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aunnamarie |
my shadow moves!
Aug 1 2012, 2:01 PM EDT
lately i've been wearing a beautiful ruby ring that i found on the edge of a lake that my family took me to, to fish. And, well i catch my shadow moving when im not and it scares the living crap out of me... I've only seen a glimpse or two of it moving but i dont even know what to think. I go to bed and when i wake up i tell myself it was probaly just a dream but i feel loose sometimes... its hard to explain. Can some one enlighten me on what is happening to me? Please?
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1. RE: my shadow moves!
Aug 5 2012, 2:44 AM EDT
Well, first I would take off the ring.
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2. RE: my shadow moves!
Aug 5 2012, 4:40 AM EDT
You should haven't taken it in the first place but ask yourself do you see it move when people are around or just by yourself?
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3. RE: my shadow moves!
Aug 10 2012, 4:57 PM EDT
You may have acquired a cursed object, hence the reason the ring was left lying on the ground to begin with. I've read noteworthy literature that discusses how certain spirits energetically attach themselves to physical objects, manifesting their presence when a human comes into contact with the item. Visual distortions and anomalies of that nature are often caused by malevolent spirits that will grow increasingly hostile with the passing of time. I wouldn't be surprised if you start noticing the appearance of 'shadow people' in your bedroom while you're trying to sleep. That kind of thing is the explicit manifestation of the demonic. Ultimately, any evil spirit that hovers or aggrevates will do so to try and wear you down. Over time, with sleep deprivation, you can become mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, giving the spirit a chance to try to inhabit your body. Please get rid of the ring.
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Lesionia |
4. RE: my shadow moves!
Saturday, 12:55 AM EDT
It might just be a ring to enhance the ability to do something spiritually. Let me look up more info on this.
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5. RE: my shadow moves!
Monday, 2:37 AM EDT
You could be Peter Pan.
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6. RE: my shadow moves! READ
Tuesday, 9:35 AM EDT
Well of course it probably a satan ritual artifact if youre christian your safe but get rid off it EITHER WAY
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7. RE: my shadow moves! READ
Wednesday, 8:45 AM EDT
the ring is most probably cursed or there is a spirit trapped inside of it... so TAKE THE DAMN RING OFF! find out more, maybe there is an ancient myth about it or something. good luck!
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aunnamarie |
8. RE: my shadow moves!
Wednesday, 6:22 PM EDT
"You may have acquired a cursed object, hence the reason the ring was left lying on the ground to begin with. I've read noteworthy literature that discusses how certain spirits energetically attach themselves to physical objects, manifesting their presence when a human comes into contact with the item. Visual distortions and anomalies of that nature are often caused by malevolent spirits that will grow increasingly hostile with the passing of time. I wouldn't be surprised if you start noticing the appearance of 'shadow people' in your bedroom while you're trying to sleep. That kind of thing is the explicit manifestation of the demonic. Ultimately, any evil spirit that hovers or aggrevates will do so to try and wear you down. Over time, with sleep deprivation, you can become mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted, giving the spirit a chance to try to inhabit your body. Please get rid of the ring."i took off the ring. every time i went to bed i had nightmares so i put it on and no nightmares. i stopped feeling "loose" and i've been going to church and i dipped it into the holy water... theres not much more i can say that has happened to me and the ring that sparks me as supernatural. Did you find anything else that might help? Do you find this valuable? |