I am so sick and tired of seeing these false claims on this website. i constantly hear people saying "i was changed" "i shifted for the first time when i was 13" "im an alpha" "werewolves and vampires do not get along" and even worse, " tell me where you are and i'll come change you". Just so you know, anyone who claims to be able to change you is a fraud, and possibly a *********. I am here to set the record straight.
I get that many of you want to be special. Maybe daddy never loved you, you feel like you dont have friends, you have a fetish or obsession to feed, or whatever the case but you look to lying about what you are instead of doing something productive with your life? Dont just decide "I am" or "I think I am" a werewolf.
Im tired of seeing this:
"Im a werewolf, I was bitten", even freakin twilight got that right! ITS GENETIC.
"I shifted when i was thirteen" sorry fella, you arent special and I doubt you've shifted. most dont shift till well after 17 let alone THAT early. your body cannot physically handle it. those who are forced into a shift in that age die or can even be scared or may bear some injury for the rest of their lives (few exceptions otherwise but there is always a possibility, but with so many of you claiming it, imm finding it harder to believe). Theepidermis (integumentary system as a whole; in english: your skin) cant handle it, your heart cant handle the stress, etc. It takes a lot of energy to shift, energy that can only be stored after one is done with most of their growing.
"Im black" or "I'm pure white" or "I look like Okami" or whatever. really? Please, most of you should be in a broad spectrum of colors, not tethered to ying or yang or a japanese video game. NO, YOU SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE THE WOLF FROM TWILIGHT PRINCESS (Zelda). Just because you think a color is cool doesnt necessarily mean thats your color. BTW, a lot of wolves state that they have blue or red eyes when in actuality we take on features more similar to a real wolfs so if that color doesnt exist in their natural world, it likely doesnt exist in ours with few few exceptions. *blue is not a natural eye color for a wolf but because many wolves in movies are portrayed by huskies, people think that blue is among the colors of wolf iris's.
"I'm an Alpha" Really now? Care to join in a battle to the death? you're fifteen. no. just no. things about an alpha:
1. they should know the history of their kind, not familial, the entire race. YES I MEAN PRETTY CLOSE TO ALL OF IT. Im talking about back to before the medieval ages.
Also know that the lycanthropic trait is traced back to Europe, not places like the phillipines or even in early america with the native americans. It only would have really gotten to those places if small packs or rogues migrated there or when countries and areas were conquered in ancient times.
2. Know, for the love of god, that vampires are not enemies to our species! we have lived peacefully for a long long time and covens have been besides a lot of packs.
3. Be respecful. Crimson Snow is a very good example of this, learn from her.
4. KNOW THE RULES. too many dont yet if you were in a real physical pack at any point in time, it should be one of the first things you learn.
5. you do not elect yourself alpha, you either take it by challenge, by some sort of pack democracy, or by blood inheritance.
6. you should know that there are true alphas out there and though there are only a few, you should know to be on good terms with them because you should know of their bloodlines ability which is beneficial to ANY pack.*** Im not saying it because youll all claim to be from this genetic line and that is IMPOSSIBLE. this is one that is so well tracked, its not even funny and there are only six and there all in known places.***
Okay, now that we are done with that, even though thats just as small touch on the subject.... hunters. NO NO NO NO. If you feel that there is an issue with hunters, you either have to be dumb enough to manage to cause them to spring up AND allow them to figure out what you are or youre a roleplayer. Hunters dont really exist anymore and the few that do are hopelessly lost because we are so well integrated into society."I hate humans". Really? we are gonna go there? what do you think the majority of your DNA relates to? if it were wolf, we would be wolves that turn into humans, not the other way around. Dont be emo, just be smart.
"I blacked out and......everything was destroyed.... I was naked" Congrats, you were rufied/drugged. When we turn, the wolf does not just take over, that is like saying that we have a separate brain that plugs itself in or that half of our brain turns off. We share the halves and as much as you might hate to admit it, technically it is more human than wolf. Unless your THAT kid that taps his foot when he is scratched behind the ear.... we've all heard of THOSE people....
When you are in your wolf form you should remember pretty much everything. Otherwise packs would have issues
This is what would happen if what some of you claim is true. WTF PEOPLE.
OKAY OKAY Im being critical and hyperanalytical....
lets end this with something funny that makes us real wolves cringe yet laugh since there is so much....... well you'll see.
New user who joins the werewolf group:
Wolf 1: ....So yeah, thats what happened when my beta....
Wolf 2: Thats fascinating! how did they.....
New User: LOVE ME! MY NAME IS BELLA. LET ME GUESS, YOUR NAME IS JACOB! If you dont love me will you at least love my baby?
Wolfs 1& 2: Uh....
New User: FINE! Ill go back to my boyfriend! He's a real vampire, he sparkles in the sun! but its ok, now that youre not in love with me anymore, here is my baby. Im sure that just like twilight, you have odd sexual fantasies about her even though i just popped her outta my shabalabadingdong yesterday
Im sorry but if you came to this group looking to find something like in twilight then... GO THE AWAY. Go make youre choice between necrophelia and *********** somewhere else.
Underworld fans! I know youre out there! DO NOT take that movie as fact. Vampires and werewolves are not enemies so stop sending them threats.
Those with mates. If there is even the possiblity in the back of your mind that you could want to break up, they are not your mate. You and your mate should never want to part ever, I dont care who didnt replace the toilet paper in the bathroom, there is no reason they could ever find that would make them want to separate. That being said, if they beat you, obviously they are not your mate. Too many people saying "I broke up with my mate", no, you broke up with your girlfriend or boyfriend. Wolves are monogamous, so are we but we still have the option of dating. Its not like anyone your with is your mate. NOOOOOOOOHOHO. mate or bf/gf; dont get them confused
Symptoms of being a werewolf. really? we are a medical condition now? cool, well as long as that is what we are, we all love KFC, bark at the mail man, and pee on every tree we take fancy too.... no guys... there is a particular scent that is Identifyable but if there were really symptoms that were very noticeable, dont you think we would have been sought out and wiped out a long time ago when people did hunt us? It would make us and our families stand out. If youre a werewolf, it is in your genetics, end of story.
Being bitten? Well, we can bite you, sure, but it wont do anything and you may have to go to the hospital. If you think biting works by transfer of saliva to an open wound you might as well cut your tongue or the inside of your cheek and say "spit in my mouth"....
Normal shifting age is somewhere in between 17.5-25. not thirteen.
Summary: just cause you want to be something, doesnt make you that thing. Just because you watch a lot of TV, doesnt mean you know SH!T.
Sorry if your hopes crashed and burned or you were offended but personally I was offended by some people's comments too. Just..... be smarter than your average turkey.
The Big Bad Wolf