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Discussion: vampire-like features
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vampire-like features
Mar 13 2010, 2:03 PM EST
their vampire-like features are they drain humans of a resource. they drain energy and life from their victim, but do not always kill their victim. they will sometimes lay with their victims multiple times until they find a victim they enjoy more.
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1. RE: vampire-like features
Mar 16 2010, 5:48 PM EDT
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2. RE: vampire-like features
May 5 2011, 12:52 PM EDT
well im a vampire and i dont do that are you a vampire cuz what you just said is a load of rubbish our vampire law sez if you bite a human we are not allowed to let them live if we do we would be put in a chamber with no roof and at sunrise ..................well you kindda get the picture .....oh but i love being a vampire
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3. RE: vampire-like features
May 8 2011, 9:46 PM EDT
First, no you're not. Second, you totally stole that roofless chamber thing from Ann Rice's Interview with the Vampire
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4. RE: vampire-like features
May 12 2011, 3:56 PM EDT
Amen! Many people in our lives are like this and if you want to live longer, find a way to GET THEM OUT OF YOUR LIFE!
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5. RE: vampire-like features
Oct 29 2011, 7:50 PM EDT
"well im a vampire and i dont do that are you a vampire cuz what you just said is a load of rubbish our vampire law sez if you bite a human we are not allowed to let them live if we do we would be put in a chamber with no roof and at sunrise ..................well you kindda get the picture .....oh but i love being a vampire "their r no such things as vampires. you do however, need help. maybe locked up in a mental hospital. heavely medicated. you should not be on the streets. I will pray for you! 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |