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Anonymous |
Hello y'all!
Jul 9 2008, 12:59 PM EDT I have ghosts in my house.100% sure.But they're not harmful!It was funny,one time they took apart my grandpa's glasses!They like to mess with my head too.It sounds just like my mom when they call me,so I'm like "What Mom?"No answer.So I walk all the way down the stairs."What did you want?"My mom just kind of looks at me and says,"I didn't say anything."I suppose ghosts think that's funny.Anyway,we think we may have seen an angel.In our living room,a strange orb-like ball of very faint light hovered in the corner(true story). 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Anonymous |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 9 2008, 5:56 PM EDT its not an angel if its an orab. an orab is one of the forms of a ghost. a ghost has two forms its human body and an orab. an angel will look like an angel with the wings and all. the way you can tell the diferance btw a ghoust and the angel is that the angel has wings. and the ghoust must be confushed if its calling you mom. tell it thats its dead in a nice but feram way. NEVER speak to a ghoust when your scared or mad. Do you find this valuable? |
Ravenite |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 10 2008, 6:12 AM EDT There is no proof that an angel HAS to look like a person with wings. It could supposedly take human form. Also ghosts also have another form - mist like or shadow. Also he said it calls USING the mom's voice, which I find strange. I don't think there are many cases where ghosts are acoustic. Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 11 2008, 1:17 PM EDT yes there is. you should see the movies plz and look at some pics. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Ldylove |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 11 2008, 7:51 PM EDT "its not an angel if its an orab. an orab is one of the forms of a ghost. a ghost has two forms its human body and an orab. an angel will look like an angel with the wings and all. "I'm shocked. lol. Ok, not that much... First off... an orb as a ghost... Hmmm... I would say that they would be LIKE an orb... but an actural orb my friend IS an Angel. Another thing,they can come to us looking like anything that is comfortable to the mind. Angels dont have to have wings halo, and barfoot. lol. I would suggest that you read Sylvia Browne (dont know if you believe in her or not... I do.) her books arent hard to read at all. Another thing... it was somewhere said that animals are Angels watching over us... in away... that could be true too. I loved my dog, and he KNEW me. He's in Dog Heaven now... or Heaven. And about the ghost using your moms voice. Maybe it didnt use your moms voice... maybe it was female and you thought it was your mom... could have been your grandmother.... Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Ldylove |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 11 2008, 7:52 PM EDT "yes there is. you should see the movies plz and look at some pics."Seriouslly... what movie are you talkin about dude? Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Ldylove |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 12 2008, 2:43 AM EDT Ok... this time, i'm not trying to jump in the flesh... so let me take a time out... and breath... Well, mister anonymous... or miss.... whatever. Once again... we dont go off of movies... so Ghost Hunters, and Peth-whatever doesnt count. Unless you have somthing to back it up... usually when they do movies, or tv shows its for ratings. So they'll say and do anything just to get a pay check... dont listen to everything you hear. Although i like Sylvia Browne... i pick and choose very carefully on what could be true and what another person or what history also said... see if it connects any where, and how far does the information go. Apart from that guy? You may want to get your info from other sources... Do you find this valuable? |
Ravenite |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 12 2008, 4:56 AM EDT Why do we get plagued by such people. Movies are MOVIES! THEY ARE FICTIONAL CREATIONS! Can some one help me to set up this message with flashy neon lights and bright strobe like arrows pointing at it? Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Ldylove |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 13 2008, 4:42 AM EDT I have no idea... Just special i guess... Do you find this valuable? |
Ravenite |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 13 2008, 5:01 AM EDT That's one way of looking at it, tho not the words I would have used. Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 14 2008, 8:14 PM EDT i do have stuff to back it up!!!!!!!!!! Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Ldylove |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 14 2008, 8:34 PM EDT "That's one way of looking at it, tho not the words I would have used."LMBO! I was being sarcastic! lol You have "stuff" ta back it up? Um.... where? State your fact Mista Anonymous. Do you find this valuable? |
Ravenite |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 15 2008, 3:47 AM EDT I have stuff to back it up to, usually I call a plumber when that happens. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Ldylove |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 16 2008, 12:21 AM EDT Good Ol hanger-ma-bobber Do you find this valuable? |
Ravenite |
RE: Hello y'all!
Jul 16 2008, 2:56 AM EDT And when all else fails, the egg beater /potato masher. Do you find this valuable? |