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Anonymous | epic | Greek Mythology Creatures | 3 | May 21 2017, 9:28 PM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: Jan 2 2013, 1:32 AM EST
This is a creature I invented:
Cheegon half-cheetah and half-dragon normal cheetah body but has dragon wings and breaths fire It has magic they are good creatures, cheegons a women and cheegans are men also i LOVE Greek mythology and its more believable than a lot of religions ( no offense to anyone )
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ancient greek mythology images
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Anonymous | Inugami | Yokai - Animal Transformations | 1 | May 20 2017, 11:30 PM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: Feb 22 2013, 3:27 PM EST
more details.
the inugami is made in order to bring misfortunes upon others. They were supposedly buried in the ground up to the neck with food in front of it. After letting them starve for some days, the dog's head would be cut by a sword, then it would become an inugami.
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Anonymous | DoppleGangers. | Discussion Forum | 3 | May 17 2017, 7:49 PM EDT by _Duende_Femenino_ | ||||
Thread started: Dec 20 2012, 3:58 PM EST
I know this sounds ridiculous, but I'm doing a paper about historical dopplegangers and during my research, I found something pretty dang weird.. It seems to be that there are many famous people that seem to have dopplegangers.. It's either that, or they are immortal.. Such as vampires or maybe even just immortal. Some examples are of Nicholas Cage and Keeanu Reeves.. Does anyone have anything they could share with me? I know I'm not crazy, or weird, but I'm starting to feel like there may be more out there than what is known already by the public. -Or maybe you could put some common sense into my head so I can stop thinking like a crazy person..
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Uranicus_Angelus | Mythical_Geek! | Megalodon | 3 | May 16 2017, 7:01 PM EDT by Darkling_Star | ||||
Thread started: Mar 29 2014, 2:21 PM EDT
Thank you Mythical Geek for such information
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Pelagios | Help Needed! | Discussion Forum | 7 | May 14 2017, 11:09 PM EDT by Pelagios | ||||
Thread started: Apr 8 2017, 12:34 AM EDT
Hello community! I need your help. Mythology is vast and filled with many interesting branches, bits of lore, and especially creatures! This site is nowhere near complete so we need a little help. If you have any information on the following creatures, I ask for you to enlighten us and broaden this site with your contributions. If you have any questions regarding page creation, formatting, or the type of information we are looking for, please contact one of the moderators. Any help is very much appreciated!
Just a note: These are all user suggestions so if you have a creature in mind that you think should be included on this site, let us know in comments below! Abigor Agares Agramon Agrat-bat-mahlaht Alastor Anneberg Aroic Baalzephon Balban Baltazo Behemoth Belial Cult of Cthulu; referenced at Delepitore Geryon Incubus Lilith Melcohm Merihim Murmur Pyro Pytho Ronwe Succumbus Troian Uphir Shinigami Dullahan Merrow Black Shuck Amarok Vaekraek; separate lineages which are Sadiek and Vinaek Kikiyaon Nogitsune Asrians Keres Lorelei; Lorelei Cliff on the Rhine River in Germany Death; as in who or what created it and why Aliens; in terms of creation theories Poltergeist; in terms of being caused by children or teenagers that are troubled or stressed emotionally and/or mentally, thus affecting the world around them Superhumans; referenced at and Zodiac; in terms of their origins in different myths and religions as well as who developed the respective character traits and personalities Sandman Guardian Angels Vila- Slavic faeries/nymphs of the woods, believed to be protectors of women and abused in Wiccan mythology
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Pelagios | Admin Thread | Discussion Forum | 17 | May 14 2017, 7:15 AM EDT by Pelagios | ||||
Thread started: Apr 8 2017, 12:02 AM EDT
Let's keep the admin-related stuff here, shall we?
