I (vampirejediknight) am back. First, so you know what happens, read The Epic Story to learn of what happens on the first page. Just click on the link to go to the first page. To read the second page, click on this link: The Epic Story Page Two. Also read Page ThreeNow, so that we may continue the adventure, you may put your username and/or the name you want to be called in the Epic Story. Be imaginative, and you could be anything! A vampire, werewolf, gargoyle, sorcerer, kelpie, mermaid, golem, anything! Just put your character name under Names and describe your character. You could only have one!
Note: This is the fourth page of The Epic Story, so if you are new to the tale, you may want to go back and read page one: The Epic Story, and then The Epic Story Page Two, and then page three.Note 2: Remember to put a website username and a character nameWriters/Characters:Vampirejediknight= Adair, human Shape-ShifterUnaekgnoah=King Unaek, The King of the Fairies (Yes, there are male fairies, you know, even though they have "flower powers," they are still man, who else attracts the fine lady fairies) killerbeast222=king of the elves, ally to all good dragons. mythsoftime= karadon, the pheonix rider, his companion is mistral. He leaves the group momentarily for weeks seeking strength in himself. He is the elite northern pheonix rider. He is a year older now. He bears a sign on his clothes and seems to have grown more. He seeks his friends, who have also parted with the group.KingLaceration=Newly crowned King of HeavenTheDragonLover = Ashaedia, a swordswoman who had disappeared months ago. She has the ability to summon two black wings due some mysterious events that turned her hair silver and very long, her eyes to become sea green and her pupils be slits, like a snake or cat's pupils. She wields a katana, and in sometime in the past she was Dragon Lord, but her Elvenhood was stripped away by some mysterious way... She is a good guy.Irishdwarf45= Brandand, an old dwarf who once worked in the south-western jade mines. I'm a good guy.Elvishwarrior22=Tharandil, (thar-an-deal, a like a in father), a High Elven Elite
wolfkid12=deathbringer= a wraith who plans to kill king drunadFalldew=Lady Saharah, Summoner and High Mistress of the Quetzalcoatl. An Elven Sorceress and Priestest. She is neutral. Username:kingofmyth Character: Balthazar- serpent lord of the north. Has pale skin and blazing green eyes with snakelike pupils. Is sort of good but doesn't like Adair and goes against him in rivalry. (cause is naturally leader)screaminLOVE= Lyoit, a powerful, human sized fairy with the powers of one of the most powerful witches (girl of course). Evil. AngryCactus=Gobiro- Human warrior that became Soul bound to giant Scorpion. Changes between Human, Giant Scorpion, and combination of the two. (Tall human with scorpion claw for left hand and scorpion tail + stinger.)
priencekenny= tomiki hittori wood elf king youngest of the 3 elf king younger brother of king malekin and the phenix king
TheDragonLover = Ashryuu Faein, an abnormal human who is mentally impaired (but incredibly intelligent) with the craving of meat and blood and deemed with an insane conscious. He seems rather innocent for an eighteen-year-old young man, but people (mostly humans) despise him for practicing his cannibalistic obsessions and for his dark, ruinous powers. He is very comfortable when alone and very quiet, only at times speaking to the black and ominous ravens that circle about him and adore him as a sort of caretaker. Ashryuu works beside the Witch King, the Dark Elf King Malekith, and is considered the Dark God, or the Raven God. The truth is that he doesn't truly work with Malekith, but instead he uses him for food. Thus saying that Ashryuu is on no one's side. He is Ashaedia's brother, but when they were children, he was taken by a tall, dark being when he and Ashaedia were playing in the woods...
vampirejediknight- Gregori: a male witch who summons demons and other creatures of evil. He works with Dracul sometimes, but he is not on any side, and does not consider himself an ally of anyone. He works with people who can benefit him later somehow.
Balthazar shouldered his pack, jumped off his tundra troll, and told his fiance Alana to stay put. His left hand on the handle of his broadsword as he walked, remembering how he and Adair had helped King Mort to rise, then betrayed him after they saw his evil doings. Balthazar remembered when they parted ways. Adair had given him a dragonhide cloak, which was in his pack even now, and he had given Adair a sword forged with gryphon's blood. Balthazar felt the serpent fang dagger poke him, and he cursed in the strange, beastly tongue of the ice basilisk. He remembered Karadon, another friend from the past. He remembered many things. He remembered that he was here to tell them of Dracul. He entered the camp. Adair step[ed forward, the old sword still at his hip.
Lady Saharah looked at the sky which was turning purple in the fadding light. She wore a thin linen robe, a gold ribbon tying her red hair back. "Dark times are approching" a deep voice spoke behind her. She turned to see a brown serpent with multi clored wings and amber eyes staring at her. She bowed deeply "Master Quetzalcoalt" she greeted. The Quetzacoalt nodded "Saharah, its time you, my young priestest, should help. We cannot stay out of this war forever" he rummbled. Lady Saharah scowled "I understand that but how shall I help?" she asked. Quetzacoalt looked at her "You are one of the most powerful Sorceresses and Priestest in the world, both sides should know of you and come seek advise and the futur from you. Choose wisly on the words you give out, we may be nutral but we shall not give another team an upper hand". Lady Saharah bowed "I shall wait for them to seek me, safe travles master" The Quetzacoalt dissapered and Lady Saharah waited and the sun sank into the shadows.
Gobiro strode out of his cave home tentatively in human form. After his century long sleep in the deepest recesses of the Jade mines, he looked upon his home with a fury. Rolling pastures turned barren and lifeless. In a blind rage, Gobiro shape shifted to the giant scorpion. His sense of smell heightened astronomically and he smelt the sickness of his land, but in particular, the direction of the most concentrated source of this sickness. Equalling the size some of the biggest dragons when in giant scorpion form, Gobiro started on his journey to rid his land of the sickness that bore the stench of death altered by black magic, the stench of vampires.
This is how Gobiro came to be. As a monster hunter in the human realm, Gobiro heard of Alastinus and sought entry. He got lucky when he tracked down an evil wizard who took shelter in the human realm after being frightened by the Bray Road Beast. In return for a Chimera-feather cloak, Gobiro bought himself a one way ticket to Alastinus. Upon arrival, he sought the giant scorpion in the jade mountains and did battle with it. It fought like nothing in the human world, and soon both were on the brink of death. The scorpion contacted Gobiro telepathically and they made a pact. Using their combined life force, the man and beast became soul-bound and Gobiro gained the choice of three transformations. Each deadly in it's own respect.
The return of Balthazar had brought back some old memories. Bad ones. Adair had never truly been evil, of course, but Balthazar didn't know that. The serpent man was evil, at least before. But there were more important things on Adair's mind, like how to fight the infamous and legendary Dracul. Gobiro would know. He was a great warrior, and an ever greater vampire slayer. Adair faced his little group and gave orders."Balthazar has brought several pieces of disturbing news. The most important being that King Mort is dead, and Dracul has taken his place." Gasps came from all around. Brandand swore profuselyLady Saharah changed into a deep red robe and saddled up her white horse. She lept apon it and flicked its reighns, sending the horse, speeding across the the dark green meadow that sheltered the tall tower of the Quetzalcoalt. She had just recived news that the Great Kin Mort had died a few days ago and that Dracul had taken his place. She sensed dark forces at work and now was seeking of how she could help, and with heloing both sides equally. Sometimes being a priestess reall sucked!
There was a soft whoosh of wings. The soft padding of someone walking on the dirt.
