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Location: Welcome to Mythical Creatures and Beasts
Discussion: plz help.
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Anonymous |
plz help.
Jul 9 2008, 6:03 PM EDT ok my bff is this guy named sam. and my other bff is trying to set me up with this guy nicknamed cowboy. and she says he is sweet funny and HOT. but thats what sam is to. they both like me more than a friend. withch one should i date? plz help Do you find this valuable? |
KitsunegariBlu |
RE: plz help.
Jul 10 2008, 1:42 AM EDT Hi Anonymous, I'm glad you asked everyone here on Mythical Creatures & Beasts this question. I guess you said they're both sweet. Which is great. But you only know Sam, you've never seen Cowboy. So I'd say go out with the one you actually already have a relationship with. So long as he isn't allergic to silver or garlic. Beause if he's allergic to Silver, and disappears once a month, he's on his cycle and trust me a little Mydol won't fix his problem. But if he's alleric to Garlic and always has mussy hair and doesn't look like he shaves, than that might be because he hasn't seen his own reflection in a few centuries. So if trust is an issue, you might want him to come clean about any deep dark secrets now, before he accidentally sacrifcies your downstairs neighbors 1st born son for a Black Mass, because it might make re-upping your lease for another term a real pain. Hope our friendly dating tips helped. Good luck. Love, grace & peace, Kitsunegari You're just mad because someone dropped a house on your sister. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
Anonymous |
RE: plz help.
Jul 10 2008, 2:01 PM EDT THANX!!!!!!! but the thing is that i dont want to rewin our freiend ship. and i dont even think he thinks of me as a girl he thinks of me more as a buddy. and i dont want to rewen that with one qustion. Do you find this valuable? |
Anonymous |
RE: plz help.
Jul 10 2008, 2:05 PM EDT hey kitsunqariBlu i am iay102! cool hun. i just dont like how long my computer takes to load it. so thanx a lot i posted all theses anonymous. Do you find this valuable? |