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a response to your idiot comment
Jul 5 2011, 10:37 AM EDT
Catholics don’t just call everything evil, they know it is evil. You’re the person who haven’t seen any of these mythical creatures but because someone call them evil and it was the Catholics you believe they are calling good creatures how can you say Christ has ruined us when maybe what these people were saying was maybe true in fact they are true because if these fairies abducted children and stuff, and you know that doesn’t sound right, why would they be good? so, so far I have a feeling you are basing these creatures and how they are good because of those stupid fairy movies, well this is reality get real, even a frog looks better in a movie than in real life so what would the fairies really look like? but like I said, don’t be talking bad about Christ or the Catholics because what they believe, for they haven’t said anything about your foolish belief, and all you people who named his comment as valuable really need to cope with reality, and actually think what in the world you just agreed with and yet you think your knowledge is sufficient you know nothing of what is out there but so far I'm mostly going against your title where you say Christ has ruined us, you don’t even know Christ and you say these things, well now it is time that I tell you something about him, Christ is our savior he died on the cross to take away our sins. and it is man that maid religion, for Christ is not of it. And Christ is God, and what God do is save lives and he create, he does not destroy so when you say Christ has ruined us, in reality it is you who has ruined yourself Maybe next time you will think carefully of what come out your mouth, for it seems to ravish out garbage 12 out of 21 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Logic_Chair |
1. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Jul 5 2011, 11:15 AM EDT
Yep and every day people die in horrible ways, and Christ does not give the smallest of a ******* **** about that, while im not the man to insult one's religious beliefs, i do believe you started this with your Fundamentalist ********, i don't give a **** how Christ died, i don't give a **** what he died for, because people die in worser ways every day, people have died fighting for much better ideals than that of christ, and don't even get me started on the parts in the bible where god "Who does not destroy" murders hundreds and thousands of people just because he is by his own words a "Wrathful god" and a "Jealous god", Wrath and sin are both ironicly deadly sins for which we supposedly burn in hell. So practicly if the salvation your god offers me is in slavery, than i'd rather burn in hell with someone who has a bit of his sanity reamaining, because i will never "Repent" and serve a Despotical egocentric attention ***** of a god such as yours.I find it ironic that "Catholics" the people who support disgusting methods of child abuse, discriminate women, crash planes into buildings, and want to burn everyone that doesn't follow their god, are pointing at things and claiming they "Know they are evil", if you are the good guy than im better off with evil, So far you have done nothing ever to ******* prove your insane mass murderer of a god is the good guy in all of this, but you claim that we're the bad ones?Well my fine sir, how about a nice cup of shut the **** up?Once again, i apologize to the christians i have offended with this comment, considering this ******** will probably never return to this site, but il make this clear, if you try to use your religious beliefs like this guy, i will not offend your religion, i will take your religion and i will ******* mutilate it. This has been; Internet rage, with Logic_Chair. 8 out of 9 found this valuable. Do you? |
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2. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Jul 5 2011, 6:48 PM EDT
you know why people die everyday? it's because we sin. Sin put us into this crap, sin is what lures the devil and put us in suitation's like those! God is a holy man he dosent go around sin and it hurt him when he see's us die but we seem to like trouble, so maybe you should ask those people 'what in the world put you in this suitation to have you to die?' for sometimes people get hurt because they go to places they know they arent suppose to be at .so maybe if we stopped sinning dieing probably wouldnt be a problem but talking to you is only waisting my time, I didnt even want to read your essay of bull crap. Like your dumb picture its nonsense ps: you need to wash your mouth with clorax it's filthy, and I am not a catholic 0 out of 6 found this valuable. Do you? |
Posted Anonymously |
3. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Jul 5 2011, 6:51 PM EDT
and yet you call yourself logic chair, pssh you have no logicand why do you talk like your on the news or something "this has been; Internet rage, with Logic_ Chair" i believe Idiot would be more like it 0 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Logic_Chair |
4. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Jul 5 2011, 10:24 PM EDT
So the holy man who is all loving will not lend us a hand or help us with these "Sins" just because he's like "Ewww icky humans.. i might get something on my shoes if i help those!"Well isn't that noble. You believe in the Christian Mythos you like to bash other religions and the occult because "Dey be lookin liek de ebilz u guyse!' You sound like a 100% roman catholic, and you are one. As for the rest, you did not bring any valid argument in this debate, you simply went in a religious tantrum and tried to insult me.You have a very good sense of humour (obvious ******* sarcasm, but il explain it is sarcasm because you're probably retarded) Prove me wrong? Come on, im waiting, please do prove all my arguments wrong.Oh wait, you can't. And last but not least, you've sinned in every post you make here. So yeah, enjoy hell, kthxbai. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
AlakanesMarikna |
5. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Jul 5 2011, 11:48 PM EDT
considering current archaeology disputes the existence of god or yawah saying they are right or wrong is redundant when evidence shows that god was created to identify a people who no longer wished to be subservient the thoughts behind god is sweet and all well the original thought anyway but it was still only created about 1200 BCE while the mythic creatures discussed on this site date back farther than that and apear in religions that date back thousands of years before the invention of godand yes Christians did decide what was good and bad just because it wasn't of their religion because they weren't of god in their opinion everything was 'from the devil' women who were midwives, medicine women and so forth were killed because they were devil worshippers or because they did not conform to their idea of how women should be...women were meant to be second class citizens. ill stop there because religion has always been a flare topic 4 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() FlipFlopRagDoll |
6. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 14 2011, 4:39 PM EDT
Oh no,not here too.Look everyone let's not discuss this stuff here because if we were supposed to the site would be called Christians vs chairs vs occult vs
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iheartmytwilight |
7. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 14 2011, 4:56 PM EDT
Gahhhhh I can't believe its here too and I agree with ragdoll completely. This is getting ridiculous people.
