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Tolonkolo |
Weirdest rumors
Oct 11 2012, 4:51 AM EDT
What are the weirdest or most houmous rumors or stories people have heard about some of these?
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Keyword tags:
ancient mythical creatures
Bray Road Beast
Jersey Devil
list of ancient creatures
list of ancient mythical
list of mythical creatures
mythical creatures guide
mythical creatures list
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Tolonkolo |
![]() Neptuna_earthshaker |
Tolonkolo |
5. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 26 2012, 4:20 AM EDT
"some of what?"The strangest and weirdest stories or rumors about mythical creatures. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
SpiritTamer |
6. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 26 2012, 4:59 AM EDT
"slenderman."slenderman is the stupidest thing on earth, I hate it so much. So many lies about it and too many anons are coming on this site because of it. Do you find this valuable? |
SpiritTamer |
7. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 26 2012, 5:02 AM EDT
"The strangest and weirdest stories or rumors about mythical creatures."have you ever heard of the Wolf Girl of Texas? Or the story of La Lorona-The Weeping Woman? Do you find this valuable? |
Tolonkolo |
8. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 26 2012, 7:03 PM EDT
"have you ever heard of the Wolf Girl of Texas? Or the story of La Lorona-The Weeping Woman?"nope enlighten me Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Blackwolf7337 |
9. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 27 2012, 4:18 PM EDT
Rumors? That vampires don't exist. That vampires are demons. That holy water/garlic/silver kills vampires. Take your pick. 1 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
Tolonkolo |
10. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 28 2012, 3:51 PM EDT
how quaint. i have to say i've herd that too. i just realized though they say that to both vampires and werewolves.
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![]() Logic_Chair |
11. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 29 2012, 10:27 AM EDT
Both of them exist as a mental condition.Not physical, tho. 0 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Blackwolf7337 |
12. RE: Weirdest rumors
Oct 29 2012, 12:20 PM EDT
"Both of them exist as a mental condition.Says the person with the mental capacity of an ant. I'm fed up with you already, suggesting genocide of supernaturals. I've no mental condition, I'm a vampire. Period. Say whatever you want to, it doesn't change that vampires, werewolves, and every other supernatural exists. Call me crazy if you feel like being the genocidal jerk that you are, the rest of us know that you're a poor, frightened, little creature. I'm a vampire and I know it, so why try to challenge me? It's not like I'd hurt anyone, it's not like any of the moral and just vampires would hurt a human, we need humans to survive. I'm a creature separate from you, I'm not crazy in the least. Neither is Tolonkolo. He's a werewolf. He's not mental, he's a different type of creature from you. You are a poor little creature, frightened of any difference from yourself. You think that a supernatural will kill you for being a human. That you need to fight against something that isn't threatening you in the least. Essentially, you have a Napoleon complex of sorts. You think that you are weaker than supernaturals, therefor you must pose a threat to be over them. If anyone here has a mental condition, it's you. 8 out of 8 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
13. RE: Weirdest rumors
Nov 3 2012, 6:05 PM EDT
"slenderman is the stupidest thing on earth, I hate it so much. So many lies about it and too many anons are coming on this site because of it."your right about to many rumors and the increase of anons, but slenderman might be real and if anything it is not the least unbelievable myth ever told. 0 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
14. RE: Weirdest rumors
Nov 3 2012, 6:16 PM EDT
| Post edited: Nov 3 2012, 6:21 PM EDT
"Says the person with the mental capacity of an ant. I'm fed up with you already, suggesting genocide of supernaturals. I've no mental condition, I'm a vampire. Period. Say whatever you want to, it doesn't change that vampires, werewolves, and every other supernatural exists. Call me crazy if you feel like being the genocidal jerk that you are, the rest of us know that you're a poor, frightened, little creature. I'm a vampire and I know it, so why try to challenge me? It's not like I'd hurt anyone, it's not like any of the moral and just vampires would hurt a human, we need humans to survive. I'm a creature separate from you, I'm not crazy in the least. Neither is Tolonkolo. He's a werewolf. He's not mental, he's a different type of creature from you.shut your mouth you bich, he's only suggesting one of many solutions. Some people have very real curses and being a vampire is one of them, don't act so proud we may be your lunch, but we are also your doom. the first curses were laid down by angry magic weilders and all they did was show the beast within, a vampire can only be vampire because deep down you would do anything if life was your reward/bribe. don't you dare talk down to us! all it would take is a well aimed stake or bullet to end your supiorority. and truthfully the only reason vampires look down at "mortals" is because of your napolean theory... vampires and werewolves aren't always the hunters 0 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
15. RE: Weirdest rumors
Nov 3 2012, 6:25 PM EDT
no offense to you Tolonkolo or any one who isn't self obsessed about the last post
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Tolonkolo |
16. RE: Weirdest rumors
Nov 3 2012, 7:44 PM EDT
"no offense to you Tolonkolo or any one who isn't self obsessed about the last post"I kinda say it's true for both sides. some people don't need to spread their opinions if it's negative. If it's gona cause trouble why share it? Being hostile to people won't stop it ether. 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Blackwolf7337 |
17. RE: Weirdest rumors
Nov 4 2012, 5:02 AM EST
"shut your mouth you bich, he's only suggesting one of many solutions. Some people have very real curses and being a vampire is one of them, don't act so proud we may be your lunch, but we are also your doom.It's not a solution, it's a lie. You're not my lunch, I haven't fed from a human in years, because I hate it. You'll never be able to destroy me, because I'm too skilled, yet I pose no real threat to your kind. And about those 'curses,' you're wrong. 'Magic wielders,' or whatever stupid name you want to call the well-respected witches, warlocks, sorcerers, and Fae, do not set curses upon people undeserving of punishment. The only curses that 'showed the beast within' were the so called Beauty-and-The-Beast curses. I would not take a life as a prize, how dare you insult me like that? I am not a monster! My soul is as human as yours, but my body is different, that's all! I was turned because I was a dying young girl, not because I was a cruel, murdering machine. And I wasn't talking down to your race! I was talking down to the one person who was being a complete racist. Who was calling my friends, family, and I insane. I was saying that he subconsciously thinks that he's weaker, so he is cruel and rude to feel superior, like a middle school bully. Your race is equal in every way to mine, but there are some of you that don't think you are. Stakes and bullets? Separate myth from fact. 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Blackwolf7337 |
18. RE: Weirdest rumors
Nov 4 2012, 5:10 AM EST
"shut your mouth you bich, he's only suggesting one of many solutions. Some people have very real curses and being a vampire is one of them, don't act so proud we may be your lunch, but we are also your doom.We don't act superior to you, and we don't look down on you either. Why do you think humans still exist? But on the other hand, despite whole clans of hunters and frightened, inexperienced humans, vampires still exist as well. We don't have a Napoleon complex, because you pose no real threat, and we're aware of that. And just so you know, we don't hunt your kind. Deer? Yes. Humans? Absolutely not! What kind of monsters do you take us for? We are hunted down like animals, yet we don't hunt others. Get your facts straight before you go insulting an entire race. 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() tsukigami |
19. RE: Weirdest rumors
Nov 4 2012, 3:33 PM EST
It's disappointing to see such stuipd people on this site, Humans and Vampires can coexists, and most of us do! I hate Humans, this is hard to for me because I am a Human. Humans are weak, primitive and most are stuipd, but not all of us are. Im sorry. Lets just get back to the topic at hand.
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