So many months ago, Ashaedia Lunaria Faein had disappeared. Her dragon fell ill and died, and after her loyal dragon, Ashnard, past away, Ashaedia had went missing. Marth had also. Some think he returned to his land and stayed there. Others think that he thought it was too dangerous to stick around with the band of heroes that Ashaedia and her friends created. But as Ashaedia walked softly on the dirt, she had completely changed. Her hair was long and silver with some silver spiky strands pulled back, her eyes changed drastically. Her eyes were sea green, but her pupils were slits, like a cat or snake. She wore a long dark blue coat with a hood, long black pants, long black boots, black gloves, and silver shoulder armor. Black feathers rained from the back of her coat as she walked towards the place where Brandand, Adair, and the others were."I fear my absence has been too long..." Ashaedia whispered to herself. She put a hand on her heart, but then she remembered someone she had met on her travels away from Karadon, Adair, Brandand, and the others. He was just like her kind; long silver hair, same peculiar eyes, and he wore a long black coat with it open and buttoned at the midsection. He wore black pants and long black boots with black gloves, and black cross belts came across his chest. The man wielded the same katana as her, so they decided to have a small brawl.
That was impressive. Come at me more. The man, whose name was Saiku, had said to her during the middle of their little scrimmage.
Thank you. You're really good as well. Ashaedia had replied as she ran forward and struck his katana with hers. He struck her one final time with his katana and he managed to hit her katana out of her hand. Ashaedia fell on the dirt and looked up at him.
You're a strong one. May we meet again sometime. The man had said, and he wrapped his wings around himself as he dissipated into black feathers, floating on the wind.
Or did he really have two wings? Ashaedia thought she saw only one...
Ever since that encounter, she's always felt that he was watching her from somewhere...
Lady Saharah reached a desert land by midday. "Whoa" She said, pulling on her horses reighns. The Horse whinnied and halted, looking confused. Lady Saharah scaned the desert, narrowing her eyes. She never liked deert lands, Elves magic were alot better in the woods. "Great, were in the wastlands!" She huffed, swinging of her horse. "I guess I should continue through here on foot, wouldnt want to wate your energy." Lady Saharah muttered, grabbing her horses reighns in her hand and walked through the dry cracked ground.Karadon traveled far away from the group, finding out mort was just a figure head. Mistral, under him, flew just yards from the ground, preparing to land. Karadon, after landing, set up camp. He slumped, and suddenly sat cross legged on the floor. Mistral flexibly cirled himself through the tent and sat next to him. Since Asheida had left, he hadn't been himself. He had held her as a dear friend. then she left, he didn't know how to react. He soon sought power in himself, knowing full well he would need more to put halt to dracul's rien. Karadon had soon found new strength in himself which he never new he had. Mistral had found power in himself as well. He soon, after thinking of dracul, started to remember the group. he remembered everyone, even from far in the past. He layed down now, lost, not knowing where to go.
Ashaedia sighed softly, her breaths scarcely heard. But her silvery head snapped up in surprise and what seemed to be excitement when she heard a familiar cry. Mistral's shriek! Ashaedia smiled thoughtfully, remembering the phoenix and its master, Karadon. Her smile quivered slightly as she remembered his kind demeanor and thoughtfulness. Taking in a small breath, she followed Mistral's quick cry and he heart beat quickened.
"Karadon... I'm sorry for leaving you..." Ashaedia whispered, her voice quieted by softness. Her eyes half-closed and she folded her arms over her chest, and walked quickly towards Mistral's sounds. She soon came upon a tent, which she sensed Karadon's warm aura emitting from it and the feathery shadow of Mistral. She searched for Karadon's silhouette, but she already knew he was inside the tent. From inside the tent, you could see Ashaedia's figure approaching, her shadow steadily appearing.
Karadon sat up. Lying down he could see the shadow of some one walking near the tent. Mistral had screeched in an unfimiliar tone. The silouette of the figure came closer and he decided to stay put. "Karadon?" was the sound that came from the figure standing just outside his tent. Karadon steadily walked out to see a young women with silver hair and snake eyes standing only yards away from him. She had somewhat of a familiar look to her. She had a sly smile when he came out. Karadon looked ever closer studing her as he slowly walked to her. He looked to Mistral who screeched happily at the sight of her. He gazed puzzled at her. "She stould there. Karadon just couldn't bring himself to remember her voice. It was so familiar in a way he couldn't explain.Ashaedia gave a small surprised gasp as her eyes widened. She didn't know what to say except, "Hello, do you remember me?" Those words stuck in her mind for her to say out loud, but Karadon wouldn't recognize her. Ashaedia thought that she didn't recognize him either at first until she looked at his eyes."Um, Karadon?" Ashaedia said at last, breaking the awkward silence. "Karadon, it's me, Ashaedia. I know I don't like the Ashaedia that you knew, but I am her," Ashaedia looked away as a black feather floated past her face. "I...I'm not Elven. I'm something else." Ashaedia looked up at Karadon.
"My father is not Marthos. I'm not a Dark Elf. I'm something... more advanced than that." Ashaedia finalized. Another feather floated down from the sky, but it landed on Ashaedia's silver head.
Are you watching me now? Ashaedia thought, referring to the mysterious man she had met in her travels.
Karadon in his daze walked foward to her. He closed up to her. Ashaedia couldn't believe how much he changed. He looked older and his different cloathing made him look unfimiliar. Karadon looked to her eyes and saw her and smiled. He put his hands on her shoulder and looked at her again. "Ashaedia, oh my..." he trailed off. It started off as a whisper. " Oh my god, Ashaedia, Ashaedia! Oh my god! You look so different. You got taller! WOW!" Karadon was frantic while speaking. Ashaedia smiled knowing that her best friend had finally managed to remember her. Karadon led her to the tent and they started to talk. At one point, Mistral poked his head in the tent and screeched happily. It was night now and they continued to talk. "Where's Marth?" he asked. "He left. I dont know where he went" She looked down. " What happened to you. You look different! You said you weren't an elf? You have wings?" Again, Karadon went frantic. Ashaedia laughed."No im not an elf... not anymore." Karadon puzzled "What do you mean?" "I dont know, it's sorta a mistery. So is this new look I've developed. And would you believe that I was a dragon lord? I mean, wow." Again she looked down. She smiled this time though and then laughed. Karadon laughed too and then suddenly came to a new concern. Ashaedia realized this and cocked her head in question."Why did you leave?"He asked. Ashaedia sat back in a tense way and looked to Karadon.
Ashaedia looked down quickly, bringing her gaze away from Karadon's.
"Karadon, something called out to me," Ashaedia said softly, and looked up at him, her eyes strict. "A lost memory had returned to me one night, and after Marth disappeared I went also. Not because he left, but because of that lost memory." Ashaedia sighed and put her hands in her lap and closed her hand into a fist. Looking down at it, she saw purple and black flames erupt from her fist swiftly, and they died away.
"This memory was very unclear and blurry. I couldn't see it at first, but every night it gradually becomes easier to see. It's... It's almost as if I've lived a dream when I was a Dark Elf. But now I'm awake, it seems... I have awakened to my old self..." Ashaedia explained. She couldn't really explain it thoroughly, but she turned from Karadon, her back facing him. "You haven't seen my wings yet, so I'll show them to you." Ashaedia carefully took her coat off and let it hang at her elbows, and before Karadon could ask, there was a small flash of black and her two black and feathery wings appeared. They outstretched to their fullest and accidentally hit Karadon across the face.