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![]() FlipFlopRagDoll |
8. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 14 2011, 4:58 PM EDT
I just made a thread about all this debating
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![]() CarusoGirl222 |
9. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 6:24 AM EDT
For once i actually agree with you, Logic. You have a great point. If there is a God, then why is he letting thousands of innocent people die every day of deaths that get worse and worse as time goes on? 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
Universalstar |
10. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 6:34 AM EDT
"For once i actually agree with you, Logic.because god, if there is one (which i doubt), he would do the right thing and let us live our lives, not have everything preordained or intervene everytime something goes wrong. if you survive it, you are made stronger. if you dont, thats life 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
iheartmytwilight |
11. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 7:57 AM EDT
"because god, if there is one (which i doubt), he would do the right thing and let us live our lives, not have everything preordained or intervene everytime something goes wrong. if you survive it, you are made stronger. if you dont, thats lifethat's reality people 1 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Dous777 |
12. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 8:53 AM EDT
"If there is a God, then why is he letting thousands of innocent people die every day of deaths that get worse and worse as time goes on?"If I may suggest some reading material: The Bible - Book of Job Granted you and Logic may find the answer here to be a cop out. It is. But did you all really think it would be easy to disprove a being that can do 'anything'? Not even logic is a viable basis for dismissal, God defies it as a rule! :P And if you don't own a Bible; to summarise the Book of Job: Noone understands him. God - The original angsty teen. ^_^ 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Logic_Chair |
13. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 9:04 AM EDT
The point is, if I had the ultimate power over space and time, i'd be less of a gigantic douchebag than God, making me better than God, and If im better than God, God isn't perfect.If God isn't perfect he's not omnipotent.So remember kids, Vote chair for God 2012! 1 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Dous777 |
14. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 9:12 AM EDT
Again the Job argument stands.It is through our (apparantly imperfect (even by our own reckoning)) interpretations that we would consider God's actions as being 'a gigantic douchebag'. Our idea of perfect may in fact be flawed. We cannot conclusively say God is not perfect. There is a chance that we don't have the whole picture of the Universe and thus our judgements are bias. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() FlipFlopRagDoll |
15. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 12:03 PM EDT
"The point is, if I had the ultimate power over space and time, i'd be less of a gigantic douchebag than God, making me better than God, and If im better than God, God isn't perfect.If God isn't perfect he's not omnipotent.I will vote for Hitler. 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() FlipFlopRagDoll |
16. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Aug 15 2011, 12:04 PM EDT
"that's reality people"Oh and I hate reality 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
Posted Anonymously |
17. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Nov 13 2011, 2:17 PM EST
Dddddoooooooooo nnnnnnnnnooooooooooottttttttttttttt insult christ if he didnt die you would be in a misrible world
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![]() Logic_Chair |
18. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Nov 14 2011, 9:13 PM EST
The main reason I don't respect Jesus is, he died.That's really not something original.I mean, I can die too, as a matter of fact everyone in the world can die too. Nothing special about that. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() FlipFlopRagDoll |
19. RE: a response to your idiot comment
Nov 15 2011, 12:36 PM EST
| Post edited: Nov 15 2011, 12:39 PM EST
"Dddddoooooooooo nnnnnnnnnooooooooooottttttttttttttt insult christ if he didnt die you would be in a misrible world"If Christ could do anything about us insulting him he would've done it. If Christ hadn't died for us the world would be the same(except the Christians would believe different things.And if you actually left your metaphorical box of ignorance and have researched other beliefs and religions then you would have realized that there are so many other religions that believe that the son of God came to earth to teach us and also believe that his mother was a virgin(all of these religions out date Christianity).Did you know that Odin hand from a tree instead of a cross and that the greek god of wine,madness and ecstasy mother was a virgin and that he also turned water into wine(one of Jesus's miracles). You also stole your Satan from other religions.honestly Satan is much MUCH cooler and kinder then God.How many sins did Satan commit?1 and it was pride.How many sins did God commit?Almost all of them(murder,rape,slavery,animal sacrifice,genocide,stealing,lying,cannibalism,and so many more).if you don't believe me READ THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!! 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |