Hello, my name is Rybo-Rene if U want my real name ask!
Home town: Flint, MI
Like my wolf Buckwheat Casper Dault.
MORE ABOUT ME... If U want to know ask.
I joined this wiki because: I love mythical creatures and love to talk about them. The best word to describe me is: Unique. Interests: Reading, school, watching TV, and playing games. Favorite movies: Anything Syfy. Favorite TV shows: Terra Nova, Glee, The Simpsons, Supernatural, and anything around that area. My hero(es): My Grandma and Aunt.
My superpower is: super hearing, super agile, and super smart.
If I could live anywhere, it would be: I would live on a 3miX3mi plot of land with my zoo of pets. My dream job(s): Become an Inventor of all sorts like websites, robots, etc. What else you should know about me: Want to know things I didn't add ask for them.
SAY HELLO! Leave me a comment below, or send me a private message or compliment!