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Birthday: 03/02/95 Occupation: Student Dreams: To live in the country and become a writer Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate Inspired by: My mom Music: Anything really, as long as i can tap my foot T.v: CSI(All of them) NCIS, The Mentalist, NUMB3RS etc. I would like to live: In either New York City, or in a wood. I would like to meet: A werewolf or vampire I am sick of: People who only like vampires etc. because of "Twilight " etc. Favourite quote: Edward Cullen sparkles, lives in the forest and doesn't eat humans - he is a fairy! Love: Animals and coffee Wonder: Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of the song? I beleive: In beleivers I wish: That i could meet something supernatural My school: Hogwarts ;) I secretly think: That there is a whole lot more going on than our government admits to!
I hail from: Scotland! Home of the Brave! Hence the really pale skin No i'm not naturally ginger No i didn't have Haggis for breakfast this morning, it is disgusting Yes i did have porridge, very nice! No i dont wear a kilt Yes i do have a Scottish accent, great now your trying to do one.... by the way your failing.... epically I do not toss cabres or play the pipes We do not watch "Brave heart" every Sunday! Yes we do swear at every second word Yes we do have a better schooling system then England :P Yes, the temperature is ridiculously cold all year round Yes, it is raining, right now Yes there are hills everywhere Yes, werewolves prowl the woods No i have not seen Nessie Yes in my garden i do have heather No i do not go round pillaging the English No we do not live in caves Yes we have advanced to houses - unbeleivable! Yes, Alexander Grahame Bell was Scottish, he stole the telephone off a French man Go Him! No i do not know Frankie Boyle We don't use sarcasm, ever, For people who don't get sarcasm (English, Americans, pretty much everyone bar the Irish) That was sarcasm No we dont have a "Secret bond" with the Irish We have a knife in our kilts to stab anyone who accuses us of wearing skirts Yes i drink whiskey - a lot I beat a fully grown English male in a whiskey drinking competion, I'm female, and i was 13 These are some of the ridiculous questions i have been asked - just because i am Scottish - if you have any others please ask, il be happy to answer ;)
Latest page update: Jan 3 2011, 9:30 AM EST