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Spiritual1006 |
Truth of lore-Lycanthropes
Feb 18 2011, 7:25 PM EST
This is simple the lore of our wolven fears is simple, Theese are not blood thirsty monsters they posses the basic animal instincts. I was facinated with wolfs as a kid, the posses the perfect society, they care for each other and only the most fit can rule, Ther rules are simple and all play by them.For people getting on here and saying your a lycanthrope....dont. An animals first and foremost instinct is survival, and wolves dont like competition, claiming to be one to a very public audience is foolish The full moon shows us what the world is, it hightens us and everythiing around us, this is why the were-wolfs change under the full moon, The lore started in Native American culture and ancient Romain culture who still to this day some worship the wolf. Indian tribes learned everything about hunting, society, life in general from the wolves around them, they taught them how to survive, when warring tribes came to claim land theese indains where said to transform into the animals they cherished so highly in order to protect there pack. The Romanians of ancient times tested themselves by fighting the alpha male of a pack and thus by winning gained the loyalty of the pack, where they transformed into humans to be a select breed of warrior. All throughout history the Lycanthrope has been tied into protecting what they care for, learn about a wolven society before you make assumptions. The full moon is when veils come down, when we are the closest to the truth of the world around us, it could not been taken all together for one night when are more keen to our natural selves. Any questions on lore, history or anything feel free to ask 4 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
DragonRiderCrystalin |
1. RE: Truth of lore-Lycanthropes
Feb 19 2011, 12:36 AM EST
Are there other creatures who can change under teh full moon or is it just Lycanthropes? Is the full moon like a loop hole in the magic that keeps lycanthropes in human form?
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![]() freedragon10022 |
2. RE: Truth of lore-Lycanthropes
Feb 19 2011, 4:41 PM EST
yes there are. But really, Wearewolves, in the original legends, don't need the moon to transform into wolves or half wolves. They could do so at will, any time they wanted, sometimes with help of water, or a wolves skin, other times voluntarily.
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3. RE: Truth of lore-Lycanthropes
Feb 19 2011, 8:16 PM EST
The legends go father back than Native American and Roman times... Loup Garou change at will, supposedly blessed, not cursed. People wear wolf skin all the time. Lost hikers or mountain climbers drink rain water collected in prints of some animals in order to survive. They remain human. Voluntarily...there are stranger things.
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Spiritual1006 |
4. RE: Truth of lore-Lycanthropes
Feb 28 2011, 9:41 AM EST
Lycanthropes can change at will were wolfs are cursed under the full moon and i know theese things started before the times of native american and Romanian times thats where the real lore of them begins. Lycans and were-wolfs are different, lycans are born that way our changed by some ancient magik like wearing the fur or drinking from a wolf print
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![]() freedragon10022 |
5. RE: Truth of lore-Lycanthropes
Feb 28 2011, 6:49 PM EST
Bingo. It all depends on the location of the myth.In greece it was a curse from angry gods In celtic legend, a blessing from the gods In Parts of southern america, a blessing from god with burdens In norway, a price for a strong warrior In the mediterranian, a curse from a deal with the devil And so on... Do you find this valuable? |