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Posted Anonymously |
Apr 29 2010, 12:32 PM EDT
note for this person who has wrote this absolut Tottally crap story about the Devil having a child befor Jesus that has great powers please get real son!!!!! The only son that has any REAL Power is the son of God i.e Jesus and the Devil only has power over us if we choses to let him in are lifes mate. and that is a Fact!The Greatesst Trick The Devil ever played was making the world Belive he was not real and to this point Trick the world into walking right into hell by there own choices it's easy choses life follow Gods ways! or Choses Death and follow that Liar Satin it's just that simple bro. M3 out of 9 found this valuable. Do you? |
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1. RE: dEMON,light,of
May 6 2010, 11:42 AM EDT
omg datz scary thier very sacry1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
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2. RE: dEMON,light,of
Oct 27 2010, 6:15 PM EDT
Um, you know what's a totally crap story? the bible. It contradicts itself.Also, learn to spell. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
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3. RE: dEMON,light,of
Feb 22 2011, 2:55 PM EST
Talk about living by the are probably(a)a creationist(b)a bible addict or (c)all of the above 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Lesionia |
4. RE: dEMON,light,of
Feb 22 2011, 11:44 PM EST
Are you naive? Of course the devil has power, only Satan and his other name are not his true names. (Im not telling you his name either, Im not stupid.) He is not more powrful than Jesus though. (Jesus's spirit name is not Chirst by the way, Its just his earthly name.(Just as Holy)) Thebible does not contradict itself, It is translated from different languages and by different cultures. The original language the bible was in was Summerian. They have a lot different from English, just look at the numbers for buliding the temple. And it is possible that Satan has a son,Ive met him. Hes not human.
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5. RE: dEMON,light,of
Feb 23 2011, 3:25 PM EST
if you summon up the devil..........................its impossible if you summon up god..............................its impossible
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6. RE: dEMON,light,of
Feb 23 2011, 3:31 PM EST
theres one major snag in the bible............if you ar a hindu,muslum or another religion that means you wont go to heavin because you dont believe in god.....................but that means you could be a perfectly good person and still be sent to hell.That is unfair the bible is unfair.And one other thing of COURSE he would have power becse the devil is powerful hes a false god for heavens sake!
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Lesionia |
7. RE: dEMON,light,of
Feb 25 2011, 11:58 PM EST
The Hindu, Wichan, Muslim, Jewish AND Summerian God is all the same God. God is the Universe. Even the Greeks had an original God and Goddess.
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