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  • This is offensive and stupid as F***! SERIOUSLY? Your so damn stupid you post sh*t from Nicolas Flamel in the Biblical Section? EDIT THIS or DELETE it! Giving out incorrect information, about the Bible, shame on you! >:(
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Nov 13 2012, 2:27 PM EST by Anonymous
  • this is ******** this is from the secret of Nicholas Flamel series its bull. based on no myths
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Aug 13 2012, 11:55 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • Loopholes! You said that when a human or human's magic is awakened... How exactly do you awaken it?
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Jul 12 2012, 7:47 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • contact i believe these things are real...and would like to contact one at some point in my life.
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Apr 3 2012, 1:34 AM EDT by Anonymous
  • nicholas Flamel there are meany legends on Nicholas Flamel some say he was a sorcerer some say sienctist some even say hes Mirlan him self personly i believe he is an Elder
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Feb 28 2012, 4:33 PM EST by Anonymous
  • Michael Scott: The Immortal Nicholas Flamel series true? I remember I am reading the ongoing series called The secrets of the immortal Nicholas Flamel series. The elders are described here. Any comments on how the book relates so close to this?
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Jan 11 2012, 10:11 AM EST by BluexXxWitch
  • The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel Are you talking about The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, love the series by the way.
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Jun 10 2011, 4:37 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • Well @Anonymous above me
    Technically speaking the english language allows for a word to have multiple meanings, so although you say that (and yes, your elders are people OLDER that you, not always old - even someone 1 year older than you counts as an elder =and lets not forget this is only one of its meanings=) the word 'Elder' can refer to mythological being as well.

    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: May 30 2011, 9:09 AM EDT by Anonymous
  • Elders Elders are old people. Or old cats if you read the Warrior books by Erin Hunter. I guess you can be an old person with powers though. I always imagined some knowing how to do some magic spells make potions. And they may be in a tribe. I guess that's just my imagination though. =^_^= But yeah, they're old.
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: May 21 2011, 6:02 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • Elders are True I've read a book about ancaint creatures and the phonomnon by Silva Brown called Phonomnon and when I read about the Elder and its true accept they are also human beings who have the power to get rid of ghost. and Demons and have to take orders form GOD. If anyone has seen the show Charmed about the three witches named Phoepe, Prue, and Pipper and also Leo and in theat show Leo is the Elder ecept in the real world Elders dont orb into heaving with there body s like that instead there bodys are still there but there sols orb into heaving for meetings with the other elders they also have to deal with the balence with good and Evil . well believe it or not the reason why I say its true is becouse I've meet somone who is an elder but when that peson toled me I didn't want to believe it until I got the truth from that persons Family
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Aug 26 2010, 1:26 PM EDT by Anonymous
  • 12 elders both the bible and the koran say there are 12 elders if so names and a discriptions would be nice.
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: May 23 2010, 7:23 AM EDT by The_Werefox
    Thread location: Elder
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Posted: Jan 20 2010, 5:23 AM EST by Anonymous
  • Elder Elders are immortal beings, said to be know as the creators of the magic realms. Though they are not invulnerable, it is possible for them to die or be killed.They are all mostly human-like beings, although some, like the Bastet, are part animal o
    Keyword tags: EldersGodsImmortalMagic 
    Last updated: Jun 13 2011, 2:53 PM EDT by Mythical_Geek
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