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Apr 8 2017, 9:09 PM EDT (current) | Pelagios | |
Apr 8 2017, 4:07 PM EDT | Pelagios | 759 words added |
Story #1 My grandma used to attend an all-girl boarding school. Since it is in old Europe , they did not have the money to build actual washroom's, so they had outhouse's. There was a rumor going around that a girl in her class was turning into a bat at night since she always disappeared and often didn't come back till early morning. She and the other girl's decide they would try to follow her to see what was really happening. The bat girl, without knowing about my grandma following her, walked into the outhouse and then when she walked out. She had a blue tail and had glowing eye's. That convinced my grandma to retreat thinking she knew enough. She never dared to talk to that girl again so she decided that she would keep what she saw to herself until she told my mom and which eventually told me. |
Story #2 When I was five, we lived in our old house in GA. One day, I was lying in bed while everyone was down stairs. I was wide awake but didn't feel like coming down so I was just lying there when I heard someone coming so my basic instinct is to pretend I'm asleep. I closed my eyes and someone came in, they sat on the bed and place their hand on mine. I'm thinking its my mom but I don't open my eyes. After a few moments the unknown person got up and left but left the door open. Curiosity hit me so I go down stairs. I find my mom cooking so I ask her if she had been to my room and she said no that she and that everyone else had been down stairs. I still don't know who/what was in my room to this day. |
Story #3 We had just moved in to our new house in SC. I was sleeping in my room when I suddenly woke up. I look around to see these two glowing red eyes in my closet. Now I'm only 5-6 so i jump up and run as fast as I can to my parents room only to find their door open and the two eyes staring back at me. I bolt for my room jump under the covers and don't come out until morning. |
Story #4 I was about 9-10 years of age when I was sleeping in my room. When I woke up I decided to watch some TV. I was wide awake in just a few minutes. An hour went by when all of a sudden this ghostly hand reaches up from my floor and turns off my TV. I freak out but I cant move so I just sit there until morning. |
Story #5 I was at my Nana's house. I was 6 or 7....and I was crazy. I pretended to play a show on the piano. All of a sudden, after I finished, I heard clapping & cheering. It wasn't my Nana, she was too far away to hear me or for me to hear her noise. I looked outside, to see if anyone was there. No one. I looked around, but saw nothing. I asked my Nana if she had ghosts in her house, and she said "the only ghost I know of in this house would be my mother.". |
Story #6 I have many stories but I'll tell the one that I actually have literary/textual support of. Until the age of twelve I lived in Mission Viejo, California in Orange County. I had a really good friend named Morgan who lived down the street from me and we would often have sleep overs. The very first sleep over I ever had was over there at the age of 7, the thing that set me onto researching myths and folklore. Their house, on the inside, had medieval swords, suits of armor, etc. Because her parents were interested in that kind of thing and had traveled many places in the world. At about three in the morning I woke up and woke Morgan up because I needed something to drink. We went out to the kitchen, got a glass of water and sat down on the couch to drink it and talk. As we were whispering all of the sudden Morgan stopped talking. When I asked her what was wrong all she did was pointed. There in the middle of the room were five children ranging from about 4-8 doing ring-around-the-rosy. We could hear them as clear as day and as soon as they were finished singing it, they had all fell down, they joined hands and walked off, disappearing. We went back into her room and did not leave until that morning when we could smell pancakes. We brought it up with her parents and we actually found out that their, and houses in the surrounding area, were built on an old cemetery that had a lot of children in it. They showed us a book that had old pictures in it of the area and you could see what they meant. The parents said that they had seen things to, and not to fear anything that we saw or heard because nothing would happen to us. To this day I remember that night and what we saw, and I've seen more since then, but I always know that there is a reason for it. |
Story #7 It was a strange summer night. I was about 6-7 when it happened, but I remember it perfectly. It was about midnight and I was awake and everyone else was sleeping. I decided to get a glass of water, and so I almost walked into the hallway, when I saw a shadow flash across the kitchen and then a head peeked out. It was too dark to see so I didn't see who or what it was. I was so frightened that I ran a few feet away back where I was before and hid under the covers staying there. I was soon fast asleep. I awoke in the morning, remembering the strange shadow and the head... |
