Uhmm... you do plan to have Tigers on your Tiger page, right???
Oct 9 2014, 6:55 PM EDT by
mythical creatures are true and real
i saw a lepercon last year. it came up to me and gave me candy. i asked how short he was and he told me "**** YOU" not cool shorty
Nov 30 2012, 7:54 AM EST by Anonymous
i still need your guys help with the pictures
as you can see i have really big pictures can you please tell how to make the picture smaller step by step and can you do it for me too thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 12 2012, 7:07 PM EDT by
so dragonlover please read this
how on earth do you post picture to epic qust pleas tell me step by step
Jun 11 2012, 7:08 PM EDT by
who wants to continue epic story
anyone anyone at all we need at least 2 person to continue this epic story i already started for you guys to add stuff just go to easy edit come on we need more people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 8 2012, 8:26 AM EDT by
I am the author for Gobiro but have lost the password and email used for the account, if the character needs to be killed off or continued by others it's up to them to decide, either way I don't care.
Oct 13 2011, 1:55 AM EDT by Anonymous
Good idea. May I fill that part in? -is going to post momentarily.-
Jun 26 2011, 9:47 AM EDT by
I will not say whether Gobiro is alive or not. Someone else must fill in the next part of the story. Thought that would be cool.
Jun 26 2011, 3:18 AM EDT by
Heya guys. I've noticed that there is absolutely no activity right now. Last summer there was no activity for the whole season I was off, so if you have ANY free time please post in the Epic Story!
Jun 23 2011, 9:37 AM EDT by
I have used a lot of Latin names in the ES. For example, King Mort's name is death, Malfili is bad son, and Adair is an actual name meaning noble spear. Just letting you know.
Jun 18 2011, 5:03 AM EDT by
hey-o peoples. back to ES!
hey guys. here i am! adding to the story once again! thank to all contributers for adding to the story. CONTINUE please!
Jun 16 2011, 3:47 PM EDT by
I am back
I am back, my good fellow friends. BUT I will have twist to Ashaedia of you haven't read my post just yet >:3
Jun 7 2011, 6:56 AM EDT by
can i join?
if i joined i would be a merge of flarebrass and ahzi dahaka and man.
Apr 11 2011, 4:15 AM EDT by Anonymous
Epic Story Page Four
I (vampirejediknight) am back. First, so you know what happens, read The Epic Story to learn of what happens on the first page. Just click on the link to go to the first page. To read the second page, click on this link: The Epic Story Pag
Last updated:
Jun 5 2013, 12:09 PM EDT by
Last updated:
Jun 7 2013, 5:53 PM EDT by
Blank Page 30
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Jun 5 2013, 1:53 PM EDT by