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hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 12 2011, 10:35 AM EDT
so I heard you dont believe in me logic chair... I havent been on here in a while but my FRIEND told me someone was a little quarky. and I think you know her AMBER maybe? I canot believe that you thought she was ME!!! and I read the whole entire conversation and really I just cant believe you... how bout now you can ask me all those questions about 20 to prove im a werewolf remember logic chair? cause I will ace that test so please dont pretend im not here cause I am!!! -LUNA NOT AMBER LUNA!!!!!!!!!
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Logic_Chair |
1. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 12 2011, 12:33 PM EDT
U mad amber?Lolumad. Do you find this valuable? |
CarusoGirl222 |
2. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 12 2011, 3:36 PM EDT
"U mad amber?Heh, mad anon. Mad anons are funny. Do you find this valuable? |
Logic_Chair |
3. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 12 2011, 4:56 PM EDT
I just sent my minions to deal with her.She won't be coming online very soon. Do you find this valuable? |
CarusoGirl222 |
4. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 12 2011, 5:57 PM EDT
"I just sent my minions to deal with her.Awesome. Do you find this valuable? |
Posted Anonymously |
5. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 9:39 AM EDT
Grumble grumble, you are not helping your POINT!!!
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CarusoGirl222 |
6. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 10:54 AM EDT
| Post edited: Jun 17 2011, 10:56 AM EDT
"Grumble grumble, you are not helping your POINT!!!"Shut up, nobody cares. You're just a poor, defenseless little anon. *Hell Hound walks up behind anon* Sic em', boy. *Hell Hound tears anon to shreds* Now that that's over with, what shall we talk about, Logic? Do you find this valuable? |
Logic_Chair |
7. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 11:20 AM EDT
Same thing as always CacusoGirl222, how we TAKE OVER THE WORLD! -insert lightning strike here-
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CarusoGirl222 |
8. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 12:24 PM EDT
"Same thing as always CacusoGirl222, how we TAKE OVER THE WORLD! -insert lightning strike here-"-slowly side steps away from the power hungry chair- Do you find this valuable? |
Logic_Chair |
9. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 12:46 PM EDT
CarusoGirl222 |
10. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 1:38 PM EDT
| Post edited: Jun 17 2011, 1:41 PM EDT
"SOON!-Sics an infinite number of Hell Hounds on the menaically laughing power hungry chair-- Do you find this valuable? |
Logic_Chair |
11. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 1:52 PM EDT
*Cough*... that's okay.... i didn't need those organs..... or those limbs.....
Do you find this valuable?
CarusoGirl222 |
12. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 2:05 PM EDT
| Post edited: Jun 17 2011, 2:06 PM EDT
"*Cough*... that's okay.... i didn't need those organs..... or those limbs....."You're a chair... Pray tell how you have organs and limbs? -one Hell Hound saunters over to me and sits down, others jump back down to Hell- Good boy. -pats Hell Hound on head- Do you find this valuable? |
Logic_Chair |
13. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 2:21 PM EDT
Don't tell anyone.... but im actually Lord Xenu!
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CarusoGirl222 |
14. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 2:25 PM EDT
"Don't tell anyone.... but im actually Lord Xenu!"Okeeey... -me and my Hell Hound slowly back away- Do you find this valuable? |
Logic_Chair |
15. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 2:27 PM EDT
-Slowly grins-Want to see my body thetans!?!? Do you find this valuable? |
CarusoGirl222 |
16. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 2:34 PM EDT
"-Slowly grins-Um... No thanks... Do you find this valuable? |
CarusoGirl222 |
17. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 17 2011, 2:39 PM EDT
"SOON!Why Nose? Do you find this valuable? |
Posted Anonymously |
18. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 18 2011, 9:42 AM EDT
lumme guess cause supbignose is annoying. and you know CarusoGirl222 I WAZ gonna compliment u on your hell houndness because hell hounds are just awesome, but you sided with LOGIC CHAIR WHO YOU CAN TELL IS CLEARLY EVIL ;) :) ;) you can tell that hell hounds are awesome too but I DK what an Anon is I guess I can type in in on scribblenauts to see a pic but I just DK. OK LETS JUST SAY IM DEAD LIKES MY PUPPY! - I slowly back away with my puppy farther than CarusoGirl222 - Do you find this valuable? |
melanjo |
19. RE: hey logic chair are you tormenting one of my friends!?!
Jun 18 2011, 9:50 AM EDT
"lumme guess cause supbignose is annoying. and you know CarusoGirl222 I WAZ gonna compliment u on your hell houndness because hell hounds are just awesome, but you sided with LOGIC CHAIR WHO YOU CAN TELL IS CLEARLY EVIL ;) :) ;) you can tell that hell hounds are awesome too but I DK what an Anon is I guess I can type in in on scribblenauts to see a pic but I just DK.your the Anon. That can be fixed, get a identity. (profile) Do you find this valuable? |