Story #8 Back in the day, when I lived by the beach and was a Junior in the Girl Scouts--making me around nine or ten--my troop went on a weekend camp out at the local state park... A local state park that was well known by basically everyone who lived near it that weird things happened at Oscar Scherer state park. Alligators climbed up and over the chain-link fencing that surrounds the lake, tents would just collapse, and at night you would hear footsteps and even at times the pounding of horses hooves, only there would be nothing around your campsite what so ever. So, now that everyone has a sense of how this place is, let's get to my story of when I was a girl scout and ready to explore and be all girl scoutish. My older brother had told me of places that were okay to go, and places to stay away from. My brother had been there, knew the stories, and he was a Eagle scout... I really wished I would have listened to him back then. Railroad tracks ran through the park, and was a popular place for the boy and girl scouts to go. My brother told me not to follow them, and to by no means necessary, go to the bridge. Well, my friends wanted to follow the tracks to the old bridge. I remembered my brother's words, but, when they kept talking about it, I kept getting this really bad feeling. I didn't want to go, but they kept saying that it wouldn't be fun if I didn't go, meaning that I would make a good scape-goat if something went wrong. I kept getting these horrible nervous tensions. Feelings that usually warned me before something happened, before I tread to far into an area I shouldn't go, but I ignored my intuition, and followed my friends. I took the lead, midsummer sun blasting down on us while I was decked out in jeans, hiking boots and a long sleeved shirt 'cause I wasn't about to get a tick on me, and something just told me that I needed to dress that way. As we walked along the old tracks, and stepped upon the old steel tracks, they would begin to vibrate like crazy and a loud rumbling would sound in the distance but, there was no train. The closer we got to the bridge, the worst my stomach tightened. The more nauseated I felt. I was ahead of my friends, watching the path for snakes or what be it, only to stop when my friends began to scream. I turned, only to find them being swarmed by wasp. We quickly headed back to camp, all my friends mad at me because I didn't get stung, but I felt that we were warned to not go near the bridge, being that two boys had died there, messing around as we were, and were hit by a train. |
Story #9 Red-eyes, a son of one of the Seminole Chiefs who long ago resided where Oscar Scherer State Park is located during the war of the Yamasee War. Red-eyes was a brave man, a sturdy warrior and next in line to lead their tribe, until he was killed on the grounds where the park resides. Legends say that Red-eyes haunts the creek that runs through the park and at certain times of the night on a certain phase of the moon, one could hear the slashing of water on the creek where Red-eyes lost his life. Upon the water will be only the splashing of his feet, while only his glowing red eyes can be seen rushing toward his next victim... The second day of camp was rolling around. Most of my troop-mates were still angry with me for not being stung by wasp but they eventually got over it when we discovered an island. Yes, I typed that right. An island, on land, within a state park. Not the ocean or gulf. The creek that ran under the train track's bridge, is what created this uber-duber cool island where we could hide and act like we made some type of discovery in the name of all girls in the world and do some Island of the Flies stuff. Sadly, we didn't get to kill anyone. The creek was only about maybe between four to seven feet long. I was a kid then and I had no use for perception, I just went with it. We could jump perfectly onto the island but the embankment to jump back was higher and we couldn't jump back across. The only other thing we could do was walk across a draping Oak branch that acted as a bridge, back to mainland. Well, strangely the water began to rise in the creek, covering the island. Some of the girls managed to get back across via oak tree, while others couldn't because there was nothing to grip on to and no one wanted to fall into that water even though you could see the bottom and it was crystal clear. Well, me being one of the idiots stuck on the island that was steadily sinking because it wasn't really an island but a marsh, I thought up a wonderful idea. There was a large round and long staff of bamboo. Why not use it to get across the creek. I was skinny and had monkey arms then so I could balance well on the balance beam at school, why not this? I tried out my idea. My friends