The followed
I am starting a ghostly story for fun, so hope you enjoy it. Please, please go ahead and edit it in any way or tell me if I have facts wrong Oh and I am making some stuff up! So if you have any sugestions or anything to add let me know and I will fix it!
- rascals_life
I was walking home from school when I realized someone was folowing me. I glanced back and the person was gone. I shrugged it off, thinking it was just someone walking home. I got home and hung out, doing my homework and all. I went ahead and made dinner, for my parents would be home soon, so i will suprise them.
" Alice, we are home!" My mom shouted as they came in. They all sat around the dinner table and we had my dad's favorite, steamed halubit.
" So, how was your guy's day today?" I ask, they worked together as scientists studying stuff as the paranormal. They both seemed to sigh at the same time.
" Well, we still can't find proof that vampires even exist." My dad said. My mom washed the dishes and I went up into my room.
I looked up vampire myths and read a little bit of diffirent things about them. I looked until I found out what I was lookinThe site said that vampires were not able to really be in light, and that they are not able to feed untill dark. I started feeling bad for my parents for it might be impossible to prove their existence. I turned off my light and looked out of my window, only to gasp and jump back. Therewas a man in black at the gate, just staring at me. I closed the window shades and curled up in my bed, freaking out.
" Alice, breakfast!" I hopped up to my mom's voice drifting up the stairs. I got ready and ran downstairs to eat. It was seven twenty.
" I' m headed to school, mom!" I said, leaving the house. I walked to school and kept glancing back. After a while I saw a glimpse of someone in black and i started trotting to school. The person seemed to walk quickly and siently. Once I got to school I started to wonder why someone would be wearing black in hundred degree weather.
" Alice, for the millionth time, will you please answer my question?" Mrs. Ryley asked me.
" I am so sorry Mrs. Ryley. Can you repeat it?" I asked.
" What is the most popular greek legend?" She looked at me as my mind went blank.
" I don't know, why?" She glared at me as the bell rang. I made it out without a detention.
" Alice, someone called, you have an appointment today.
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Saturday, 6:12 PM EST by
Thread started: Feb 22 2011, 11:47 PM EST
Vampires can come out in light, but the story is good. Oh by the way they do sunburn easily.
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RE: Sunlight
By: ,
Saturday, 6:12 PM EST
Thanks, I will have to keep that in mind. . . I don't know too much so. . . I am now going to try typing more of it up!!!!
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