"Ow!" Karadon explained as he broke into a smile and then laughter. Ashaedia joined the laugh and pulled in her wings. "Haha, wow, you've grown a lot! I've never seen you with fire out of your hand, wings, you even got a katana! It seems that awakening has brought you to your real self. Heh, remember that one time, with the giant hydra," Karadon expanded his arms refering to the hight of the beast, "remember I told you that you would find your special power...powers? Here it is, here you are." Karadon gave a warm smile, "you know, we have to have a little brawl sometime." Ashaedia exclaimed. Karadon knodded." What about tommorow?" Ashaedia looked to him competitivley,"YOU'RE ON!!!" she exclaimed and they lay down in the tent by the fire.Ashaedia and Karadon were sword-fighting fiercly. Swift, expert strokes blocked by even wifter ones. Karadon was looking for an opening, but he was stuck on the defensive."Nice katana," Adair said cooly as he walked up to them. The two warriors stopped fighting and looked at him. They walked up and each shook his hand. "So, I trust you have heard of Dracul's rise." They knodded. "Wel, I've spoken to an old friend, Gobiro, and he has agreed that we should combine forces. We, as in Gobiro and I, alone. We're going to kill Dracul. The others are camped not far from here. Go to them. Also, Dracul has a witch working for him. I know her, too. From the old days. She's a faery, and I beleive she has King Unaek as her prisoner. "So, who is with you?" Ashaedia asked."Brandand and my old friend, Balthazar. It seems my past is coming back to me. So many I've known, both good and evil. Even one neutral, although she is not so old as the rest of us. I've been to speak with her, and with Tharandil. They are both giving men from their army. I'm placing it all under your command, Ashaedia. You are the leader now. You must find your path. I'm helping you. I wish I could tell you more." with that, Adair transformed into an eagle and flew away. Adair and Gobiro stood, both in human form, at a table covered in vampire-slaying instruments of all kinds. Gobiro held a crossbow."So," Adair said, "I think decapitation would be our best bet." He held up a thick bladed shortsword."The verdilac method?" Gobiro questioned. "I was think classical...uh, vanian, that's why we each get a crossbow.""Well, he's not a barbarism vampire, or a modern one. And he's no daybreak vampire. Could be a wolfsbane.""No, I just killed the last wolfsbane. There was one in the human world. They used vanian techniques and he wouldn't stay dead. He was a Firstborn. His name was Dracula.""Then the Firstborn are the sons of Dracul?" Adair asked. Gobiro shrugged. "Dracul could be...the theory. The only one of his kind, the first and the greatest. The Master Vampyr.""Lets bring the full arsenal, then."Adair had figured something out. Dracula means son of demon or son of dragon. Pendragon, as in King Arthur, means son of dragon. They are counterparts. Son of the grea dragon and son of the wicked dragon. Dracul means demon or dragon, Ashaedia was the newest dragon lord. What if she was the lady of the great dragon, the ancient symbol of good. What if Ashaedia was the only one with the power to kill Dracul? And what of Karadon? He had a great part to play as well. Ashaedia watched Adair walk away, remembering him. She looked up at the sky."Hey, Karadon? I think I have an idea of where Unaek might be." Ashaedia said, but before she could continue there was a breath in her ear. How you been? Came a familiar voice. Ashaedia gave a small gasp and whirled around to see an equally aged boy there with dark swept-back silver hair and colorless eyes that seemed to stare off into space. Almost... blindingly? He wore a blue short sleeved coat that was zipped up to his chest. Ashaedia almost didn't recognize him at first, but then as she recalled his voice, she remembered him very clearly. His voice was like he didn't know much English, his sentences unfinished. But she couldn't believe that he had changed too.
"...Marth?" Ashaedia said absently. The boy smiled and nodded, but shook his head again.
"My name not Marth anymore. I awake from dream..." Marth said.
"A dream? Wait..." Ashaedia started, then remembered. "Hey, I awakened from a dream too. I've awakened to my true self. Can you see me?" Ashaedia moved a finger in front of Marth's face, but his eyes did not follow it. He smiled sadly.
"Sephris died. I blind now forever. I not see your true form. But you see mine," Marth said sadly. "My name Nero now. Got it? That's true name."
"I see, well Nero it's good to see you again." Ashaedia said. Nero smiled, and turned to Karadon.
"Karadon, it good to see you. How you been? Missed you and Ashaedia." Nero said.
"I've been fine, and it's good to see you again too, Mar- I mean, Nero." Karadon greeted. Nero's pupil's dilated and he gave a small smile.
"Where Mistral? I missed phoenix. Mistral good to all." Nero said.
Adair and Gobiro burst into the secret chamber, only to find that they had come too late. Dracul had released the chained Creature, and now chaos was upon them all. "I shall summon for you," the creatures rasped, "the three...great beasts...of chaos. Medusa...*cough cough*...Fenrir...and *cough*...*wheeze* Apophsis." Adair actually gasped. Dracul lunged at him, Gobiro turned half scorpion and stabbed Dracul with his stinger, then Dracul grabbed him around the throat and started choking him. Adair fired a silver tipped arrow into Dracul's chest. Dracul didn't move. He gropped Gobiro, a lifeless heap, onto the stone floor, then he slowly turned to face Adair. "Live," he said. "Live and bear witness, old friend." "I am no friend of yours," Adair said calmly, swinging the shortsword at Dracul, who grabbed it. It shattered like glass. Adair drew his gryphon's blood sword, and Dracul drew his own stange, curved weapon of the ancient days. Their blades met in the air above them. A quick downward swing, and a clang as a side strike was blocked, but Dracul had lowered his sword to block it. Adair swung upward as quickly as possible, but Dracul blocked it and disarmed him. He transformed into a great, massive tiger. Dracul laughed and swung at him. Adair transformed back unwillingly, bleeding from where Dracul had managed to cut him. That was when Balthazar burst in, Brandand, Alana, and Tharandil behind him. Next came Tharandil's men. Not five minutes later, Ashaedia, Karadon, and Marth burst through the door. Adair stood, and Dracul blocked Alana's spear strike, but not Balthazar's sword, it struck him hard, but did not damage. Ashaedia's katana flew forth, but Dracul and his new friend disappeared, and the heroes, reunited at last (except for Unaek) were left there, feeling like fools, and staring down at the form of Gobiro. Adair got down to see if he was still alive, and he found that...
Ashaedia knelt down to Gobiro's body, Marth, or who's real name is Nero, kneeling next to her. He gripped her shoulder for support as Ashaedia placed two fingers on Gobiro's neck, and smiled."He's still with us," Ashaedia reported. "His pulse is slow, but he's breathing."
"We most fortunate," Nero said in his incomplete English, feeling for Gobiro's neck and feeling his pulse. "Gobiro alive. He live." He closed his blind eyes and placed a hand on Gobiro's shoulder, his hand glowing with a turquoise and green light. Ashaedia closed her eyes too and put a hand on Gobiro's shoulder, her hand glowing with the same turquoise and green light Nero's hand shined. All of Gobiro's wounds closed up and healed slowly, but efficiently. Soon, Gobiro's skin was clean of all injuries and bruises, and Ashaedia and Nero sat back on their heels."He sleeps. Let rest. He need it." Nero said. Ashaedia smiled at him as Gobiro's body began to heave with small but peaceful breaths. She stood up and faced Adair.
"Adair, this is Nero. He used to be Marth, but he had changed. Just like me," Ashaedia explained as Nero stood up. "He awoke from his 'dream' like I did, and this is his true form. His real name is Nero, not Marth. Call him Nero from now on." Nero gave a small smile, and he blindingly reached for Adair's hand to shake.
"I know you have already met me, but I am no longer Marth." Nero said.