cheered me on as I done my gymnast stance and stepped one foot on the pole only for my foot to slip and then the rest of my flimsy body just followed by foot. I fell right into the gator infested creek that should have only been three feet deep but had NO BOTTOM WHAT SO EVER. I kicked though only for my feet to be caught by what I thought were roots of the nearby oaks. I reached out to grab the ledge only for the ledge not to be there. Just as I gasped in a breath of air something yanked me under water. At first I thought I was dead, caught by a gator, only my ankles wasn't hurting where the pressure of the gripping was. Gripping, not biting. Something was holding me, pulling me down deeper into this darkness that made the water icy cold. I couldn't swim with whatever it was holding me. I couldn't get up to breathe. I kept flailing my arms, hoping to catch hold of something as I watched the light above me grow dimmer, and my lungs burned wanting air. I screamed but only bubbles to escape and for what felt to be roots steadily taking hold of my form and dragging me down into this creek that should have only been three feet deep. Then someone had my hand, a hard grip that quickly yanked me up from the water. My scout leader was furious, me of course being the one in the most trouble for doing something without thought. I almost drowned in that creek and was taken by something that I had never felt before. When I told my Eagle Scout brother about my ordeal, he only shook his head and said, "I told you not to go near there. Even I can't go there because of our sensitivity. We're not of their tribe so we can't go on Red-eyes land. You, sis, almost drowned by Red-eyes in his creek." Since my ordeal at Oscar Scherer State park, I haven't had the urge to ever go there again. Though, I wanted to see the luring bobcat. That is a legend of a bobcat that would lure the native children to it, by mimicking a human woman by singing. One of the children were caught in the allure, it would kill them to feed to her young. My brother had heard the bobcat's song but wouldn't tell me anything about it. Oh for those of you who don't believe me, Oscar Scherer is a real state park, in Osprey, Florida. |
Story #10 Once when I was camping two very weird things happened, both true! The first one: I was talking the two other kids around my age telling them about a weird dream I had a few years before when one of them stopped me and asked "Were they yellow" and I answered "Yes, how did you know that?" She had told me that she had the same dream, then the other kid told me he had that one two, now that wasn't the weird part at all. I remembered seeing a girl selling herbs and stuff at a stall. She was that girl and she saw me too. I also remembered seeing two people yelling at each other, he was one of those too, (Apparently the other was a merchant who had ripped him off so he was very mad) and he remembered me spying on him. We were there together but we handled things differently. The second one: This one is short, in the big bathroom stall at the same camp there are these cracks on the floor in the shape of a head with antenna on it. It is always smiling at me and I feel safe there but whenever these three people that I hung out with went in there it was frowning and they felt scared. One of the braver of the three and me went in there and like always it was smiling happily. I said "See it smiles," and she said "Only when your here" I left the bathrooms and only a second later the other girl came running out. asked what was wrong and she said that when I left the cracks moved into a frown and she had gotten scared and ran out. |
Story #11 This happened to me a while back but I still remember it clearly. It was a good peaceful day. It was sunny and I was lying on my bed reading a book. My family was in the master bedroom talking and looking at some albums and trinkets. I hadn't felt like looking through any old stuff and that's why I had been in my room. I was propped up on my elbows reading and facing my door. All of a sudden my bed started swaying back and forth. It was like something was under my bed and it was trying to shake me off of it. I dropped my book in shock and I balled my fists into my blankets so I wouldn't fall off. I looked around my room to see if anything else was shaking (I thought maybe an earthquake was going on) but everything else was stock still. Not even the frames on my wall rattled. I held on as my bed kept shaking, and then after a few minutes it stopped. The door to my room was open and I wanted to bolt out of the room but I could not move. It was like I was frozen in place. A few seconds went by and then I made myself get on my knees. It was hard to move. I then decided to start screaming for my siblings and so I did. They all came to my door and asked what was wrong. I told them what had happened, and I realized that I could move easily again. They told me that they hadn't felt anything. They even checked under my bed and they saw nothing down there. Til this day I don't know what happened, and it wasn't an earthquake that caused it. |
