This truly happened to me. The cause, either my mind playing tricks on me or reality.
I woke up one morning, and something (the something/some-person I only ever connected to with my mind) I talk to warned me not to look at any mirrors. Curious as to why I wasn't supposed to look at mirrors I looked into a mirror, gazed into the reflections of my eyes, then I started to get sleepy and was drifting towards the mirror. The person who warned me snapped me out of it before I hit the mirror. Later on that day I was still curious so I tried again. I was wearing a hat, the same effects happened as before, but this time my hat hit the mirror and saved me.
The mirror (it could work with any mirror, but it was strongest in one particular one) kept on tempting me to gaze into it again and again and eventually started to communicate with my mind taunting me. I of course taunted back. (idiot)
Oddly enough after time of talking it actually told me to not let it mesmerize me. We started to have friendlier chats, it even tried to help give me knowledge from time to time. Though it did tell me to question everything. Much later on something happened in my mind that caused me to lose contact with lots of things I talked to before. And I never found out its true motives, or what it was.
Story submitted by user (Ashkinuna)...