The Fictional Tales of Vampirejediknight
The Following is a collection of tales I am writing. I will attempt to finish them all. They are not copywrited yet and most never will be.
Tale I: Fearless- A television series I'm writing
Author's Note: Please message me or start a thread suggesting music for the soundtrack at specific points.
Also, please let me know what you think of my story.
Intro: Cool music plays (let me know what should play). Narrator: 'Next on _____...(let me know what chanell it should be).'
*Flash to clip*
A Window opens
House burning
Face hidden in hood of sweatshirt
Teenage boy stabbing driver's seat in car
Narrator: '...Fearless; Season Premiere'
A window unlocks itself and opens slowly. A large, dark shape leaps in and onto a sleeping teenager (seventeen years old). The boy wakes up and struggles weakly. His eleven-year-old brother jumps from his bed across the room and attacks the figure. He is thrown to the ground and the older brother uses karate on the attakcer, screaming incoherently. The younger on attacks with a brilliant punch and th older tackles the introder, pushing him to the floor. The sranger, who's face is concealed by a sweatshirt hood, escapes the brothers' grip and runs out their bedromm door into the hallway, where a man (the father evidently) shoots th intruder with a 12 gauge shotgun. The atacker pretends pretends that the man missed, and he tosses down a bucket f gasoline. h grabs what looks like two boxes of lit maches and tosses them down. He throws knocks out the man ad a woman around the same age. The older brother shoves a bed in front of the bedroom door, which he locks.
Older Brother: 'Help me get the knives, ropes, and my revolver.'
They open a closet and pull out sveral different knives, ropes, and a tiny five-shot revolver. They tie the ropes together with trong sailing knots and run out onto the balcony of the big, old, expensive house. They tie the long rope to the balcony railing. The older brother runs back into the bedroom, grabbing his wallet and a pair of laptop cases. He tosses them to the younger boy.
Older Brother: Go down the rope, Conner. There's a spare car key in the wallet! Take a couple knives, too. I have to get Mom and Dad!'
He runs out the door to the hallway and pulls his parents into the bedroom. The intruder follows and throws something at the floor. The arents shove the older brother out onto the balcony and the room explodes. Conner, in a brand new black Lamborgini, screams, 'NO!'
The balcony falls out onto the lawn and you see a shot of the burning house with only quiet music in the background, you don't hear what the older brother says as he gets in the driver's seat and speeds away.
Episode title appears at the bottom of the screen: Finding Help, Sort of
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May 22 2010, 8:08 AM EDT by
Thread started: May 22 2010, 8:08 AM EDT
looks pretty good so far. I have no clue about music and even less about channel, but it looks like a pretty good show.
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