Location: Aliens

Discussion: I saw them Yesterday!Reported This is a featured thread

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I saw them Yesterday!
Jul 5 2012, 7:05 AM EDT | Post edited: Jul 5 2012, 7:05 AM EDT
Me and my family were shooting fireworks the other day, and my mom called me outside to see if she wasnt the only one seeing it and, there was three faintly red glowing lights hanging there in the sky and one moved a bit, it couldnt have been planes cause it was a no flght zone. but when me or my mom tryed to take a picture of it on anything "IT didnt show!" 10  out of 16 found this valuable. Do you?    

1. RE: I saw them Yesterday!
Aug 8 2012, 4:22 PM EDT | Post edited: Aug 8 2012, 4:22 PM EDT
I have see something like that i was outside and it looked like a ball of fire slowly moving throught the sky. I dont think it was a meteor and i tryed to take a picture of it but you couldnt see it!!! 0  out of 2 found this valuable. Do you?    

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