Adair shook Nero's hand. "I think I may soon be able to understand this strang thing. But you two must find your own paths, without my help. Now, I must leave you all. Care for Gobiro, and accept him, he is the next member of our group. Also, it is my wish that Ashaedia take command. Balthazar, you must respect this decision. You all must," Adair told them. "Where are you going?" Karadon asked. "And when will you return?""I'm going to save Unaek, and I may not return to you alive. Nero, a word of advice." he pulled Nero aside. "Ashaedia is rising. She may be our last hope. I see the plan unfolding. She is the Queen, Balthazar is the Knight, the hero, you are the Bodygaurd, Ashaedia's protector. Do you unstand?""
Yes.""Though I have almost figured it out, I cannot tell you anything further right now, but take this." He handed his sword to Nero. "It is no blade of legend, but it has power, and it will be of great help to you." Nero gripped the dark hilt tightly. "Thank you, Adair," he said. "Do not thank me." Adair became a raven, and lifted himself into the sky, leaving the building.
Nero looked up at the sky, watching Adair's raven feathers falling.
"She is Queen..." Nero whispered to himself. "Balthazar Knight..." He gripped his new sword, the gift from Adair. "I am Bodyguard..." He closed his eyes, and sighed.What she Queen of? Nero thought. He opened his eyes and looked over at Ashaedia. Her wings were outstretched, though he noticed that they had grown silver slightly. "She is angel..." Nero whispered to himself again, watching her show her wings to her friends. Tears formed in his blind eyes, remembering when they were at that spring alone, almost kissed, but the fake Unaek interfered. He remembered wanting to kill him, but his feelings had changed, his spiteful spirit of faeries gone. He pitied them now, but he kept watching Ashaedia even though he could not see her. The white mist that separated him from her will hopefully lift one day, and he was dying to see her true form. But a powerful protectiveness washed over him as he sheathed the sword. If Balthazar was the Knight, the hero, would he win her heart? He was not blinded, he was not crippled by a white mist. Nero's calm eyes narrowed as he walk towards her, and stood by her side obediently.
"Nero, are you thirsty? Your skin is burning up," Ashaedia said, putting a hand on his cheek. She drew her hand back as she felt his tenseness. "Um, should I get you something?" Nero turned to stare at her.
"No, I get. Thank you." Nero said, and he went to grab a glass of water. Gobiro stirred awake, and he got to his feet. Nero felt along the table for his water container, and he found it. Ashaedia watched him with a worried stare.
"Are you sure? Please, let me help you." Ashaedia said, taking his bottle and opening it. Nero gave her long stare, then accepted the bottle.
"Thank you." Nero said, and took a sip of water, his blind eyes on hers. He still had that warmness for her, but what if Balthazar won her heart? Nero had met her first, and knew more about her. But he had not known that she was a Queen... But a Queen of what? Nero gave her a sad smile and stare.
"Ashaedia, you are-"
"Hello, I don't believe we've met," Gobiro said, shaking Ashaedia's hand. "My name is Gobiro. It's a pleasure to meet you." Ashaedia looked over at Nero and gave him a small smile.
You can tell me later. She mouthed at him. Nero nodded, feeling that she had said something to him, and stood by her side, his tenseness gone. Balthazar came over to greet her, and Nero's colorless eyes searched the white mist for him to stare at. Balthazar gave Nero a long quizzical stare, then he turned back to Ashaedia.
"You must be Ashaedia," Balthazar said, and gave a little bow of his head. "My name is Lord Balthazar. I've heard that you're our new leader."
Adair and Unaek ran through the corridors of Dracul's palace. They stopped and Adair told Unaek what he told Nero."And you, Unaek," he said finally, "You were right about the old stories. You are the Wizard, the Mentor, the Wise one. You will help guide them." He handed Unaek his journal. "This explains it all.""What are you, then?" Unaek asked."I thought that would be obvious. I'm the..." the tip of an arrow protruded from Adair's stomach, "...Sacrifice." He grasped Unaek's shoulders. "Run!" he groaned angrily. And so Unaek ran like a madman. "Adair, my old, foolish friend," a voice rasped. A ver thin figure strode forwward in a dark cloak and robes. He threw back his hood to reveal a scarred, ashen face. "Brand," Adair gasped. "You're dead." It was Adair's old commander, Malfili's human half brother."I was, until Lyoit altered my death through black magic and made a Damphiro, a half vampire. I am captain of the Night Guard, Dracul's elite. Join me."Adair nodded in pain. Brand touched his first two fingers to Adair's head, and Adair's veins turned dark gray. He writhed in agony. "Welcome to the Night Guard, old friend." He handed Adair the standard issue weapons of the Night Gaurd, a thin, dark recurve bow, a quiver of arrows, and a stragne, thin, curved sword that hand a point where it sort of raised so that it made a point in mid-blade and the rest of it was higher than the first half. "Find me tommorow night,and if anyone asks, your name is Victor."
Ashaedia and Nero sat together in one of the tents that they had set up. The friends had created a camp so they wouldn't sleep on the dirt for that night, and Ashaedia and Nero shared a tent with Karadon. Nero sat close to her, his sword an arm's length away so if something bad happened it was right there.
"Nero, can you imagine things by touch? Can you picture them in your mind?" Ashaedia asked. Nero nodded.
"I see things when I touch. When I imagine, I see. But white mist stay before me forever until someone fine solution." Nero said. Ashaedia nodded, and grabbed him by the wrists and guided his hands to her face.
"Can you try to imagine what I look like, in your eyes? Maybe it'll help you get a picture of what I look like." Ashaedia said, feeling his palms press against her cheeks.
"I try. Permission?" Nero asked.
"What? Of course you have permission." Ashaedia said, and closed her eyes. Nero blindingly but careful moved his hands around her face, feeling a nose, a mouth, her eyelids.
"Your face heart-shaped. Perfect mouth. Perfect nose. Eyes," Nero reported, his fingertips touching her eyelids. "...Gold?" Ashaedia's eyes fluttered open as Nero moved his fingers away.
"How did you know?" Ashaedia asked.
"I got right?" Nero asked.
"Yes! You got it right. My eyes are orange and yellow."
"But that not gold."
"It's close enough." Ashaedia said, and she closed her eyes. She felt Nero's fingers touch her scalp, his hand moving through her hair.
"Long silver hair," Nero said, and he touched the red flower in it. "Flower." Ashaedia nodded.
"Yes, that's right. I have a red flower in my hair." Ashaedia said. She felt his hands touch her neck and then her shoulders. He moved them down, but Ashaedia held them. Nero stopped, and he drew his hand back.
"I sorry..." Nero whispered, and hung his head. Ashaedia sighed and leaned forward. Nero gave a small gasp as he felt her hug him.
"Hey, you can't see what you're doing. You're blind, remember? I forgive you." Ashaedia said. Nero gave a small smile, and he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her.
"Heya! Is anybody here?" Shouted a familiar voice. Ashaedia looked over Nero's shoulder and out the flap of the tent.
"Unaek?" Ashaedia and Nero whispered together. Unaek entered their tent, and gave a small sigh.
Ashaedia gave a warm smile, and then a hug. Nero looked blindly at her with a comforting smile sensing her warm energy. Ashaedia sat back and looked to the tent entrance. A hand rose the entrance and Karadon leaned to walk in. He came in and looked at the figure sitting. "hello Karadon." Karadon looked in amazment. "He...hello Unaek." Karadon looked at Nero and Ashaedia who shrugged while smiling. He didn't know what to say.
Unaek looked up at Karadon, and shook his head.
"I need to speak to you, Karadon. It's important." Unaek said, and he led him outside.
"What is it?" Karadon asked. He was wondering if this was the real Unaek or not.
"First of all I want to tell you that I'm the real Unaek. Adair saved me. But I'm not sure if Adair made it out..." Unaek explained, and a few tears welled up in his eyes. He wiped them away and looked back up at Karadon. "Adair told me some interesting things, but one of them is unclear."
"What is it?" Karadon asked.
"He told me that Ashaedia is the Queen, Balthazar is the Knight, the hero, and Nero is the Bodyquard, Ashaedia's protector. He didn't tell me what Ashaedia was Queen of, though," Unaek explained, and he sighed. "But you can't tell Ashaedia. I feel that it's not the right time to let her know. Adair wouldn't have let her know because he didn't know what Ashaedia was Queen of." Unaek looked in the tent, seeing Ashaedia talking to Nero about something.
"Oh, but..." Karadon started, but shook his head. "Do I have a role in all of this?" Unaek nodded.
"Adair knows you have a role, but he's trying to figure out what it is." Unaek replied.
Logic_chair walks up to the group of web covered skeletons that seemed to be frozen in a talking position and throws one into a swirling black vortex.
spring is finally spring has come the cherry blossom have bloom it is time.''your highness your going to be late!!! you cant miss the ceremony" Tomici quickly got out of bed brush his teeth and ran towards the throne room. "ladies and gentleman i present our new king Tomici" the crowds goes wild it has been decades since they have a brand new king "um i like to thank all of you for chosen me king but i promise you i will show the wold that the wood elf is are not hiding in our brothers shadow yes we are not powerful mages like the high elf no we are not like the powerful assassin like the dark elf but there are no finer archer then the wood elf plus we have a special power that no other elf process talking to animals " "the other races forgot about the wood elf because we live to the far east lets change that the third brother has emerge from the darkness now let the other races cower with fear the elfs are back!!!!!! " " i am very sorry about this but i will not be here tomorrow the king of the dark elf have invited to come to celebrate the new crown i will be returning in about 6 week time i bid you farewell" hey marshel get the elephants ready it is going to a long trip we leave tomorrow morning. the next day latter Tomici was on a 60 foot elephant with a 40 feet long tusk marshel wake me up when we reach to the great elvish desert . as you wish sire. 10 days later wake up sire wake up wake up god dame it !!!! . ''what where who? oh marshel were here that was fast" um sire i wondering can we trust the dark elf ask the marshel. "of course we can their family! reminded Tomici suddenly the elephant stop Tomici stand up and go patt the elephant head "whats wrong big guy" asked Tomici he looked down he saw a girl with a red robe and a white horse laying down on the sand Tomici jump down the elephant he walked slowly toward the hoarse he got down in one knee to check if it was breathing " medic take care of the hoarse" Tomici then check the girle she was alive but weak Tomici then piked up the girl and put her in his room and lay her down on top of the bed he then realize her ear by the look of it she is a high elf and a mage too she look some what pretty when she sleep Tomici thought. Tomici then turn to the marshel ''lets keep going'' said tomici ''as you wish my lord'' then the elephant continue heading west.
"Y-Your Majesty..." Whispered a pale beige-haired boy, who wore a long coat and blackish-green pants with a long white scarf wrapped around his neck. Malekith looked over at him with his bright blue eyes, watching his prized Dark God."Yes, my dear boy, Ashryuu? Are you hungry? Or perhaps cold?" Malekith asked, snapping his fingers as the Witch King's handmaid came and brought him a cloak of dark feathers for his cannibal friend. The handmaid smiled and blushed as she looked at the handsome and pale face of Ivan Voronasky, but Ivan merely wore his frown as his light purple eyes looked down at the cloak that was his."C-Can I s-s-see to my ravens-s?" Ashryuu asked bluntly, his voice like that of a snake's hiss, and he put a finger to his temple. "I s-s-see..."
"See what, Raven God?" Malekith asked, leading Ivan to a balcony so that he can have a clearer connection with his birds.
"...An elephant... W-With s-s-someone of r-royal s-stature." Ashryuu reported, and his light purple eyes narrowed as he concentrated very hard...
A large black raven circled Tomici and his group silently, casting a large eerie shadow over them as it circled one more time and headed towards West, the direction of Malekith's kingdom....
"Did you see them?"
"Mhm." Replied Ashryuu, and he opened his eyes. "Th-they are elves. I th-think Wood E-Elves." Suddenly, his frown turned into a smile... A very terrifying smile that showed Ivan's carnivorous self. "Th-they are coming th-this way."
"Wood Elves?" Malekith said, and he burst out laughing. "What? How ridiculous, they never come to Nagoroth! This is quite funny." Ashryuu laughed as well, though it sent chills down Malekith's spine as he listened this mentally impaired boy cackle.
"Yes-s! It's-s very a-amusing!" Ashryuu cried, and he laughed louder. Malekith wriggled his nose in slight disgust as he saw Ashryuu's tightly shut eyes leak joyful dark red tears - blood.
the journey across the great elf desert it seem to never end days and days went by nothing has changed Tomici and the marshel got so bored that they acually played i spy although there is nothing but the endless sun and sand and a few cactus one day the mysterious girl woke up uh...were am i she asked " on top of a elephant' tomici replied the girl eyes widen "thank you of taking care of me um now were is my hoarse" she asked "about that your hoarse did not make it but i do have something better" tomici help the
girl down the elephant at first she look puzzled "another hoarse?" she asked "no try to look closer" she did so and saw that this is no ordinary hoarse it a winged hoarse i named it pegasus is yours now consider it a i'm sorry present said tomici she hope on the hoarse and fly away Tomiki then screamed "hey by the way whats you name" but it was no use she was long gone later that night they have finally reach the dark forest "sire if we made it pass this forest then we should see Nogoroth" explained marshel "well what are you waithing for" said tomci
"well you see my lord um i heard that there are werewolves and vampires lurking in these bloody forest "said marshel " look marshel we don 't have enough food to last us one more day we need to continue now" then tomiki hear a sound coming from inside the forest "i'll go and scout up head " as tomiki make his way up the road he saw a mysterious figure eating a body the vampire turn to face tomiki the smell was so horrid that there is no meaning to it 'well look who we have here a another elf what a lucky hunt " the vampire dash foreword tomiki got out his short bow and his arrow he aimed directly at the heart of the vampire he shot his arrow unfortunately the wind is not in favor with him he shot to low and hit the vampire thigh instead the vampire is heading tword him very fast but before it can reach to him the tomici jumped side way the vampire only tore of part of his clothes but not his skin tomici used the hand sign bear chicken dog dragon he put one hand up "kirigakure no jutsu " yelled tomiki suddenly a mist rises thicker and ticker it gets until you cant see anything
"you think you are so clever making me not see " fool i can still smell and hear you out " the vampire smell the air then i knew it got my sent when i turned around i saw the vampire it was in front of me i saw it's hand coming twords my face then i remember a defence justu "shabaku kyuu" tomici yelled a pile of sand create a circle around me when the vampire hi, the sand protected tomici ha he haaaaaaa! now i show you the wood elf ultimate defence "sand coffin" the sand completely ingold the vampire but it was still alive
"sand barrier" and tomike close his hand and just by that the vampire got smash to pieces. tomici slowly return to the elephant "sire there you are what took you so long"
asked marshel "oh um i ran into the local wildlife but everything is alright" said tomici " i was worrying sick i was about to sent out cybras out there to find you ' yelled marshel
tomici went to the cybras he then pet the 3 headed dog and gave 3 bones for each head "see i'm alright " said tomici "okay lets continue "
the next mourning they have finally made it too Nagoroth "i wonder how brother react about my surprising visit" tomici asked "oh he will be most surprise sir " marshel answered.
Thunder and Lightning lashed at the sky as the dark clouds above Nagoroth began to bring its gloominess upon the Dark Elven land. Ravens cawed ominously as they watched the newcomers come deeper into the kingdom, and watching in the black spires was the Dark God himself, dressed in a long dark cloak of black feathers. As Ashryuu watched Tomici and his men walk closer to the castle, his twisted smile appeared underneath the cruel shadows of his raven hood. "I can s-s-smell their blood..." Ashryuu hissed to one of his large black ravens, caressing the black bird with a gentle hand. "If I get permis-s-ssion from Malekith-th, I can f-finally eat... And w-what a feas-st Th-that will be!" The ravens cawed in agreement, and Ashryuu retreated back into the castle. He went to Malekith, who sat in his throne, and bowed before him.
"What ho, Ashryuu?"
"Th-they come soon, my lord. Sh-shall we let th-them in?" Ashryuu asked with his sibilant voice, his smile widening. Malekith bit into his hand to ward off a disgusted frown as he saw blood trickle down Ashryuu's chin from the corner of his mouth.
"Yes, let them in." Malekith said. He's as patient as a cunning wolf, Malekith thought. But he's extremely hungry now... Let's hope they don't have young women with them...
A raven landed on Ashryuu's shoulder, and Ivan turned his shadowed face towards it to brush his nose up against its feathered neck affectionately. He went to his throne beside Malekith's and tore off his feathered cloak, revealing his long coat and bloodied white scarf. The raven hopped down from his shoulder as more flew in from windows and rested upon his shoulders or about his feet, like servants. The handsome pale face of Ivan, with his pale-beige hair like it is in a deadly, alluring fashion, showed a sick promise in the light purple eyes and an undying hunger of blood and meat of anything. His arduous desires were seen in his eyes, and he smiled cruelly. Malekith looked over at Ivan, and pinched his nose and turned away to direct himself away from the stench of blood...
Malekith looked over at Ivan. "What?"
"S-s-s-soon. Th-they will come."
Meanwhile, Adair writhed as his own thirst for blood grew withing him and his sould drained. He was almost completely inhuman, and soon he would become the undead. He would have to act quickly for his plan to work. Once he finally died, he couldn't trust himself to do the right thing. He had to hold off from drinking blood as long as he could, or it would happen. He knew only one person would have the skills, morals, and willpower needed to get to Dracul and dispatch him permentantly. He knew he was inside now and still could do nothing. The father of vampirism would carry on, and Adair would die. Rebirth, Dracul called it. Who was Dracul before he was "reborn?" Adair didn't dwell on that question very long. He didn't have time. The man Dracul was was not relevant. The soulless half-being that was there was the problem, and it was one Adair couldn't deal with. He had to set the stage and make his sacrifice. Soon.
Ashaedia put a finger to her temple, sighing softly. Nero, who was with her, looked over at her blindingly after hearing her shaken sigh.
"What's wrong?" Nero asked quickly. Ashaedia looked over at him, and sighed again.
"It's... It's about Adair... And someone else," Ashaedia said. Nero blinked, and he touched the blade Adair had given him, remember the man.
"What do you sense?" Nero asked. Ashaedia was silent for a small time, and tears came to her eyes as she felt a surging pain flow through her.
"... I feel that we are losing him..." Ashaedia said, and she sniffed sadly. "Please... Please, Adair..." Nero held Ashaedia as she began to cry, and tried to hush her.
"It's alright, Adair is strong. He will pull through whatever situation he is in." Nero assured. Ashaedia nodded slowly in his arms, and she buried herself deeper into her friend's arms. Nero knew that Ashaedia became friends with someone, she would feel their pain or become extremely worried about them. Nero sighed, and he looked down to Ashaedia.
"Who was the other person?" Nero asked.
"The other... Was my brother. He disappeared long ago, but now I feel his presence..."
people gasp as the elephant make it way down the busy street they pass a building fill with home less people "stop the elephant" ordered tomici tomici grab a bag of gold he jump down of the elephant he give everyone 20 gold "i hope this will help you turn this life back around" tomici give a happy smile then 3 children came up to tomici "do you have something for us ?" they ask tomici sigh he pulled out his scroll he draw a rabbit, a cat and a squirrel "release" tomici say in a soft voice to picture came to life and jump out of the scroll "hey you guys please take care of them" tomici said "cross our heart" they promise tomici got on top of the elephant lets continue .
finally after a 2 month journey they have finally reach the castle there tomiki see his brother with a human tomiki jumped down from his elephant "brother long time no see."
Malekith, upon seeing Tomici, sat up in his seat. The hungry smile of Ivan appeared on his bloody lips. "Tomici," Malekith said in astonishment. Ivan growled, unhappy that Malekith knew this Wood Elf. He would have made a feast out of them if he hadn't!
"It's a surprise to see you, Tomici," Malekith said, standing up and walking towards him. "I haven't seen you in awhile." He gestured for Ivan to follow him. Ivan stood up from his seat and reluctantly followed him, the ravens perching themselves on his shoulders. As they approached Tomici, blood seeped from the corner of Ivan's mouth, indicating that Malekith was tempting him with food.
tomici was glad to see his brother again but tomici sense powerful magic he turned to the human " hi my name is tomici" he put his hand out ivan shook his hand but still not sure what to do "nice to meet you um my name is ivan i am one your brother friend" ivan said in a disappointed voice malekith walked towards tomici "so why are you here exactly?' he ask "why cant your younger brother visit you sometimes? i mean we haven't see each other since i was 5" tomici answered "oh and one more thing how on earth will we fit that thing in the stables? malekith asked "i didn't think that far um maybe we can uh ma uh i don't know" tomici said whith a smile "stupid stupid stupid " malekith said wile hitting tomici in the head "sigh servants take care of the elephant" malekith snapped "lets go inside" malekith said "i meet up with you guys later" tomici said malekith went inside ivan followed and marshel as well tomici made his way into the forest he pulled out his flute its getting dark perfect tomici thought he played his flute out came a tiny snake about 4inches long
tomici piked up the sake "i want you to spy on a human known as ivan" tomici ordered "as you wish master " the snake answered with respect tomici went inside the castle there he let the snake go "good luck little guy" tomici said "hey tomici come here" malekith yelled tomici then grab a seat near his brother "brother have you found a wife yet" Tomici asked.
Malekith blushed. "No, because I don't have any time to spare to look for one". malekith said in a very fast voice "is that so' tomici said tomici laughed in fact everyone laughed even ivan had a good time " don't worry brother we'll help you found one starting tomorrow" malekith was almost as his limit his face was bright red. "Hey Malekith can you still fight?" Marshel asked Malekith, his eyes wide open. "Marshel it has been so long since we practice together. Sure, let's do it." Malekith said excitedly Ivan however look confused Tomici explained that Marshel used to teach us how to fight. before they know it they were outside in the rain marshel was on the right side and Malekith was on the left side and Ivan sat patiently wile eating corn "okay here are the rules the first one to spill blood wins. Ready set, fight!" Tomici yelled, and the fight began.
Ivan sat down at the table, reluctantly eating corn. He was strictly a carnivore and ate meat only, but to please his "guest" he accepted the vegetable (or fruit?) anyway.
He dropped his full corn onto his plate and walked outside, going to watched Malekith draw his sword and brawl Tomici. Ivan smiled at the rain, for he liked the cold very much, and leaned against a tree to watch the fight.
Malekith got into a fighting stance, and he and Tomici began the sword fight. He snickered at Tomici as Malekith shoved him back and hit his sword with a barrage of attacks, attempting to hit the sword from Tomici's hand. Ivan watched them with a twisted smile; bloodshed was fun to watch, according to Ivan.