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Saihelia | Seeing Totems? | Totems | 7 | May 12 2017, 8:48 AM EDT by Darkling_Star | ||||
Thread started: Apr 1 2012, 7:34 PM EDT
Hey guys! ^.^ I have some questions. All my life, I always seem to see things that no one else sees around me. For years, it had just been strange shapes slipping through my peripheral vision; but in the last year, i've been getting better at "seeing stuff" It's not just unidentifiable creatures and ghosts and such that i see; i've started seeing animals too. It started three months ago. I had a dream that my girlfriend and i were in the woods, and a crow came to me. He told me to name him, then said i should open my eyes more. After that, i've been seeing ghost-like animals near some of my friends. I asked a friend of the family, a wise-woman, about all this, and she said i may be seeing Totems. She instructed me to try seeing my girlfriend's Totem, so i did. To my surprise, i saw two things. A butterfly (female) and a buck (male). When i asked her, my girlfriend told me she was a two-soul, or Bi-gender. It shocked me a little that I was able to see something like that, even if its only for a brief moment.
My main question is, if i really am seeing Totems, why am I seeing them? And how can i be sure that's what i'm seeing? Also, dumb question, should i try talking to them? Or is that a bad idea?
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conscript | Witches and witchcraft | Discussion Forum | 4 | May 12 2017, 8:44 AM EDT by Darkling_Star | ||||
Thread started: May 1 2017, 10:06 AM EDT
Everyone knows what a witch is, a person who does occult practices and spells. Supposedly have some sort of magical powers and able to summon spirits and stuff like that. I know that witchcraft does exist but well how effective is it ? What do you guys think of the matter ?
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memesmerizer | werewolves | Discussion Forum | 2 | May 12 2017, 8:43 AM EDT by Darkling_Star | ||||
Thread started: May 11 2017, 10:02 AM EDT
Werewolves are stereotyped to have very sharp canine teeth and a lot of hair when in human form,but they tend to like to hunt at night and stick in packs of other werewolves,according to my research,they don't really transform into wolf-like creatures.Its more of like a vampire but,wolf-like,and tend to eat whats needed not extra.
*I don't know how to do this stuff,i'm just a teen that into mythological creatures and lore,so if something is off and have some insight about the topic,please tell*
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paintedman15 | Loup-Garou | Discussion Forum | 1 | May 10 2017, 3:41 PM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: Jan 1 2013, 4:07 AM EST
ive read and heard the loup-garou were virgins (male or female) that have been bitten by werewolves but the fact they were virgins meant they were less vulnerable to the disease. after 12 hours they begin to develop higher senses andstrength. then they change into a creature that is 3 times the size that they used to be and regained all of their human intelligence. they were referred to as the princes of wolves because they had increased mental dominance.
after the change they would have a craving for raw meat. but ive seen all different folklore about them and id loke to know whats true
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RaffWhisper | Types Of Ghosts | Ghost | 1 | May 10 2017, 2:03 PM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: May 10 2017, 1:53 PM EDT
I am trying to become a writer for this page but there is a large variety of ghosts from poltergeist to Changers
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__Raven___ | besmirching the dead. (page: 1 2) | Proof | 38 | May 2 2017, 1:15 AM EDT by Varju | ||||
Thread started: Apr 30 2017, 6:09 AM EDT
it all matters, very little at this point, pelagios. grim committed suicide, late last week. he will trouble you, not again, nor anyone else, for that matter. but for the record... all you have proven here, is that the "face of erika" is a false one. erika is a real person. she does reside in england and she was, at one time, grim's girlfriend. i do not know the reasons for the charade, on their part. but erika is just as real as you or i. and at this time, in her life. do you really think that posting this will help her? or those of us who were grim's friends? i hope you get much satisfaction from besmirching the dead. and further tormenting friends and family of the deceased.
yes. there are those who weep, now. but not at your attempts at playing sherlock holmes. but because we have all lost a friend. a friend that was bullied, harassed and hounded until he could stand no more. thank you. thank you for your "humanity". as for the rest of you. desiree and bailah have made a shrine/memorial to grim, from the now defunct website grim created. you are free to visit and pay any respects, any of you may have had for him. though from the looks of things.. few of you ever did have any respect for him, at all. i am reasonably certain this will be deleted, and i shall be banned. after all. dictatorship can not tolerate dissent. or confrontation of it's "proof".
