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![]() Limitliss |
Hunters arn't bad people!
Jan 31 2013, 10:59 AM EST
From my expirience here it seems like most of you are not human which is ok by the way but you hate hunters and disperearich their character.I understand why you would and I reapect anyway you feel about them.However i'm a hunter myself and it really really hurts to read "Hunters are just viciuous monsters who only care about themselves" thats sugar codeing it. Just like how most of you get angry when people call your whole clan bad because of a few bad apples.How do you think we feel and we are proboky one one of the most hated people in thw world which I understand. We try our best.We don't get paid and harldy ever even get a thankyou.We just want to keep people safe.I'm not saying others don't get the same treatment cause everyone deserves respect.However there is more bad than good and if nobody mediates it who will?Besides we don't luve long anyway so if you don't like us you don't have something to look foward to.
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Ashkinuna |
1. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Jan 31 2013, 12:16 PM EST
I agree that hunters aren't bad people as a whole. And I quite honestly would help a hunter that is hunting something that is killing and tormenting others just because it can. Like I would report a criminal to the police. But are hunters the police? I don't think so. Do I know anything I would call the police for supernatural instances? Nope.
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SupremBeing |
2. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Jan 31 2013, 2:24 PM EST
Haha hunters evil doers with good intentions, but they aren't bad.
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Lesionia |
3. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Jan 31 2013, 7:55 PM EST
Well what about me then? Im not a hunter but Im pretty close to one
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Tolonkolo |
4. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 1 2013, 3:19 AM EST
"Well what about me then? Im not a hunter but Im pretty close to one"You an limitless are the good ones. Last night i was reminded rather badly on how my family died.. rather reminded me an a whole list of other things.. Do you find this valuable? |
supremecyfits |
5. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 2 2013, 8:53 PM EST
"Haha hunters evil doers with good intentions, but they aren't bad."exactly Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Logic_Chair |
6. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 3 2013, 12:38 AM EST
| Post edited: Feb 3 2013, 5:27 AM EST
Anyone even thinking of considering those risk their lives protecting mankind from the evil of the heretic, the mutant, the daemon, the unclean,to be evil, has been tainted by darkness beyond redemption, only trough napalm will their tortured spirit be set free from its prison of wickedness.Glory to those who dedicate their lives to the destruction of the creatures who seek to extinguish all human life.Hate toward the daemon is the purest expression of love toward His Divine Majesty. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Limitliss |
7. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 3 2013, 7:39 AM EST
"Anyone even thinking of considering those risk their lives protecting mankind from the evil of the heretic, the mutant, the daemon, the unclean,to be evil, has been tainted by darkness beyond redemption, only trough napalm will their tortured spirit be set free from its prison of wickedness.Glory to those who dedicate their lives to the destruction of the creatures who seek to extinguish all human life.So you hate hunters bit you respect what we're doing? I didn't understamd what you wrote. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
8. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 3 2013, 7:47 AM EST
I'm wishing to be a hunter, you aren't really good at looking at things in a different way are you?anyone think that it applies to a vampire who hunts evil creatures, or a werewolf? because no one ever thinks to enable these ideals they are never there, anyone who helps rid the world of evil by killing or banishing evil creatures is a type of hunter. you don't even have to do it physically. one thing that is true is that if you live your life taking out the darkness, you won't leave without a couple of marks... sometimes they are possesed, sometimes they kill the wrong thing, sometimes people judge us wrongly. One of a feather flock together, but instead we are at each other? peace, war, hatred... they fall hand in hand, where one sees peace another feels hatred. war will come and death will collect. and yet our relationships are packed with neglect. as much as a Hunter can hunt vampires, a Vampire can hunt hunters... neglecting of our ties has led to many deaths; none are innocent forever, and none can escape this world we live in... if you could live in space our world would follow; where humanity and its kind go our traits will show. if you support the death of hunters then you are a Hunter with a different title. just because you give a human the thirst and speed does that make it a vampire? no, it is in the mind of the man or woman that decides their fate; you can say I'm wrong, that I'm stupid even neglected but does that mean my words don't carry there own weight? for God's ake anything can be evil or good... but they are two sides of the same coin, how much before we flip? just as Good beleif's it is just, also does evil, the only just their is is the feeling that it is wrong. if you see a child dying is it wrong? what if it was a human Hunter? or a youngly changed Vampire? what if it was the young of the cousin of the wolf? 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
9. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 3 2013, 7:54 AM EST
would you condemn the fish for swimming? or the bird for flying? for we are walking one of the paths that we can walk to help others, we mean well and in the end can't you at least allow room to acknowledge this? we have few other ways and it can't be fare for our roads to only cross to the others of our kind?yes I said "our kind" we are all froim the same roots, only some have picked up different forms and talents along the way. in the end we were all born innocent and we all picked the roads we thought best at the time, if you will but not acknowledge else but not we meant well? 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
10. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 3 2013, 7:58 AM EST
he says we are doing the work of God/ his Divine Majesty, but that we are tainted in the way we have chosen to do it.answer to"so you hate hunters but you respect what we are doing? I didn't understand what you wrote." Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Limitliss |
11. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 3 2013, 9:50 AM EST
**** God man please don't talk about that guy around me.Its an uncomfortable subject.
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![]() Logic_Chair |
12. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 3 2013, 9:50 PM EST
"he says we are doing the work of God/ his Divine Majesty, but that we are tainted in the way we have chosen to do it.Naw. I said anyone considering hunters to be evil has been tainted by chaos, and must be purified by flame immediately. Do you find this valuable? |
Tolonkolo |
13. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 5 2013, 3:52 AM EST
The chair has to many errors an would fit the characteristics of a troll an info from a troll is never worth remembering or using. On another topic. Most supernaturals that comment wrongly on all hunters are the ones that have had encounters with the bad kind far to many times.. The good kind are hardly ever seen as the bad kind seem to always find us an cause trouble.. Wolves try to keep our rouges in check.. But its hard to do when theirs people shooting at us. Families lose loved one an so on its a fact of life. Life's not fair..I know better than most.. Theirs no changing it. Everything mostly run by people who have the money most.. Everything about money these days in the corporate business world. An yes we may have our secrets but we have lives too people were not mindless animals.. Leave that crap with the door an stereotypes.. Back at hand. Most things with hunters are spread with rumor. They have to act normal around people too. "You hunt werewolves?" "ya?" "I'm calling the police to get your head looked at." Typical answer from most.
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Lesionia |
14. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 5 2013, 4:01 AM EST
dang, josh where did this wisdom come from? Well said!
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![]() Limitliss |
15. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 5 2013, 12:43 PM EST
I'm just saying theres more bad than good.In my expirience 4/5 hunters are curropt and 9/10 supernaturals are evil.Thats how it is.Humans are too power hungry and alot of creatures give into temptation.
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Tolonkolo |
16. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 5 2013, 1:23 PM EST
"I'm just saying theres more bad than good.In my expirience 4/5 hunters are curropt and 9/10 supernaturals are evil.Thats how it is.Humans are too power hungry and alot of creatures give into temptation. "that is true but the numbers are in favor of the one out of those listings. theirs packs that are good. an heirs groups of hunters that are good.. its just.. no one takes the time in person to differentiate the two. guns verses claws.. both sides are weary of the other. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Limitliss |
17. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 5 2013, 2:12 PM EST
Well i'm retiring soon anyway.I don't even get paid for all the crap I go through.
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Tolonkolo |
18. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 5 2013, 2:56 PM EST
"Well i'm retiring soon anyway.I don't even get paid for all the crap I go through."Most aren't.. Its kept secret an quiet. The public is unaware. if they were i bet people would love to be it for money.. since money is what people now a days are mostly after. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() mythicalmaya |
19. RE: Hunters arn't bad people!
Feb 5 2013, 4:21 PM EST
i agree hunters are definitly not bad people but some do shoot first ND ASK QUESTIONS LATER. But i agree not all are bad.Do you find this valuable? |