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  • Sighting help me please!!!!! Well actually it was my mum when she was a small child. This is all completely true could anyone please help explain it thanks. When my mum was a little girl she was playing in the front garden with some dolls she had. The house had like a small passageway on the side which led to the back garden. She was playing when she turned around and saw a large orange see trough figure in the passage. It was distinctivley orange but also see through if you get what I mean. It was rather large and was just smiling. Like properly grinning. My mum screamed as the figure walked towards a crack in the passage wall and disappeared into it. My mum swears to this day that she saw this figure. If anyone has any idea what it was please let us know thanks and also what it means. Thanks
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: AngelbanseeBiblicalcreatureDemonGhostGodHelpmythicalsightingSupernatural 
    Posted: Jan 16 2011, 10:48 AM EST by Anonymous
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