With the Info You Gave...
From what I can tell it seams like a gaurdian spirit, remember I have no accutate knowledge as almost anyone does. You said that you were cuddling it in a garden so it seams like it is good. You need to look to your past and to who you are, is there something that seems to connect you to this creature? Do you make choices that seem to connect to this? How do you feel after these dreams? I think it is a spirit that is binded with you. If you don't fear it, try to ask it to be open with you. If you want it to go away tell it to be gone. It says "I'll kill you goat" on the drawing, look into this. Is goat a nic-name you had? Is it meaningful to you in anyway? If not then try to make connections with a goat to something. A goat coul repersent a mountain or the devil. Ask these questions, make connections, a spirit that visits you can only be deterimned or controlled by you, others can only help. If you give more info I might be able to do more.
Aug 31 2012, 2:07 PM EDT by Anonymous
I see this thing in my dreams all the time and idk what it is!! it is brown and has a deer body and he purrs. In my dreams i'm just like cuddling him in some magical garden thing! what is this?!
Aug 1 2012, 11:44 PM EDT by
Hippalektryon (Hippalectryon)
The hippalektryon is an obscure chimerical creature from Greek Mythology, combining the front end of a horse with the back end of a chicken (rooster for males). Although not much is known about these creatures (their mythology having been obscured
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Apr 23 2017, 2:35 AM EDT by
Classification: Cryptid The Abbagoochie is about three feet long and ovly get to 35 pounds as an adult. It is all teeth and muscle. It can consume anything and is highly intelligent. Readers of the Webster Echo learned in February
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Jun 21 2014, 1:25 PM EDT by
Fenris Wolf
Fenrir (or Fenris) is a gigantic and terrible monster in the shape of a wolf. He is the eldest child of Loki and the giantess Angrboda. The gods learned of a prophecy which stated that the wolf and his family would one day be responsible for the des
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Jun 18 2010, 12:51 PM EDT by