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Dani2525 |
40. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 6:47 AM EDT
"Well then what I'm doing now must be a freakin miracle *sarcasm* I live in CA"Cool. Do you find this valuable? |
Posted Anonymously |
41. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 10:44 AM EDT
"Alright, #1: Our American society (that was built on slavery and genocide) is crumbling at our feet. You claim it is 'just', but I, as a white American female, have no say over my body or my mind. The misogyny in the government is overlooked, even as bags in texas are being searched and pads and tampons being seized. Because God forbid anyone throw a feminine hygiene product at a republican.your a F*CKING IDIOT the country was started by pilgrims who came to obtain freedom of religion because they believed England's forms of teaching weren't right in the eyes of god (their ideals) and other then the majority of pilgrims it was also families and hunters looking for a better life (hunter's as in animal, like beaver pelts would go for good prices... and most farmers doubled as pelt hunters and fishers in their free time, dependent on where they were) the mayflower started one of the first prosperous colonies in America, the first bloodshed was when pilgrims ran into indian hunting parties/ scouts, regardless of who threw the first punch, they later made amends and worked together, the settling pilgrims set up trade with the indians and tried to co-exist and until the later fights (and ignoring the occasional squabbles which were most usually solved quickly) which mainly happened when setlers tried to mass colonize Do you find this valuable? |
Posted Anonymously |
42. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 10:56 AM EDT
"your a F*CKING IDIOT the country was started by pilgrims who came to obtain freedom of religion because they believed England's forms of teaching weren't right in the eyes of god (their ideals) and other then the majority of pilgrims it was also families and hunters looking for a better life (hunter's as in animal, like beaver pelts would go for good prices... and most farmers doubled as pelt hunters and fishers in their free time, dependent on where they were) the mayflower started one of the first prosperous colonies in America, the first bloodshed was when pilgrims ran into indian hunting parties/ scouts, regardless of who threw the first punch, they later made amends and worked together, the settling pilgrims set up trade with the indians and tried to co-exist and until the later fights (and ignoring the occasional squabbles which were most usually solved quickly) which mainly happened when setlers tried to mass colonize"that was me - Joshua Elswick; and slavery only began on a mass level once the settlers had set up perminet settlements, yes they had slaves, but most were treated like family because they all lived together, worked toigether, and prospered together... only the rich corrupt people made what we call today "plantations" and who used slaves to do everything from the dishes to wiping their butts (yes some people were that big of ********/ lazy bastards) having slaves during the colonization period depended on the people, just because you treat a a person nicely does not mean that your neighbor feels inclined to do the same, only when the United Statesd of America formed did mass slavery begin, and even then it was only the corrupt, this nation was based on freedom and of the right to pursue one's happiness as Benijamen Franklin believed:" the people have some unalianable rights such as the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of happiness"(not an exact qoute but I am going by memory of me reading iot last year) Do you find this valuable? |
Posted Anonymously |
43. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 11:00 AM EDT
"that was me - Joshua Elswick; and slavery only began on a mass level once the settlers had set up perminet <NOBR>settlements</NOBR>, yes they had slaves, but most were treated like family because they all lived together, worked toigether, and prospered together... only the rich corrupt people made what we call today "plantations" and who used slaves to do everything from the dishes to wiping their butts (yes some people were that big of ********/ lazy bastards) having slaves during the colonization period depended on the people, just because you treat a a person nicely does not mean that your neighbor feels inclined to do the same, only when the United Statesd of America formed did mass slavery begin, and even then it was only the corrupt, this nation was based on freedom and of the right to pursue one's happiness as Benijamen Franklin believed:" the people have some unalianable rights such as the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of happiness"(not an exact qoute but I am going by memory of me reading iot last year)"I didn't read the second page, I only apologize for saying your a F*cking Idiot though Do you find this valuable? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
44. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 11:02 AM EDT
all that last stuff was me
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Dani2525 |
45. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 11:18 AM EDT
Just leave myawesomeyo be. The issue was dealt with already. You're bringing an old argument back.
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Pelagios |
46. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 12:14 PM EDT
"all that last stuff was me"Why didn't you log in to post those? Do you find this valuable? |
Dani2525 |
47. RE: Political Action
Jul 14 2013, 2:37 PM EDT
"Why didn't you log in to post those?"The thought probably escaped his mind while he was insulting someone for something that was already dealt with. -_______- 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() mech1031 |
48. RE: Political Action
Dec 20 2013, 11:39 PM EST
"that was me - Joshua Elswick; and slavery only began on a mass level once the settlers had set up perminet settlements, yes they had slaves, but most were treated like family because they all lived together, worked toigether, and prospered together... only the rich corrupt people made what we call today "plantations" and who used slaves to do everything from the dishes to wiping their butts (yes some people were that big of ********/ lazy bastards) having slaves during the colonization period depended on the people, just because you treat a a person nicely does not mean that your neighbor feels inclined to do the same, only when the United Statesd of America formed did mass slavery begin, and even then it was only the corrupt, this nation was based on freedom and of the right to pursue one's happiness as Benijamen Franklin believed:" the people have some unalianable rights such as the right to life, the right to liberty, and the right to the pursuit of happiness"(not an exact qoute but I am going by memory of me reading iot last year)"did you ever read about how the slave owners would rape there slaves yep sounds like famly to me Do you find this valuable? |
![]() mech1031 |
49. RE: Political Action
Dec 20 2013, 11:50 PM EST
"your a F*CKING IDIOT the country was started by pilgrims who came to obtain freedom of religion because they believed England's forms of teaching weren't right in the eyes of god (their ideals) and other then the majority of pilgrims it was also families and hunters looking for a better life (hunter's as in animal, like beaver pelts would go for good prices... and most farmers doubled as pelt hunters and fishers in their free time, dependent on where they were) the mayflower started one of the first prosperous colonies in America, the first bloodshed was when pilgrims ran into indian hunting parties/ scouts, regardless of who threw the first punch, they later made amends and worked together, the settling pilgrims set up trade with the indians and tried to co-exist and until the later fights (and ignoring the occasional squabbles which were most usually solved quickly) which mainly happened when setlers tried to mass colonize"hahahahh realy do you F$CKING UNDERSTAND THAT WAS HORRIFICALLY RACIST you ignorant little son of a bi your a F@CKING IDIOT you ignorant son of a b@tch Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
50. RE: Political Action
Dec 21 2013, 10:02 AM EST
"hahahahh realy do you F$CKING UNDERSTAND THAT WAS HORRIFICALLY RACIST you ignorant little son of a biActually the country was started by American Indians (Many of them my direct ancestors, funny how everyone just forgets that) FYI, On any given reservation the life expectancy for American Indian men is 65 years old. (70 for women)The drug and alchol problems are epidemic. the unemployment rate is EIGHTY PERCENT! The homicide rate against American Indians (especialy men) is higher than that of ANY other group in this country Diabetes is at epidemic levels as is HIV and AIDS, The poverty is BRUTAL with children and elderly literaly FREEZING to death in winter (Particularyl on the Navjo reservation.) for lack of proper heating. MOST reservations are WORSE than THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES! Yet no one even remembers that we EXIST!!! If this was ANY other group of AmeriKans ("K" is intentional) Like the politcaly correct protected groups such as; Blacks, women, Gays, and even Whites, to an extent, there would be OUTRAGE! There would be "focus groups", the U.N. would be beside themselves, The News Media would be all over the story (But American Indians are not a big enough Democrat voting block, so the media ignores them) and there would be the usual (stupid) ribbons to symbolize their struggle. But NO! NOTHING. There is NO BODY caring about them OR their plight. No one even remembers THEM! GOD bless AmeriKa! (sarcasam off) Do you find this valuable? |
JasperV123 |
51. RE: Political Action
Dec 21 2013, 11:27 PM EST
hmmmm...i am very...confusedDo you find this valuable? |
Dani2525 |
52. RE: Political Action
Dec 22 2013, 9:51 PM EST
"Actually the country was started by American Indians (Many of them my direct ancestors, funny how everyone just forgets that)I believe that Portugal, Spain, Britian, and France started the Americas. The Natives were here first, but the Europeans were the ones to start everything up. -Not trying to say one is better than the other, just saying what I learned in AP World History. Do you find this valuable? |