Story #12 This is what happened. My parents and my brother were all asleep it was about 3 in the morning. So I get up and head down stairs but right before I do I hear someone out in the hall. Thinking it was my little brother I walked out and just down the hall there was a strange shadow easily 7 feet tall with 3 massive things sticking out of its back I closed my door really fast and pushed my dresser in front of my door then hid under my covers. I was only 6. I heard a really creepy growl outside then a thud on my door. I didn't move for the rest of the night. Me and my family went on vacation when I was 13 and when we were sleeping in our cottage bedroom. I heard tapping on my window, thinking it was some animal I just went back to sleep I woke up about a hour later because I heard someone in the hall outside my bedroom in our cottage. I looked at the clock it was about 2 in the morning. This was kinda confusing because no one would be up yet? So I walk over easily forgetting about the other time several years ago, I opened the door and there only 5-6 feet away was the exact same creature thing I slowly closed the door not to startle it and then simply locked it. I was extremely freaked out right now and I calmly went back to my room and went to bed. A few minutes later I heard our front door open and close and I was to scared to move till the next morning. On that same trip the very first night when we were in a hotel on are way to are cottage I had this dream where me and some guy were at a small lake. We decided to rent a boat for some reason I can't remember why. So me and him are driving around in a speed boat when all of a sudden I hear a thump. I look over the boat and the boat flips and we go flying into the lake. I remember seeing a small child's face poking out of the water. He had glowing green eyes and had dark black hair. Worst of all his hands were stubs no fingers. I woke up really fast and couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I swear to god in this one corner of our hotel room it was pitch black. Looked as if it was a wall painted black. For the rest of the night I stared there so nothing could sneak up on me. I swear to god I heard breathing and was sure something was staring back and for about 2 seconds a saw those glowing green eyes flash in the dark. I didn't sleep until I saw that other creature later on and then I didn't sleep for at least 1 week. |
Story #13 First story: When I was about three or four my parents were out bowling and my grandma was home. I went upstairs to get some of my stuffed animal. When I was opening the door to my parents' room standing there I saw my dead Grandpa. My grandpa had died three or four years before so I ran as fast as I could to my grandma and told her "Grandma! Grandma! I saw him! I saw Grandpa!. She went upstairs and didn't see anything. When my parents got home they didn't see anything either. Second story: Before I was born my sister and aunt also bounced balls outside as high as they could. One time, my sister asked my aunt "What if they go up there." By up there she meant the roof. She was pointing up there and there was a shadow up there so they ran and got my Grandma told her. My Grandma checked the safe and 100 dollars were missing. She called the cops 2 seconds later. They were there and the shadow vanished. There was nothing for a human to escape with. Third story: A few years ago me and my friends found hand prints in the snow where we used to sled and above them it said "Sally". Whenever we would sled there we would here screaming. Last story: A couple months ago me and my friends were in my friend's grandparents' basement. My friend's older brother was looking around. He found a face so we ran upstairs. He told his Grandpa and he went down there the face was gone. We never went down there again. |
Story #14 One day when I was eleven, I was staying at my friend Blake's house. We were playing with fire (we were kinda stupid back then) in his garage so we put a bunch of paper in his empty trash can and dropped a match into it. We looked down into the flames and saw a man's face. We swore never to speak of it ever again. I guess I'm kinda breaking my promise by telling this story but I haven't seen him for years and he will likely never see this website. The night after we saw the face, I was looking out my window in my room. I had become sort of superstitious after seeing the face in the fire so I started looking up mythical creatures to protect myself from it. After watching out my window for about an hour (it was a full moon so I was wearing a silver ring to fight off a werewolf) I saw fire out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see a wolf but not any wolf. It had jet black fur and it was covered in flames. I later found this sight and figured out that it was a Hell Hound. I was surprised that the flames didn't burn anything. It spoke to me with the voice of my dead great grandfather. It said ''Don't be scared. I only wished to see you once more before passing on. I was also the face you saw.'' These were not his exact words. I have extracted some words to hide my identity. |