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Pelagios | Dear Community | Discussion Forum | 15 | Apr 30 2017, 8:55 AM EDT by Varju | ||||
Thread started: Apr 6 2017, 4:13 AM EDT
A note, a rant, a request, and a message. Part 1 of many.
Listen up, folks. The internet is a wonderful place filled with mystery, endless information and infinite pictures of cats, memes, and especially, anonymous a-holes. Most of us don’t realize this but the internet is something we living breathing humans in the Western world take for granted every single day. With just a few designated clicks and basic knowledge of the art of asking questions, one can access detailed information about literally every topic known to man. We can educate ourselves in the history of button making within a night for no reason at all and with minimal effort. But before I go on a rampage of how the West is privileged and is taking this luxury and throwing it in the trash, I want to get to the point of my argument. This website was intended, by the dear Ashishm9, to be a forum that allowed a community of passionate individuals to discuss and learn about the topic of mythology. He intended for people to contribute their knowledge, argue and contest existing knowledge, and most importantly, build a community and space where people can be passionate about this topic. I was fortunate enough to witness that and back when I was active for the first time (years and many accounts ago), it was something I got addicted to and kept wanting to return to. After I left for a few years, I came back and it was starting to go downhill but the magic was still there. The verve and passion was still very much present. Then I left again, only to return nearly four years ago to an entirely new community. It was wild and a little disorganized, but once again it was a new “generation” of individuals passionate about mythology, the paranormal, and everything people generally consider “weird.” Despite the quality of the website gradually decreasing with each of these generations that I witnessed, the point of the website was still there and that’s what mattered.
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AmorphousExistence | Beware Of The Scare-Kee...(kind of creeped out about this actually...) | Discussion Forum | 13 | Apr 22 2017, 10:29 PM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: Jul 17 2012, 7:40 PM EDT
Hello, forum people. I'm having a pretty interesting experience, to say the least, in trying to figure this out.
There's a bit of a story to it as well, I'll make a post in the thread to describe in a little more detail, what I seem to have uncovered (either that or I have had really bad luck in finding anything else about them on the internet). Basically, I want to know if any of you have heard of these things, called Scare-Kees. All I know is 'they come to life during very bad twisters', out of the farm wreckage/detritus flying about presumably, that they 'have wings made of tarps, hay and branches' (told ya, twister detritus right there), and that 'they scare children taking shelter inside farmhouses.' Thy apparently do whatever they can to swoop down and take you with them. Anyway, if any of you do, please let me know what else you know. It'd be interesting to know more.
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freedragon10022 | OBSERVE! (page: 1 2 3 4 5 ... last page) | List of Mythical Creatures | 1867 | Apr 19 2017, 11:05 PM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: Jul 24 2009, 5:33 PM EDT
yo! peoples here is a list of mythical creatures I have gather from both my own knowledge and extensive research. tell me what you think.
this is the order in which I have plased them: Name of creature(s), were they come from in this --> ( ), and a brief description Á Bao A Qu (Malay) - Entity that lives in the Tower of Victory in Chitor Abada (African) - Small type of unicorn reported to live in the lands of the African Congo Abaia (Melanesian) - Huge magical eel Aatxe (Basque) - Spirit that takes the form of a bull Abassy (Yakuts) - Demons that have teeth of iron Äbädä (Tatar) - Forest spirit Abarimon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Savage human like creature with backward feet Aitvaras (Lithuanian) - Household spirit Abath (Malay) - One-horned animal Abatwa (Zulu) - basically little people that ride ants Abura-bō (Japanese) - this are spectral fire from Shiga Prefecture, in which the shape of a monk can often be seen Abura-sumashi (Japanese) - a creature from a mountain pass in Kumamoto Prefecture Acephali (Greek) - Headless humanoids Acheri (Indian) - Disease-bringing ghost Achiyalabopa (Puebloan) - Rainbow-feathered birds Achlis (Roman) - Curious elk with no joints in its legs. Adaro (Solomon Islands) - Uncoolish Malevolent merfolk Adar Llwch Gwin (Welsh) - This are giant birds that understand human languages Adlet (Inuit) - Its sorta like a vampiric dog-human hybrid Adhene (Manx) - A nature spirit Adze (Ewe people) - An african vampiric forest being Adroanzi (Lugbara) - Nature spirit Aerico (Macedonian) - Disease demon Afanc (Welsh) - Lake monster (exact lake varies by story, soI can't be too shure) Agloolik (Inuit) - Ice spirit that aids hunters and fishermen Agathodaemon (Greek) - Spirit of vinefields and grainfields Agloolik (Inuit) - Ice spirit that aids hunters and fishermen
