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Anonymous | Dreadlocks | 1 | Apr 22 2013, 1:56 PM EDT by TheTruth2525 | ||||
Thread started: Apr 22 2013, 4:53 AM EDT
The "snakes" on Medusa's head could have been dreadlocks. Many people with dreadlocks at that time were referred to as having a head full of snakes.
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Anonymous | your theory is false | 0 | Apr 13 2013, 9:26 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Apr 13 2013, 9:26 PM EDT
it is said that she was a very beautiful maiden and the she was cursed by athena
Anonymous | sorry but no | 1 | Mar 1 2013, 10:11 AM EST by Askanya | ||||
Thread started: Jul 25 2012, 7:34 AM EDT
there are ancient pictures describing medusa as having a head FULL of snakes not a head LIKE a snake
while your theory is more logical than most, its missing variables
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Anonymous | Now now now | 0 | Jul 7 2012, 3:07 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Jul 7 2012, 3:07 PM EDT
Do u hav an explanation for turning to stone? Plus a skull would never last that
Long unless its wrapped, or concealed In somer Thing! |
brynrokez | Medusa Theory | 1 | Jun 12 2012, 2:32 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Mar 22 2012, 6:46 AM EDT
It's a good theory, but why do people have to find a logical explination for everything why can't we just come to terms that there may be things in this world that we don't like or understand, but they are still there! So I agree it is a very real possibility, but I prefer to believe that there is something beautiful and mysterious in this world that we can't explain and that we haven't captured or destroyed. We call them monsters, but in all reality, I believe humans are the real monsters in this world.
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Anonymous | One of the Gordan sisters | 1 | Feb 5 2012, 7:18 PM EST by Ensura19th | ||||
Thread started: Jan 30 2012, 8:07 PM EST
Maybe in the story of Madusa getting her head cut off... it wasn't her... but one of her sisters? Perhaps they could of got mistaken in the Greek myth story?
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Anonymous | Medusa | 1 | Jan 26 2012, 1:46 PM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Jun 29 2011, 7:40 AM EDT
But how can it be real...?
Medusa was actually a greek myth having to do with a boy goes on a quest to find medusa and chop her head off with out looking at her eyes. Talked about this in class. Or maybe Medusa isn't a myth of some sort... But shes not used in that story...
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Anonymous | Medusa Theory | 2 | Jan 8 2012, 5:44 PM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Jan 7 2012, 6:04 PM EST
That is very good for picking that up. I never thought of it like that because I never thought they found a snake like skull. The translation mishap is common though seeing how there is no CORRECT way to translate. Also the fact that Medusa could turn people to stone was probly just scaring them so bad they froze up or they fainted and then were never seen because she probly ate them..... After all slithering and never being able to walk makes it hard to get your food so you take what you get.......
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Anonymous | medusa theory | 0 | Dec 24 2011, 8:16 PM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Dec 24 2011, 8:16 PM EST
Wow. I never thought of it like that. maybe she was some kind of evolution mistake? sorry i wasn't raised with much magical stuff
Anonymous | medusa | 1 | Sep 2 2011, 4:31 AM EDT by Logic_Chair | ||||
Thread started: Sep 2 2011, 4:16 AM EDT
medusa is real all of the greek monsters are real i know they are ive seen some
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Anonymous | that head | 0 | Aug 17 2011, 10:30 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Aug 17 2011, 10:30 PM EDT
i always thort she WAS a snake just with the body rripped off so a ghost snake or somthing
Anonymous | medusa | 0 | Aug 4 2011, 12:11 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Aug 4 2011, 12:11 AM EDT
that does sound like a interesting theory. that could explain the myth.
Anonymous | ROFL | 0 | Aug 1 2011, 6:56 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Aug 1 2011, 6:56 PM EDT
LOL your GRANDMA had an elongated head?? xD
Anonymous | Medusa | 3 | Jun 1 2011, 5:35 AM EDT by Logic_Chair | ||||
Thread started: Jun 1 2011, 5:14 AM EDT
My grandma has an elongated head.....
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Anonymous | wow, this got me thinking... | 0 | Apr 30 2011, 9:51 AM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Apr 30 2011, 9:51 AM EDT
Thats cool! where did you read it? maybe there is other things like that around the world.
Anonymous | Hmm... | 1 | Apr 14 2011, 12:26 PM EDT by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Apr 9 2011, 10:49 AM EDT
That's an interesting way to look at it, but first you have to prove the article was correct in the first place. if it wasn't, this is an entire hoax
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falldew | False | 0 | Mar 15 2011, 8:21 PM EDT by falldew | ||||
Thread started: Mar 15 2011, 8:21 PM EDT
No, i dont think it is medusa. Most people have proven most of the stroies of ancient greek myths were false, just tales to explain the way nature works. Its very intresting but more then likley not medusa. She didn't exsist (In my opinnion that is)
Anonymous | cool | 0 | Jan 14 2011, 12:11 PM EST by Anonymous | ||||
Thread started: Jan 14 2011, 12:11 PM EST
this seems realy cool I would enjoy it if you kept up the research.