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Posted Anonymously |
Jan 5 2013, 6:09 PM EST
Throughout my life i have always been pretty clear on knowing if something bad or wrong is going to happen to me. Tonight however was somewhat different. My girlfriend and I were in my car talking parked on the side of the road in a small pull off. Nothing we haven't done before or ever had anything happen. But tonight for some reason I couldn't shake this feeling. As we are sitting in the car a few cars go by nothing out of the ordinary. Alls quiet and nothing out of the ordinary. Then something in me tells me we need to leave. But me being curious as to why decides to stay. The feeling doesn't go away but the conversation distracts me from it. We have the back of the car facing the road and as another truck goes by a few seconds later there's a howl. It sent chills down both our spines but seeing as t was a truck and my back door of my car no longer fully seals i pass it off as just the wind from the truck. Then everything in me says leave. Staying was just not an option. I suggest we get going but she enjoys just sitting and talking so i decide staying a minute or two more can't hurt. Suddenly a car goes by, stops dead, does a complete u turn in the middle of the road pulls up about 200 feet from our car and turns there brights on. More then freaked out im not entirely sure what to do. Then seemingly out of nowhere, and i truly mean out of no where a second set of truck head lights appear next to it and a third car facing away from us. Needless to say i threw it in reverse and got out of there. So i guess my true question is could the howl been a warning from something or a threat. Or was it simply wind. And was the warning inside me about the people in those vehicles and what they were going to do? I know i am sensitive to negative things but in this case im not entirely sure what to think. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
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1. RE: help
Jan 17 2013, 8:24 AM EST
That's very strange, I cant give any information on it though. I think that it was just the wend, but the cars and headlights, thats just strange. I couldn't tell you anything because I wasent there, so, sorry....
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2. RE: help
Jan 26 2013, 4:34 PM EST
Well firstly, you need to protect yourself from negativity. You know that you're sensitive, so it's important to take some common sense precautionary steps to physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually protect yourself from negativity of all kinds. Secondly, being a sensible, reasonable and normal guy, you probably don't want to know what you heard howling. Odds are (probably) the cars you saw were hunters hunting whatever you heard howling. You don't want to get between a hunter and their prey. Thirdly, what the hockey puck were you doing parked in the middle of nowhere with your girlfriend "talking?" If you pulled off to the side of the road to get some impromptu nookie, you can tell me. I won't think less of you. ;) ;) Lastly, have a good night. I would suggest you go to bed and thank your lucky stars that that's the worst kind of negativity you've experienced. Take care (and remember what I said about taking those precautionary measures). 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Lesionia |
3. RE: help
Jan 26 2013, 4:44 PM EST
I agree, it sounds like hunter after the howling. What state and city?
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