Recruiting New Role-Players
The Epic Story was a small roleplaying page started by a few Mythical Creatures and Beasts Guide members (most active members were: vampirejediknight, TheDragonLover, and DEMONPITT). It had grown over a period of time to have Four pages, but the roleplay has suddenly declined in participation. At this point, I (TheDragonLover) and another member have somewhat revived it, and would like to find new characters who would be interested in joining in.
The Epic Story is not on a different website. It is here on Mythical Creatures and Beasts Guide. We have a friendly atmosphere hanging over our virtual heads and accept anyone who likes to write, roleplay, or of the such. Even if you haven't roleplayed before, I'd be happy to help you along!
You can be anything you want: human, vampire, werewolf, slenderman, gargoyle, just about any mythical creature or even a made creature you wish to play as.
The rules are simple:
1) Put your text in a different color.
2) You can have up to four characters at once.
3) Have fun and delve into your imagination!
For questions, you may mail me a note. :)
Directions to the Epic Story:
Mythical Creatures Lounge >> The Epic Story
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