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MadameSerena |
260. RE: An idiot with good intent
Sep 26 2014, 10:55 PM EDT
I first came to this site with a curious mindwhere I encountered a vast number of people. Some led amazing lives of fighting demons, monsters, and evil of all kinds. But then I hear that they got hurt I just can't stand when people get hurt from supernatural beings with evil intent. And I wish I could more than just comfort. But herein lies a choice that I face. Should I remain hidden away is safety? Away from the battlefield so I don't get hurt? Where monsters don't bother to even look for me? And only build up knowledge just in case? Or should I rather attempt to take up a sword and shield and join others in their fight? To fight against evil help save other people and learn to heal and to protect. But what if, as a result of me joining the fray, I cause more problems than solved become a burden to others and hinder more than help? What if I knew too little and was in constant need of saving? But if I decide to stay safe I'll feel bad either way I'll be filled with regret because I didn't try to help. This choice I face fills me with great angst. I do not know which way to go Perhaps my mind is too narrow Perhaps I am wrong Perhaps all I am is an idiot with good intent. Do you find this valuable? |
Kita0912 |
261. RE: An idiot with good intent
Sep 27 2014, 2:40 PM EDT
"I first came to this site with a curious mindSo sad... :( But it's good though! I wish I could write poetry and stuff. "Idiot"?? MadameSerena How can you be an "idiot" and write like that? You can't. So your not an idiot by any stretch of the definition. (HUGS YOU) ^_^ Do you find this valuable? |
Kita0912 |
262. RE: poems
Sep 27 2014, 2:41 PM EDT
"I stand amoung you, you say I have a home. You call me friend and say you'll never roam.Grim...? Do you find this valuable? |
Lesionia |
263. True Abandonment
Sep 28 2014, 9:54 PM EDT
A door slams in my face againStuck in this cold, dark dungeoun I remember all the dungeouns I hve been in. A dark one of death- one of loneliness The one of breathelessness, dehydration, and starvation The second prison of abandment was gray and blue On the second story it spoke of invisible black fire Neglect, and abuse reigned, yet we survived. At the age of eight, my childhood a blessing until my imprisonment came One person came, Same person left. Not a word, not a call Abandoment came, true abandonment.... Imprisoned by my pain and tears I had wondered How could a mother do that to her daughter. My imrisonment lasted for years The pain grew, yet life was not done handing out the storms My tormentor came when I was 12. Unseen, unknown, he haunted my every thought, my every move, my every dream. My pain empowered him, soon hate filled my heart I was becoming damaged. I managed to free myself from his grasp. But I was alone in all that torture, my family never knew But then I was an image of my hated mother. Never accepted by myself or others- I seemed abandoned again. Use to the imprisonment and abandonment, I stand alone, always will, always have. Do you find this valuable? |
TheCrow077 |
264. RE: True Abandonment
Sep 29 2014, 9:54 AM EDT
"A door slams in my face againalone you do not stand. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
265. RE: True Abandonment
Sep 29 2014, 1:31 PM EDT
"alone you do not stand."yes, i agree with crow, lesionia. you don't stand alone. not while we're here. Do you find this valuable? |
Lesionia |
266. RE: True Abandonment
Sep 29 2014, 3:29 PM EDT
Are you certain of that? The fae have always helped me when they can, but an ancient as me truly has to stand alone for all the secrets she holds.
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ErikaLancastor |
267. RE: True Abandonment
Sep 29 2014, 3:53 PM EDT
"Are you certain of that? The fae have always helped me when they can, but an ancient as me truly has to stand alone for all the secrets she holds."....let's put it this way... you have support from us, and you can talk to us about things that are bothering you. grim included. ive never known anyone who can keep secrets as he can. in any case, you are NOT alone. Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
268. RE: True Abandonment
Oct 1 2014, 8:42 AM EDT
"....let's put it this way... you have support from us, and you can talk to us about things that are bothering you.""ive never known anyone who can keep secrets as he can."" True..., I even know where Jimmy Hoffa is. Do you find this valuable? |
GoblinGrim |
269. RE: True Abandonment
Oct 1 2014, 8:43 AM EDT, not really.
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