Blurrs Investigation
I had an Investigation that involved blurs that has turned weird.
Oct 24 2013, 9:32 PM EDT by Anonymous
what the heck
Aug 27 2013, 5:54 PM EDT by Anonymous
Apr 9 2013, 5:22 AM EDT by Anonymous
Apr 9 2013, 5:21 AM EDT by Anonymous
These are scary :/
i saw one in the woods behind my house on multiple occasion..... but was it a blurr or a ghost? the woods around to the back and right of my house is pretty haunted, so maybe it's just a ghost and not a blurr? or maybe the ghosts are blurrs and not ghosts???
Jan 17 2013, 2:57 PM EST by
I saw one
I was jumping on a trampoline with my friends and I was like "what the frick is that!!" and all my friends saw a person. but it looked blurry ad then in kind of faded into the background..
Jan 7 2013, 7:55 PM EST by Anonymous
Silence of the Lambs
This is the moth that is found inside the mouth of one of Buffalo Bill's victims. Silence of the Lambs is by Thomas Harris and also a movie.
Nov 29 2012, 8:10 AM EST by Anonymous
from what I know blurrs are made of mist, haze, or fog they are a bit spirit like and they do seem to be lonely and lost but they are extremely shy. They often blurr your vision because they do not want to be known. Best not to go near them.
Nov 7 2012, 3:45 PM EST by Anonymous
perhaps they are lost spirits, confused, or maybe seeking something or someone.
Aug 17 2012, 6:36 AM EDT by Anonymous
seen it
i've seen it while i was in the mountians in nc ashboro.
Aug 15 2012, 10:48 PM EDT by Anonymous
Here's more info on this amazing creature. :)
HArry Potter
Reminds me more of the Dark Mark.
Jul 16 2012, 4:45 AM EDT by Anonymous
The above description highly resembles the Final Fantasy creature known as Chocobo: mountable and fast like a horse, but definitely also birdlike.
Jun 6 2012, 7:10 PM EDT by Anonymous
Gold mine road NM
We were driving home one night and on the side of the road there was a man in the bushes just standing there wearing a gee without a belt I couldn't see his face but when we backed up it was gone
May 9 2012, 4:55 PM EDT by
As is understood so far, There is no proof of this creatures excistence other than victims.The people are, well, we are not even sure if they are alive.the eyes are black, they whisper things like "why is death so pretty" and "red is death with a ros
Last updated:
Mar 3 2012, 10:08 AM EST by
These Blurrs may be smoke demons, or creeper demons. These entities could also be peoples interpretation of demons for people without the sight.
Jan 25 2012, 4:51 PM EST by
artist inquiry
I would like use the top pic with the multiple creatures for a book cover. I need to contact the person with the rights to this picture. Anyone know how I can get in contact with said persons?
Dec 28 2011, 6:35 PM EST by
weird dream could involve werewolves
when i was dreaming i was in a clearing i don't know if i was standing or sitting but their was a pile of money in the middle of the clearing
and trees and shrubs all around and short grass in the clearing and then ants and some black bugs that look like a cross between a dung beetle and a bead thet took the money away and when i tried to stop them they crawled on me and i tried brushing them off and then more came on me and their was to many and then i heard a howl it sounded like a real wolf howl but it was short then the dream was over it was just plain weird!!
Dec 5 2011, 6:46 AM EST by Anonymous
this thing on top
this cool most of the most terrifing things are here right in the states, this is very cool io think it is very valulble.
Oct 20 2011, 4:06 AM EDT by Anonymous
star wars
it looks like Darth Vader lol
Sep 11 2011, 1:26 PM EDT by Anonymous