Angelic Possession
A concept by "Z.G. Taylor"...
One of the most asked questions I come across is, "If demons can possess people, can angels do it too?". The simple answer to this is, "Yes they can". I personally believe myself to be a personal account of this type of possession also known as "Angelic Possession". The word possession is misleading and does not involve anything sinister when involving the Angelic. To be possessed by an angel, the angel must have the permission of the host. Another fact you may not know is angels only have physical forms of their own in heaven, on Earth, and other worlds/dimensions. Angels travel on frequencies so for an angel to have a physical form on Earth they need to take possession of a physical being. These people are known as vessels. Vessels are not referred to as hosts like in demonic possession because "Angelic Possession" can actually help the possessed, not hinder them. "Angelic Possession" cleanses a being of all sins or tainted memories. The most typical symptom of a possession of this caliber is hearing a voice whispering in your mind. The vessel does have the choice to not allow this 'voice' to guide and slowly take control of you on a subliminal level. There is then a point when it begins to adjust to its new body and headaches will begin, hardly lasting a day. "Angelic Possession" is rather limited as it is native to bloodlines that are "blessed" or "special". An example of this would be direct descendants of the line of Seth. I myself, have been told this by the angel I believe to have possessed me, Archangel Uriel. He told me truth's, such as how the line of Cain was not annihilated in the flood as believed. Noah's wife was a descendant of Cain and the wife of Noah's son was a descendant of Abel, stretching back to before Cain murdered Abel. As far as I can tell, Uriel is still with me. If you receive any information on this topic, send it my way or if you too have been possessed by an angel, I would like to hear from you.
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