cannot be ignored. maybe is good or maybe is bad, but if you are wise enough you'll know, nothing good can come out of ignoring this.I dont know if theres good in this world, but let me tell you something: theres evil around here, i know you and i know. .... lol good luck with that, im looking forward to listening what happened to you, hope it isnt in the new Do you find this valuable? |