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I have searched everywhere and cannot find out what this could be.
Dec 12 2011, 6:35 PM EST
Has anyone done any research on a mythological creature/folklore creature that sounds like a shrieking cat and has white glowing eyes that comes out at night? I'd imagine it was about 5 ft. tall, but I was so scared that night. I remember flicking open the blinds and they were 'talking' to each other. Making this cat-like noise. Every hair on my body seemed to be at end and I freaked out, ran into the closet. Then, it seemed like it was either under the house or in the closet; it was LOUD. Split my hand open on the closet door as I ranto the living room and pulled out a bible. Started reading it out loud and then went to sleep with all of the lights on in the house. I never read the bible, but dammit, it was scary. My body was actually shaking in fear. The second occurrence, I froze again. There were a lot of strange happenings that I will not discuss. Let's just say it got to the point where friends would come over and not come in. Anyway, I was in the shed behind the house and out of curiousity, happened to look out of the peep hole that the previous tenants had put in. This thing looked like it came out of the ground. Once again, seemed to morph into a black human like shape with white glowing eyes. Literally, for the longest time I thought it was someone screwing with me. Like, putting white LEDs up to their eyes to freak me out. Anyway, it "morphed" and my body seemed to shut down. I couldn't move even though I knew I couldn't be seen. Then, I freaked out, swung the door open and ran into the backyard to confront it or at least find out what it was. Nothing was there. Hell, might as well ask you all. Talk about this outside of forums makes you look retarded/crazy. Thought melaybe someone might have ran across a reasonable explanation to my hellish experiences. At least I can sleep, now. No weird things happening here in the city. I will NEVER live in the country again. I work with the mental aftermath on a daily basis.
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Hell Hound
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1. RE: I have searched everywhere and cannot find out what this could be.
Dec 14 2011, 5:10 PM EST
This is very interesting. But I feel it is valid to ask what your mental state was before all this occured. For example, how were you feeling before the incident? Have you been dealing with the death of a loved one, including a pet, or have you had a fight with someone, or have you taken medicine, eaten something new, etc.? Anything can have an effect in such an instance. Also, where does this take place? Are you able to record such an event in the future via video camera or any camera or phone that can record visuals? There are professionals whom you can call in to investigate or you can find a mythology lab at a university on the web that holds a database of known mythical creatures. Or if you want to, you can conduct your own investigations with friends or family whom can help you. it is easier when you are not alone, however you may be less likely to encounter the creature. For some reason, mythical and legendary creatures always seem to know when one has a camera and is trying to find it. Good luck!
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2. RE: I have searched everywhere and cannot find out what this could be.
Dec 14 2011, 6:56 PM EST
No. I do not live there anymore and choose not to go back. I still live in the same county [upstate South Carolina]. I don't know if I have PTSD or what from the time living there, but I was extremely paranoid. Even now, I have to check every room when I come home and always check to see if the door was locked, things being moved, etc. The paranoia and lack of sleep was one of the worst things I've ever experienced. Didn't have family or friends. Nobody believed me until a neighbor came over one night and begged me not to think he was crazy. He said he saw a dark object human-sized dart through the backyard right after he saw lights come on and off in the house. I was asleep, which was rare. There were so many nights I quite literally begged out-loud to be given a chance to sleep. Flashes of light right as you close your eyes or sounds of erotica can drive a person to suicide. Luckily, I had one friend that let me stay at their house. It's weird. In a perverse way, I miss the place. I feel disgusted and ashamed that I feel like this. I don't care to put anymore heartache or research into the issue. My so-called friends at the time tolld me demons, cointel, government, family, cruel people, ghosts, etc. Whatever they were, they were smart as hell, organized in their ability to stalk, and cruel beyond belief.
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Lord-Valentine |
3. RE: I have searched everywhere and cannot find out what this could be.
Mar 20 2012, 6:51 AM EDT
You may have seen a cactus cat...
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![]() Lesionia |
4. RE: I have searched everywhere and cannot find out what this could be.
Apr 18 2017, 1:30 AM EDT
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