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Goblin_Grim |
The_Bogle |
1. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Nov 30 2014, 5:16 AM EST
"Oh, Brother! *smiles just a bit* Do you find this valuable? |
Goblin_Grim |
2. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Nov 30 2014, 9:47 PM EST
"Oh, Brother!Sorry. I drink too much. ....Or not enough.... :-/ ..... Do you find this valuable? |
The_Bogle |
3. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 2:12 AM EST
"Sorry.Grim.... Do you ever wonder why people don't respond to these? Do you find this valuable? |
Goblin_Grim |
4. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 2:32 AM EST
"Grim........Because I'm annoying, and most of my wise-cracks are over the heads of most people and that they want me to go away? ..... Do you find this valuable? |
The_Bogle |
5. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 2:46 AM EST
"....Because I'm annoying, and most of my wise-cracks are over the heads of most people and that they want me to go away?I wouldn't go THAT far, but, Yea that about covers it. Do you find this valuable? |
Goblin_Grim |
6. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 3:02 AM EST
"I wouldn't go THAT far, but, Yea that about covers it.".....I gathered..., yeah. ..... Do you find this valuable? |
The_Bogle |
7. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 3:28 AM EST
".....I gathered..., yeah.Yea. Do you find this valuable? |
Anastasia013 |
8. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 4:35 AM EST
".....I gathered..., yeah.Grim why did you leave the Goblins Brownies & Friends web site? I was hoping to have the chance to speak with you, there. Do you find this valuable? |
Goblin_Grim |
9. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 4:59 AM EST
"GrimAnastasia? When did you become a member here? And... well.... Why I left there is kinda a long story. Let's just say I get tired of people being mad at me for **** I don't do. :-/ ..... Do you find this valuable? |
Anastasia013 |
10. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 6:21 AM EST
"Anastasia?I became a member here first. a few days ago I think. Then when I was looking for more fairy and demon info I found your site and went there and became a member too. Are you ever going to return to the Goblins Brownies & Friends web site? Do you find this valuable? |
Goblin_Grim |
11. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 6:56 AM EST
"I became a member here first. a few days ago I think. Then when I was looking for more fairy and demon info I found your site and went there and became a member too.I don't know, Anastasia, tbh. But You can message me here, and I'll be happy to help ya with any questions you might have. ..... Do you find this valuable? |
The_Bogle |
12. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 9:33 AM EST
"I don't know, Anastasia, tbh.You might want to go back, Grim. HeroLovesCats is asking for you. And Angelus is none to pleased that you are gone, either. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
13. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 10:41 AM EST
"I don't know, Anastasia, tbh.Griiimmmmm.... just go back to the flipping site, already, PLEASE? Do you find this valuable? |
Goblin_Grim |
14. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 6:49 PM EST
"Griiimmmmm....I did. ..... Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Aerce7 |
15. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 7:32 PM EST
Grim, just because a few people in this site or your other site may not like you(i don't know who they would be but still) does not mean EVERYONE on either site does not like you :] People on both sites like you still and i suggest just doing what you feel is best at the time, because it isn't a crime to leave and then come back when you feel like it x]
Do you find this valuable?
![]() Aerce7 |
16. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 4 2014, 7:39 PM EST
Now to The_Bogle, you cannot assume that everyone on this site has the same reason for not speaking to grim. By saying: "Grim....Do you ever wonder why people don't respond to these?" you are suggesting we all as a whole here on the site have the same reasons for not posting on grim's comments/threads. I don't come often because all this year my brother has been dealing with 2 demonic issues that have really screwed him over and we moved into a house that has quite a few 'issues' to deal with that aren't helping him. I have been physically busy with things that have only allowed me to comment on a few posts i felt drawn to and personally i haven't been in a laughing mood so i just don't comment on these posts at the moment. there are 8,423 members on this site, some are afk others don't want to comment but that doesn't mean everyone is avoiding grim or that the others are going through what i am. We all have different reasons why we don't comment often and they don't always mean we are 'tired' of Grim so stop insinuating that, even if it is to help Grim you are dealing much damage to Grim as well as others that you don't seem to be paying attention to by telling him we all don't care about him here and to go to the other site. Being on both is just fine and honestly i've been ignoring your 'why grim comes back' comments to avoid issues but by constantly repeating yourself on this without asking everyone why they don't comment as often you're just starting a cyber war you won't be able to finish. This isn't meant to be taken offensively and i think the site would just star certain words i'd try to type by considering them on par to cursing so i won't include them, but you need to stop. The only ones who ever comment anymore are a few new members me tolon and you, grim and erika. People in chat don't all have accounts here. Do you find this valuable? |
The_Bogle |
17. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 5 2014, 12:16 AM EST
Good points. Okay.But Grim and I do a bit of friendly sparring. no harm meant. But I can see your point. Aerce7. Also, That demon situation sounds dicey. Be careful, and good luck. We have a new person on Erika's site, too who has "demon issues" but not so much like the one you seem to be dealing with. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() Aerce7 |
18. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 5 2014, 4:06 AM EST
Eh his situation can be fixed he just needs a good form of protection to ward off those who see him as easy prey as well as to detach his current attacker and then will need to see an experienced channeler for proper guidance. The problem is the house has a few secrets needing to be uncovered but unfortunately that's where the fun starts lol. I have been on the other site as well and i personally like it above other sites about fae because of the raw material (and the great job done pointing out flaws in the misguided information/misunderstandings being spread lately). Thanks I have dealt with demons and the like before but my family haven't :P Again my comments were not meant to be offensive, just wanted to state something building up that might cause even worse conflict in the future all because of slight misunderstandings from everyone that could be avoided if some communication only took place(then maybe the site would come back to life a bit more -_-) like how certain members in chat can cause issues with others even though they don't have accounts here, then the site gets bad rep for a few bad apples who don't even belong in the basket. Do you find this valuable? |
ErikaLancastor |
19. RE: Mythical White Stag Found In Scotland
Dec 5 2014, 7:47 PM EST
"Eh his situation can be fixed he just needs a good form of protection to ward off those who see him as easy prey as well as to detach his current attacker and then will need to see an experienced channeler for proper guidance. The problem is the house has a few secrets needing to be uncovered but unfortunately that's where the fun starts lol. I have been on the other site as well and i personally like it above other sites about fae because of the raw material (and the great job done pointing out flaws in the misguided information/misunderstandings being spread lately). Thanks I have dealt with demons and the like before but my family haven't :PYep. I gotta go with aerce on this one, bogey! 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |