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derpy101 |
Jan 28 2013, 6:09 PM EST
I was scared to death!!! I saw a tall man who almost like 9 feet tall and he had no eyes and mouth but for god sakes I knew that man, thing was looking at me! I was to scared to keep sleeping so I turned on my tv and after a couple of minutes it started fuzzing up and it was all static. Whatever the Slenderman wants, please don't let him kill me. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
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Posted Anonymously |
Jan 29 2013, 12:11 PM EST
do not fear for i am the great wite dragon and i swear to protect all dragons, your safe my child.
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![]() JoshuaElswick |
Jan 30 2013, 8:01 PM EST
"do not fear for i am the great wite dragon and i swear to protect all dragons, your safe my child."wat the f-*** did I stumble into? 1 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
Posted Anonymously |
Saturday, 4:46 AM EST
"wat the f-*** did I stumble into?"LOL! this is such ******** 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
TheTruth2525 |
Saturday, 4:32 PM EST
"do not fear for i am the great wite dragon and i swear to protect all dragons, your safe my child."Do not fear,* for I* am the great white* dragon,* and I* swear to protect all dragons.* You're* safe,* my child. Grammar will save you. Grammar will save all! :D 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() SupremBeing |
Saturday, 4:35 PM EST
"Do not fear,* for I* am the great white* dragon,* and I* swear to protect all dragons.* You're* safe,* my child.Why don't you leave people be, whether their spelling is on key or not means nothing in battle. Try to win a physical fight by spelling correctly and let me know if it lands you any where outside of a coffin. 0 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
TheTruth2525 |
Saturday, 5:17 PM EST
| Post edited: Saturday, 5:18 PM EST
"Why don't you leave people be, whether their spelling is on key or not means nothing in battle. Try to win a physical fight by spelling correctly and let me know if it lands you any where outside of a coffin."Do I fight? Nope. Do I need to fight? Nope. Did I intend it as a joke with a hint of sarcasm? Yes. When will I ever be at battle? Never. Why? Because I don't believe in war. Why? Because fighting gets you nowhere. Someone can take everything you own from you (Even your ability to fight), but knowledge can never be taken away. Just so you know. (; 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() JoshuaElswick |
Saturday, 7:54 PM EST
"Do I fight? Nope.what if you must protect those you love... never say something is useless, everything is useful, or can be used, if given the correct situation. knowledge can be taken away... and not everything can be removed from someone, there is aslways something left.... if there isn't anything left, then they aren't trully a person but a husk. even a human driven to demon hood will still have part of what makes them, them.... if you can't say anthing worth saying then shut your mouth. and your a hipocrite, how can you protect them without conflict of some sort? you can't, the "good" and "evil" will conflict with each other until the end of time. to say different is to ignore reality, the only exception to the forever battle of good vs. evil is those who change irradicaly or perodicaly... then the sides may reverse. or one may gain the temporary upper hand. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
TheTruth2525 |
Sunday, 12:46 AM EST
"what if you must protect those you love... never say something is useless, everything is useful, or can be used, if given the correct situation.Clearly you guys have taken a joke WAY to seriously. If I needed to protect my family.. Then yes I would. But I currently do not. I stated my beliefs.. I didn't threaten anyone, or intend anything as a threat, like Supreme did. Nor did I resort to calling anyone any names. The only way knowledge can be taken away, is by violence (That being said, someone would have to cause brain damage). The only reason I would ever need to protect my family.. Is if someone tried to harm them... Someone else. That's why I don't believe in war. Because violence only resorts in more violence. It's a circle. I only retaliated with a negative response, because someone else did. 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() SupremBeing |
Tuesday, 4:39 PM EST
"Clearly you guys have taken a joke WAY to seriously.First off: I did treaten anyone, I merely said not to judge people based on their writting abilities, writting does not dictate suvibability. Second off: if you are against war then you are against protect those whome you love, regardless of their positions. The circle of violence continues because people are either too weak to attempt and stop it by force or too coward to completely stay away from it. Do you find this valuable? |
TheTruth2525 |
10. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Tuesday, 4:48 PM EST
"First off: I did treaten anyone, I merely said not to judge people based on their writting abilities, writting does not dictate suvibability. Second off: if you are against war then you are against protect those whome you love, regardless of their positions. The circle of violence continues because people are either too weak to attempt and stop it by force or too coward to completely stay away from it."Like I said, you guys took a joke way too seriously. And if being against war means that I'm against protecting my family, that also means that YOU are willing to end lives because of stupid conflict. Whether they were involved in the war or not.. There would be no need to protect my family if there was no war in the world. But some people are just too blind to see there is more to life than conflict. I will restate this one more time, because you obviously completely ignore the fact that I was JOKING in the first place. I. Was. Joking. As in, not being serious. As in, not actually trying to offend anyone. J. O. K. E. Joke. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() SupremBeing |
11. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Tuesday, 9:02 PM EST
"Like I said, you guys took a joke way too seriously.I will state this only once. Keep your degrading jokes to yourself, no one needs a coward that stings with words and hides behind them as well, claiming not to have done something. Do you find this valuable? |
TheTruth2525 |
12. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Tuesday, 9:31 PM EST
"I will state this only once. Keep your degrading jokes to yourself, no one needs a coward that stings with words and hides behind them as well, claiming not to have done something."Isn't it a little hard for you to sit behind a computer and call someone else a coward? I guess I'm not the only hypocrite here. It was a joke. And I'm not going to apologize for something that didn't do anyone any harm. I didn't claim to not do anything, I claimed to have made a joke. And that is exactly what I did. Guess who is in the wrong here? You. You took the joke way to far, and quite frankly embarrassed yourself on the internet for everyone to see.. Just because you can't admit that you were wrong for trying to "degrade" someone else, for making a silly joke. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() SupremBeing |
13. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Tuesday, 10:06 PM EST
A joke is only a joke when in the presence of humor, your statement however, had no such thing.
