Demonic Haunting
I think I have a demon spirit following me. The many ghostly spirit sightings I've had and I dreamt about all of them. When I visited a duck pond, I saw a ghostly figure on the bridge. That ghostly figure looked like a fisher sitting there. At first, that figure reminded me of the Dreamworks logo. That was all I remember about that figure since I had woken up just moments after. I sat up and I saw a demon face staring at me in the mirror. It looked as if it was yelling at me. I begun to cry and I startled my mother who ran in just minutes later. He disappeared right before my mother was in my room. The next morning, I saw a ghostly figure standing near the road when we drove by it. Later on in the day, I was on the swings at school and I saw a basket ball start bouncing by itself. There wasn't a breeze that could have manipulated it. The next day, I went to this tunnel at the same duck pond that I mentioned earlier. I had gone with my best friend when we both saw this white cloaked phantom girl with messy black hair and red eyes appear out of nowhere.
Recently, I was home alone and I heard strange footsteps on my porch and strange noises in my kitchen. I later debunked the the noises that were in my kitchen as my cat scratching on an empty pizza box and getting into a cupboard. The steps however, were still a mystery to me. I had grabbed a flashlight and knife and made my way outside to investigate. I made my way around the house and I couldn't find anything strange. I did however feel like I was being watched. Since then, I keep having recurring paranormal dreams. I'm afraid to be alone at home and I keep hearing strange noises. I'm terrified that someone I love will be hurt or possessed.
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traveling demon. ''i think im being followed.''
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Oct 12 2012, 11:19 AM EDT by
Thread started: Oct 12 2012, 11:19 AM EDT
these are real events and sightings that happened to me. i understand if your beliefs are different and against mine. i do not own the picture. The location is in Temecula, CA.
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