Version User Scope of changes
Jun 21 2010, 3:47 AM EDT (current) Dous777 6 words added, 13 words deleted
Apr 3 2010, 4:37 PM EDT movie_mad_grl 117 words added


Key:  Additions   Deletions
Creatures of English Mythology:

- Beast of Bodmin
- Beast of Exmoor
- Bluecap
- Brag
- Brownie- Bugbear
- Church Grim
- Cofgod
- Dwarf- Eachy
- Elder Mother
- Elf- Familiar Spirit
- Fat Lips
- Fetch- Gnome
- Grindylow
- Hob
- Hobgoblin
- Hunky Punk
- Jack o' Kent
- Knocker
- Knucker
- Lindworm
- Lubber fiend
- Ogre
- Pixie
- Pyewacket
- Redcap
- Revenant
- Sceadugenga
- Shellycoat
- Shug Monkey
- Sooterkin
- Tiddy Mun
- Troll- Wight
- Wild man
- Wyrm
- Yallery Brown