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brittsb420 |
Saw alienship when i was little and saw it again in a dream
Aug 8 2012, 4:15 PM EDT
First of all I am a VERY strong believer in extra terrestrials!!!When I was little, probably about 5 or 6 I was out on my back porch and saw a huge golden circular ufo in the sky it had different colored lights on it. I ran inside to tell my dad but when I looked back it was gone, now i swear this is what I saw. I am now 16 and a few weeks ago I had a dream where I saw the ufo again, but this time when I tried to show people they didnt look and the ufo stayed where it was. I was about to board the ufo and as I did all I saw was I huuuuuge white light and I woke up. I have alien dreams all the time but I never quite see the aliens. Any of you have alien dreams? Do you think they have a significant purpose??? 2 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you?
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