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Anonymous | I have searched everywhere and cannot find out what this could be. | Hell Hound | 5 | Apr 19 2017, 4:09 AM EDT by Director,of,Intel | ||||
Thread started: Dec 12 2011, 6:35 PM EST
Has anyone done any research on a mythological creature/folklore creature that sounds like a shrieking cat and has white glowing eyes that comes out at night? I'd imagine it was about 5 ft. tall, but I was so scared that night. I remember flicking open the blinds and they were 'talking' to each other. Making this cat-like noise. Every hair on my body seemed to be at end and I freaked out, ran into the closet. Then, it seemed like it was either under the house or in the closet; it was LOUD. Split my hand open on the closet door as I ranto the living room and pulled out a bible. Started reading it out loud and then went to sleep with all of the lights on in the house. I never read the bible, but dammit, it was scary. My body was actually shaking in fear. The second occurrence, I froze again. There were a lot of strange happenings that I will not discuss. Let's just say it got to the point where friends would come over and not come in. Anyway, I was in the shed behind the house and out of curiousity, happened to look out of the peep hole that the previous tenants had put in. This thing looked like it came out of the ground. Once again, seemed to morph into a black human like shape with white glowing eyes. Literally, for the longest time I thought it was someone screwing with me. Like, putting white LEDs up to their eyes to freak me out. Anyway, it "morphed" and my body seemed to shut down. I couldn't move even though I knew I couldn't be seen. Then, I freaked out, swung the door open and ran into the backyard to confront it or at least find out what it was. Nothing was there. Hell, might as well ask you all. Talk about this outside of forums makes you look retarded/crazy. Thought melaybe someone might have ran across a reasonable explanation to my hellish experiences. At least I can sleep, now. No weird things happening here in the city. I will NEVER live in the country again. I work with the mental aftermath on a daily basis.
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DrakeTheKitsune | I need help | Discussion Forum | 6 | Apr 15 2017, 9:56 PM EDT by Pelagios | ||||
Thread started: Apr 6 2017, 3:34 PM EDT
i havent had an actullay dream in 2 years its just been black could creature do this i've heard ofs bakus who eat dreams and ethier give people good or bad dreams but i dont think that is the case considering its just black.
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Anonymous | My totem | Totems | 5 | Apr 13 2017, 3:14 PM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: Jun 5 2011, 4:17 PM EDT
I'm not completly sure what mine is. I'm always absorbed in books and knowledge, can someone help? Tell me what my totem is.
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FlipFlopRagDoll | Lucid dreaming | Discussion Forum | 11 | Apr 13 2017, 1:03 AM EDT by Lesionia | ||||
Thread started: Nov 4 2011, 2:13 PM EDT
I've been researching it for a couple of weeks and I've been trying some of the techniques for becoming lucid.
I almost did last night.After a day of reality checking(making sure that you're not dreaming)my brain got used to it and I eventually did it in a dream and realized I was dreaming,but it only lasted a second because I woke soon after I had said the words"am I dreaming".Anyways I've done even more reality checks today and I hope I can become lucid.If I do I'll tell you all.And if I don't I'll tell you anything you want to know about lucid dreaming(and I still will tell you if I do become lucid).
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AnnaBirb | How to Summon a Follower, or something like it? | Mothman | 6 | Apr 13 2017, 1:02 AM EDT by Director,of,Intel | ||||
Thread started: Feb 21 2017, 12:08 PM EST
I myself am not in the occult, but I haven't found any information I think is useful to me. Help?
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