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![]() mythicalmaya |
14. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Tuesday, 10:43 PM EST
This is the first time I have searched this on the internet and I am so surprised that others have seen this figure. When I was about 3 years old this figure started appearing to me every night. He was tall with a black cloak and top hat but he had no face it was just black where the face should be. He would come out of the closet every night and sit on my bed next to me and just look down at me with no face. As others have said it did not harm me, and I would just lay there COMPLETELY paralyzed with fear until he left and would return again the next night. I know I was awake because I could hear the window mount air condition unit kick on and then shut off while this figure just sat there so close I could lift my hand and touch him. I am 37 now and I have not seen this figure since I was a kid but its still so real to me I just now decided to search and found this post. The only other time I can recall seeing him was when I was 9 years old we had just moved to a new house and while playing hide and go seek I was hiding in a large closet and he popped out of the clothes on the other end of the closet, waved at me, then ducked back into the clothes as if to remind me that he is always going to be around. I liked reading all the comments here and I know this happened for real to me, as you all know what happened to you was real. I not sure who or what this entity is but despite the appearance I am not convinced this thing is pure evil. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() mythicalmaya |
15. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Tuesday, 10:44 PM EST
From what I've seen so far on all these encounters this is indeed the presence of yes, a very powerful demon. The one with hat and red eyes is a demon of old named Amurill. He isn't something for amateur hunters to try and take on... As for the other shadow people they're breatherin of Amurill. BUT to anyone who has encountered the worst of the shadow people as I have BE WARNED... He stands straight as a board, his body as black and shadow as the darkest night, he appears as he's wearing a suit and has atop his head a fancy black top-hat...the ONLY color that can be seen on him if you get close enough to see his eyes are a pair of bright blue eyes that have such a gaze as if he's staring at you but through to your soul at the same time... Seeing him once will give you chills up your body so bad that you'll shiver a bit and stay cold for almost an hour... Everytime you think of him afterward you will get shivers and cold again instantly... His name... His name is Malkeirith and he is believed to be satan's right hand man on our plain of existence, a "voice and action man" of satan if you will since satan himself can't come directly onto our plain... All hunters, amateur up to even the very experienced take warning, he is very very powerful and very sly. He does not show up in your life once and never see him again, he stalks you through your life starting from a childhood and on up... I have yet to find a way to destroy him, not even my most powerful spells can cast him back into hells gate, but I'm still delving further into the ancient celtic texts and trying to find a spell among them since they were the most powerful wizards of the old age...again, Malkeirith is nothing to attempt to fight, he shows up in your life and nothing good happens.
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![]() mythicalmaya |
16. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Tuesday, 10:45 PM EST
And to you all who think "god can protect you" I hate to say but no he cannot... Not against this most powerful of shadow people... My friend and I are seeing more and more people we know over the years that have seen him and for some odd reason they seem to be "guided" towards us so it's not just by chance... Something is grouping us together and I was even looking for history of a demon totally different tonight online as research and what did I do but to happen to "by chance" stumble upon this website who all have seen shadow people... So there you go that's all I care to say right now on "them" only advice, get quartz necklaces with protective spells placed on them and do not go looking for these beings... Good day to all, my inbox is open to anyone who has questions... Do you find this valuable? |
TheTruth2525 |
17. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Wednesday, 7:16 AM EST
"A joke is only a joke when in the presence of humor, your statement however, had no such thing."I guess humor only benefits the people with a sense of humor. (: Do you find this valuable? |
I4N |
18. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Wednesday, 9:18 AM EST
| Post edited: Wednesday, 5:47 PM EST
"I guess humor only benefits the people with a sense of humor. (:"Lol, true.. So very true. xD Do you find this valuable? |
TheTruth2525 |
19. RE: GOD SAVE MY SOLE!!!!!!
Wednesday, 6:23 PM EST
"Lol, true.. So very true. xD"*High five* :D Lolol. Do you find this valuable? |