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The Truth About Djinn/Jinn
Jul 28 2012, 10:42 PM EDT
It seems like there is so much BS information on Djinn through out the internet it is sick. Majority of what we know about Djinn is from the net. Djinn is an Middle Eastern Word, and has been very much studied in the Middle Easter coummnity. Not saying no one else knows about Djinns, but Djinn are in the Middle Eastern peoples Roots history wise. It seems like the only thing people know of djinn is what A so called seller of a Djinn wants you to believe. They will make you rich, they will bring you love, unlimited wishes, and some say you can even be intimiate with them if you buy this super ring! What a load of Crap. Here is the Truth about Djinn. What they can do, and what they can no do. THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH! 1 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you?
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