Ivan looked up from the fight scene, and looked across the dark woods behind him. A heavy mist began to gather around them, and he saw a strange, very tall and emaciated man dressed in black with a white face staring at him from the deepest mist. His light purple eyes widened, and his disheveled hair stood on end. Out of slight apprehensiveness, his eyes began to leak bloody tears.
It just stood there, blending in with the trees, its long arms touching the trees and its faceless white face watching him. What seemed to be more arms hung limp around it, and Ivan looked away from it.
I'll always be watching...
"No! No, no no!" Ivan cried like a child, hitting his head, but that never did any good when it was talking to him. The ravens in the trees cawed with anger as they dove into the mist to apprehend the being, but their raucous cries ended abruptly as they plunged into the white mist.
The fight went on for hours with no end Tomici knew how Malekith fought and Malekith knew how Tomici fought then a fog appear as a wood elf he has been trained how to use nature as an adventage tomici did a back flip over malekith head but suddenly malekith was not there tomici was confused he was there a second ago thought tomici just then malekith poped out of the mist malekith took out his dagger and stab tomici right arm tomici fell to the ground "ha ha ha ha" laughed tomici 'looks like you sill got it ' tomici said "and you stll need some practice'' said malekith tomici put his hand over his wound a green light appear and quickly heal the wound tomci then turn to see ivan cried over his dead ravens "its back its back it came for me" ivan yell wile crying tomici then pat ivan ont the back "don't worry no one mess with the hittori family or their close friends right brother" tomici said "sure" malekith said this was not the first time it has happen before, malekith snort with disgust ' i know lets ask the trees ' suggested tomici tomici then pulled out his flute as he played the nerby trees started to turn they started to have legs,arms and a face "yes your majesty " the trees said 'tell me what you know about the thing that attack the ravens "the trees hesitated at first "the one that attack the ravens is one of dracu servent l' they said tomici eyes widened 'tomici you knew this person" malekith asked "yes i do" tomici . pulled out a
photo "he was the leader of the seven swords men of the mist" [ps tomci is the one with the mask and dracul is the one in the middle] "then one day dracul acted very crazy we didn't know what was going on and one day he dissappeared " tomici said sadly the next day "oh ivan wake up wake up come on man wake up" ivan woke up "what do you want " ivan asked
'i got a plan" tomici said ivan was fully awake now 'what is it" ivan asked again "i call it get my brother a date plan okay this is how it works you go to the city find a girl and i distract malekith as long as possible " tomici said ivan sigh "fine i'll do it " ivan agreed.
Ivan opened his eyes, and he looked up at Malekith, who looked back down at him with concerned eyes. "Dark God, what has happened?" Malekith asked, helping him to his feet. Ivan looked up at him with his mad purple eyes, his body shaking and his breath slow and shallow.
"I saw it..." Ivan breathed, more blood seeping through his lips and dribbled down his pale chin. "I saw it..."
Suddenly, he broke away from Malekith's hold and started to wander away.
Ashaedia turned around as Nero followed her footsteps desperately. "You can't leave! We need you!"
"I need to go, Nero. I'll be back, I promise." Ashaedia said, sighing and coming towards the blind boy again. She hugged him tightly, which made Nero blush.
"What if you don't come back?" Nero asked.
"I will. I need to find Adair and solve this mystery. I must find him and try to see what I'm Queen of." Nero gasped. How did she know that she was the Queen of something?
"So you know?" Nero asked incredulously.
"Yes. I've known it... Deep down."
And Nero stood there, listening to her dying footsteps as the Swordsmaster walked away.
Adair was brought before Dracul's throne. Dracul could tell Adair was dying. His soul was ebbing away. Adair could tell he was in presence of one of the worst enemies he would ever encounter, and he knew he didn't have much time. He hoped he could contact Gregori before it was too late. He had to help Ashaedia. He had so much he needed to do, and he was almost out of time. He knew Dracul sensed it. He knew he was enjoying it. The vampyr rose from his throne and walked up to Adair, staring him in eye. The dying man tried not to shudder or back away. He stood his ground firmly, gazing back into the eyes of the monster before him. "Interesting," Dracul mused. "Adair himself has chosen to join the Night Guard. I never thought I'd see you back on this side of things again. . . I thought you hated demons now."Adair didn't respond; he focused entirely on trying to stand his ground in the face of the greatest evil he would see in this life. "You have nothing anymore. You are a broken, dying shell of what you were, and all that you once had is gone. The once pround Adair is now nothing. I wonder, can you still change your form? That is one 'wicked power' you never sacrificed. You. . . selfish. . . dog."Adair's fight with Dracul before had been rushed, confused. He hadn't had time to face the full willpower of the ancient one. "I suppose you still can, while you live, but that's just it. It would kill you. That's why you're waiting for the oppurtune moment to make your final effort. The moment is now, Adair."The dying man stood still, his skin turning gray, his glass-like eyes glinting as the candle flames reflected off of them in the dark throne room. "I know you could become any beast of this world still. Do it." Dracul was still speaking low, quiet, but he proceed to raise his voice into Adair's ear, making him cringe. "Strike while you still have life left in you!" He then lowered his voice again. "I am not Mort. I am not some old friend you can play games with. I am not someone you can intimidate. Nor am I someone you can understand.""I have no mortal limits! I have no bounds! My power is unmatched in any world! And I will crush you friends like the bugs they are."The vampyr lord walked back to his throne, motioning for Adair to be escorted away.
"now how am i going to district brother far a 24 hours" tomici thought tomici has just sent out ivan to the city to find a girlfriend for malekith "brother i need to ask you something' malekith asked "what do you want' tomici said "well is it true that you were part of the seven swordsman of the mist " malekith asked 'well of course why do you think i'm lying" tomici said "well no but is just why did you never told me anything i mean i have heard great legends about you" "such as" tomici said "such as how you deafeted a ork invasion by yourself" "oh that one i hated that one you knew orks don't give up easily you knew" tomici said "or how you defend the sea form the tonb king invasion you were the best of the best'said melikith 'i think you'r missing something important though i didn't do all that i mean i did it but not by myself remember there was 7 of us and one of them is dracul :remendid tomici "oh yeah i almost forgot have you seen ivan i haven't seen him this morning " asked malikith tomici fell a chill running from his spine "um he went to town um to get fresh air " tomici said "may be we should look for him " malekith suggested ''no no no you knew ivan is 18 years old in humen years that is preety old he can defend for himself' tomici said "you right he can defend for himself malekith then went outside tomici sigh that was too close "hurry ivan hurry ' tomici prayed.
Ivan walked the busy streets of Nargoroth, his face and body hidden underneath a hood and long dark cloak. His eyes searched the crowds for a beautiful woman, and for someone to devour, for Ivan was getting very hungry. He licked his lips once in awhile to moisten his thin lips, and he smiled finally. Smiling his sick and twisted smile, he watched a young woman who appeared twenty (but actually much older, considering an elven age) walk by his position. He opened his mouth and smiled his terrifying smile, and he followed the woman.
Hours later, he returned to Malekith's court, where he found Tomici. He had no woman with him, but his form was bloodied and disheveled, and he licked his lips and hands of blood as he sat down in his chair. Apparently, the mission was a failure but Ivan did not care. He had a full stomach and was satisfied with his feast and he bit at his nails, trying to remove the fragments of skin from underneath them as he lied back, opening his cloak to reveal his pale and bloodied chest and sighing gratefully. His tongue slightly lolled out as he sighed once more, and he closed his eyes slowly to rest.
Ashaedia had finally arrived. Her claymore was drawn, the warrior dressed in a silver breastplate and white robe with black markings. Her turquoise eyes glowed brightly with seriousness as she approached Dracul's place, her face a mask of concentration as her form shined with a white light, indicating her affiliation with the good. She left silver footprints in her wake, and approached slowly, going over her battle plans. How would she free Adair? Is he alive at all? No, she musn't lose hope! Ashaedia must push forward and banish this darkness to get answers from Adair and to save him from Dracul's clutches.
