The Night Elves. A peaceful race of creatures that received a bad deal.
When Jehovah came to power he had Azrael order his children to infiltrate certain races and convince them to leave peacefully. Alabastar the raven of grace of night, one of the children of Azrael, infiltrated the society of the Night Elves. He and them had much in common...they both favored the dark embrace of the forest...the tall trees that allowed no sunlight...the cold winds rushing between the trees. Alabastar lived amongst them for a full year. He convinced them that a war was coming and that the Night Elves should flee. Many debates later they agreed. Alabastar convinced them that he had a better place for them. They all went through a portal that was supposed to take them to a dark Forrest utopia, but it wasn't. They were trapped in a specific place in purgatory that never has a moon and is bright at all times. Before they could go back Alabastar sealed the portal. Every portal resides in Alabastar's home in purgatory, a large black leafless tree, with thorns around the door, in a place where there is only darkness.
He regrets the order to extradite them, and if a Raven could sleep and dream, I am sure he would have nightmares of their smiles when he use to play and live among them.