Story #15 I was on a cruise in the Caribbean, and I was looking over the bow. I saw blue sky, beautiful water, the usual. Suddenly I was falling. I'd been shoved by a deranged man on the boat. As I hit the water, I could hear singing. A sweet beautiful aria played as I sank. The singing got louder and I felt two small, scaly hands on my back, pushing me to the surface. I broke the surface immediately next to a life ring that had been thrown out to me. The instant I grabbed it the singing stopped and I felt something brush my leg as it swam away. Mermaid perhaps, or a hippocampi? |
Story #16 This happened when I was 8. I was watching TV in my room and it was around 11 o'clock PM and my parents where asleep. I had just turned the TV off and turned over to face the wall and go to sleep when I heard something in the living room. I thought "What could that be? Mom and dad are asleep". I got up and went to see what it was. When I got into the living room every thing was trashed. The couch was flipped over and the lamp was broken in half. I had gasped in surprise when I saw this. Then, in the corner of the room stood a man. Not a normal man either. When he turned to face me he had bone as skin and his eyes where blood red. I backed up and went to get my mom and dad. When they came out into the living room the man was gone and everything was back to normal. What was that man? A demon? A lost soul? |
Story #17 I was at my dads for the weekend. I was about 12. I was sitting on the chair in the living room, watching Ghost Hunters. They were at the evidence part and they were showing some evidence to the person. I heard someone on the couch give an approving noise. I looked over and there was no one there. My dad was in his room on his computer and my aunt was at work. No one was there. I've been a believer ever since. |
Story #18 This happened when I was about 10 or 11. I was at my house with my little sister and older brother. My parents were out and while they were out they said that none of us could watch TV or play video games. We were grounded for something we did. My little sister and I were upstairs playing some board game when I heard the TV downstairs going. My older brother was downstairs so I decided I'd run down there and catch him. I sprinted down the stairs and he was sitting on the couch reading a book. The noise from the TV was gone. I asked if he was watching TV and he said no. I shrugged and as I turned to go back upstairs I heard this raspy, whiskery voice. I have no idea what it said. My older brother and I both heard it and searched the house. No one else was there. We never found anything that could have made that noise. |
Story #19 For me, all this paranormal stuff began ages ago. Multiple times have I seen ghosts around my house - we do animal fostering, not all of them make it. The recent activity, however has been different. My caravan (small house, multiple siblings) is right next to a paddock. twice now,I've heard screams in this paddock. Screams that sounded as though they where through a radio, sort of...static-y. And a few nights ago, I was walking out to my caravan, in the rain, when I heard running footsteps coming towards me, from behind. I freaked out quite a bit, because when I turned, THERE WAS NOTHING THERE! Since then, I keep on thinking I see things. Shadows moving, or shadows where there should not be shadows. |
Story #20 It was 9:00 am and we were playing hide and seek at an old cemetery. We were running around to find good places of hiding. We hid behind the oldest graves of some people who died in the war. After that we saw a black dog called an Aspin or Askal (I was at the Philippines that time). It was rare to find. We called my Filipino friend to follow it. When we followed it we hid behind the bushes. We we were hiding at the time when it changed into something else something we don't know about for years it was so different. We bolted back to our parents and said that we saw a ghost and they accused us of seeing things. It was 9:00pm in the evening when I saw the dog again in the street. When it saw us, we ran as fast as we can to go back to the room. It spooked us ever since. |
Story #21 I was 8 years old when this happened. I was just lying on the bed in our master bedroom and it was 1:00 am in the morning. I told my father that I will just go out in our dining room. When I got into the dining room I felt something cold. After I went off to drink water something was whispering in my ear. The whisper was a man. Our rocking chair was moving. After that I bolted to the master's bedroom and slammed the door open. I hid in the sheets under my bed. In the morning I asked who died in this place. My father had told that my great grandpa passed away when I was only 2 years old. I know my story was not good but it really did spook me. I'm 11 years old I still remember it. |