Unknowingly, Ashaedia was watched by an emaciated and very tall black being, and it disappeared shortly after she reached the gates.
Adair could feel the powerful force approaching the castle. Magic was dangerous. It came with a price and was difficult to udnerstand or control. He hoped she knew that. She didn't understand her own power, and he hoped she could live long enough to begin to. He hoped it wouldn't kill her. They had all dealt with magic before. Its many origins, types, and uses. Its corruption, its madness. But Ashaedia's power was greater now than anything she had before encountered.He knew she was coming. He hoped she wouldn't be alone. He poured over old writings and drawings, trying to find anything that would help defeat Dracul. He knew he couldn't do it. It would have to be one with the blood of Pendragon. Ashaedia was a great queen. But of what? The clearest answer scratched at the back of Adair's mind, demanding to be acknoweledged. No. He couldn't think that. She couldn't be. That kind of power. . .He put the whole subject out of his mind. Excalibur. They would need it to kill Dracul. To cut off his head. Ashaedia could control her newfound powers with it. The mighty sword's power could even save Adair's life, make him whole again. He didn't dare to hope. That was when the first guards attacked Ashaedia, and Adair saw a silver light blaze on the castle grounds as she oblitereated them. He limper to the balcony of his rest chamber and stood on the railing. Gathering all his strength, he called out."Ashaedia, it's in the tunnels! Caverns. . . buried below!" And Adair leaned forward off the balcony. With the last of his strength, he made the greatest transformation of his life. He became one of the great golden dragons, a breed long extinct. One Adair knew only enough of to transform. His tail slammed into the castle walls, cracking them, and the heat of his fiery roar turned stone to molten lava. An inferno ingulfed the castle as he turned in flight and destroyed all in his wake until he blasted his way into the long-hidden tunnels, flying in, breaking away the rocks before him in a painful crash and sliding, returning to human form, right next to Excalibur, stuck into a stone up to the hilt. Adair, gasping for breath and barely able to move, grabbed at the sword, but he could not budge it. He pulled himself into a half-sitting position, leaning against the stone, as the rubble he had left behind blasted apart and Dracul walker up to him."I knew you'd never become one of my Night Guard, but I don't know why you chose this course," the vampyr mused."It's not over, Ashaedia is still out there, she's fighting her way to the sword," Adair wheezed. "It is over, Adair, for you. And soon for her, though she has great power." Dracul chuckled softly, making Adair shiver. "She came alone.""Not exactly," another voice hissed from the darkness. The speaker emerged. Gregori. "Come no closer, he-witch!" Adair growled with what little strength he could muster, holding on to his life, gripping the sword. "Silecne, Adair," the he-witch ordered. "My interest in you has run its course, but Ashaedia, the lovely little thing, has an interesting part to play yet, and I can't have a pathetic little thing like Dracul getting in the way of that.""You can't wield the sword," Dracul's voice deepened, echoing in the caverns. "You haven't the power! You cannot slay me.""'You can't wield the sword; you haven't the power,'" Gregori mocked. "What interest have I in wielding Excalibur?" he demanded, his voice returning to a hiss. His yellow, sulfurous eyes glaring at Dracul. He strechted out his hand and the vampyr began to flicker like a fading image as he grabbed at his chest, writhing in agony. "I am a master of demons, Dracul," the he-witch gloated. "I do not have the limits you do. I am a witch.""I have no limits," the vampyr king said cooly, staring Gregori in the eye. At that moment, silver light filled the cavern as Ashaedia burst in, followed by a dark figure.Adair's vision blurred.
Ivan sat up from his chair suddenly and his eyes snapped open. There was a harsh ringing in his ears, but the harsh ringing subsided and high-pitched singing replaced it...
He jumped up from his chair and walked out the castle doors, barking for his ravens to accompany him. They brought him his long dark blue cloak, and they followed him out into the day.
Ashaedia burst into the cavern, unaware that this black figure, blank-faced creature was stalking her, and she raised her sword slowly as she walked forward. The silver blade was singing a high-pitched ring, shining silver and white, and her turquoise eyes brightened as she saw Adair by Excalibur, but narrowed as she looked up Dracul and the he-witch.
"Dracul," Her voice sounded, rising in the cavern as her walk hastened to a trot, and then a run. "Release Adair from his woes!" Once she was close enough, she stood in a stance in front of Adair to protect him from Dracul, tendrils of silver energy and white light flowed about her form. The lanky dark figure reached a long arm towards her, but its inhuman fingers were whipped by the intense light, and it drew back into the shadows. Instead, it focused on her with its black white face, contemplating, visualizing, remembering...
The light became intense now, that it was almost blinding. Ashaedia's bright turquoise eyes looked to Excalibur, and took a step closer to it, one hand gripping the handle, and she pulled.
Slowly, the blade slide out, centimeter by centimeter, inch by inch.
Suddenly, something flashed through Ashaedia's mind as she pulled Excalibur from its stone.
She was young, maybe appearing to be six or seven, (though considerably tall for a seven year old) and she was running through a forest with her brother, a silver-haired boy who bore resemblance to her. They were twins, and very beautiful children.
They played among the trees, playing hide-and-go seek and tag.
"You can't catch me!" Ashaedia laughed as she darted through the trees, running from her brother.
"Oh, yes I can!" Ashaedia's brother said, and they weaved through the trees, laughing and shouting.
"I can do this all day!" Ashaedia exclaimed. "Can't you, Ashryuu...?" She turned around, seeing that he didn't chase her anymore.
"Ashryuu?" Ashaedia called. No answer. She followed the path back to where she thought he would have gone.
"Ashryuu? Ashryuu! Where are you?" Ashaedia called, but still no answer. "ASHRYUU! Oh, there you-"
She had finally found him, but she herself gasped at what she saw.
Ashryuu Faein stood still before a very emaciated and tall being with a white, blank face and wearing what appeared to be a suit, and the being was staring down at him. Ashryuu stared back with his wide turquoise eyes, unmoving.
"Ashryuu! You're not supposed to talk to strangers!" Ashaedia cried, coming towards them. Ashryuu didn't look back at her, and did something Ashaedia thought he would never do.
He reached an arm up for the being, and it took his small hand in its long fingers.
And they were gone, disappearing into the thick forest mist.
Gregori, the he-witch, streched out his hand, hissing in a strange language to the slender figure reaching for Ashaedia.
"I'll hold it off while you slay the vampyr," Gregori told her quietly after he finished chanting.
Ashaedia held the sword between herself and Dracul, but she soon turned away and put the sword in Adair's hand. Its silver light glowed, enveloping the thin, ashen form of the shape-shifter.
As the light faded, it was clear that Adair was healed, but Ashaedia had little time to celebrate. Dracul lunged at her, and Gregori tackled her, smoke curling off of him. The slender figure was nowhere to be seen for the moment. Gregori stood, shot a glare at Dracul, and vanished.
Ashaedia scrambled to her feet, snatching up Excalibur as she did so.
Adair stood up slowly, standing behind Ashaedia. He felt great powerf forcing through his veins. His skin had returned to his natural color, but he did not feel like his natural self. The power of Excalibur, the blessed sword, had given him a new kind of strength. A faint silver glow surrounded him a little, and he felt better than he ever had before. He picked up a long knife off the ground and stood beside Ashaedia, preparing for the fight of his life, but Dracul disappeared, leaving the two there to content with an incoming horde of organized guards and soldiers of all kinds.