Story #22 Well back in 2011 me and two others had a sleep over at a friend's house just for the heck of it and to have fun, which we hadn't seen much of with the stress of the past few days before. Now, we slept in the living room while she slept in her bedroom, but the whole place felt weird. Slightly before sleeping i was told the house was built on an Indian Burial Ground, but we just brushed that information off and went on to open the pizza's. With the lights off and everyone going to bed i figured i would fall asleep easily, but that, of course didn't happen. For some reason i was freezing while everyone around me were warm and snug, and i kept feeling like i was being watched. Behind my head was a room that just felt devoid of comfort, and darker than normal. When i turned around though, two pitch black human-like figures were standing in the kitchen staring at me, which they continued to do for hours while emitting the same harmful intent a predator gives off when concluding a hunt. I ended up getting only two hours of sleep that night... |
Story #23 (submitted by user FangFlame13) This has been my first dream of a Hell Hound. I never heard of a Hell hound since I was 8 or 9. I didn't think much of it until now. Last night I was going down these steps, red blocks everywhere, nothing but an outside hall way. When I had reached the bottom everything, even my eyesight became red. A Hell Hound kept biting me on the shoulder and my neck. I had blocked myself with my arm but the Hell Hound had gone through it!! His eyes were red and he was pink skinned. I do not know what this dream means, but I would really like to know. It is just killing me and I cannot wait to see me sister for some answers. |
Story #24 (submitted by user hydrahound11) I think I have a demon spirit following me. The location is Temecula, California. The many ghostly spirit sightings I've had and I dreamt about all of them. When I visited a duck pond, I saw a ghostly figure on the bridge. That ghostly figure looked like a fisher sitting there. At first, that figure reminded me of the Dreamworks logo. That was all I remember about that figure since I had woken up just moments after. I sat up and I saw a demon face staring at me in the mirror. It looked as if it was yelling at me. I begun to cry and I startled my mother who ran in just minutes later. He disappeared right before my mother was in my room. The next morning, I saw a ghostly figure standing near the road when we drove by it. Later on in the day, I was on the swings at school and I saw a basket ball start bouncing by itself. There wasn't a breeze that could have manipulated it. The next day, I went to this tunnel at the same duck pond that I mentioned earlier. I had gone with my best friend when we both saw this white cloaked phantom girl with messy black hair and red eyes appear out of nowhere. Recently, I was home alone and I heard strange footsteps on my porch and strange noises in my kitchen. I later debunked the the noises that were in my kitchen as my cat scratching on an empty pizza box and getting into a cupboard. The steps however, were still a mystery to me. I had grabbed a flashlight and knife and made my way outside to investigate. I made my way around the house and I couldn't find anything strange. I did however feel like I was being watched. Since then, I keep having recurring paranormal dreams. I'm afraid to be alone at home and I keep hearing strange noises. I'm terrified that someone I love will be hurt or possessed. |
Story #25 (submitted by user Ashkinuna) This truly happened to me. The cause, either my mind playing tricks on me or reality. I woke up one morning, and something (the something/some-person I only ever connected to with my mind) I talk to warned me not to look at any mirrors. Curious as to why I wasn't supposed to look at mirrors I looked into a mirror, gazed into the reflections of my eyes, then I started to get sleepy and was drifting towards the mirror. The person who warned me snapped me out of it before I hit the mirror. Later on that day I was still curious so I tried again. I was wearing a hat, the same effects happened as before, but this time my hat hit the mirror and saved me. The mirror (it could work with any mirror, but it was strongest in one particular one) kept on tempting me to gaze into it again and again and eventually started to communicate with my mind taunting me. I of course taunted back. (idiot) Oddly enough after time of talking it actually told me to not let it mesmerize me. We started to have friendlier chats, it even tried to help give me knowledge from time to time. Though it did tell me to question everything. Much later on something happened in my mind that caused me to lose contact with lots of things I talked to before. And I never found out its true motives, or what it was. |