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1. RE: i'm a werewolf
Mar 27 2010, 8:07 PM EDT
We put mad dogs like you down.
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2. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 4 2010, 8:54 PM EDT
well vampires are way better cause you guys just run around like a dog and kill any thing in your path what do you have to say to that?!?!?!
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athena16 |
3. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 4 2010, 10:06 PM EDT
idk y im replying to this post this but i think ur right i mean like yea sure im not trying to put down any supernatural creature but vampires well they used werewolves and it wasnt right AND its still not right at all sure werewolves i wouldnt exactly mess with on a full moon but they still not to b used or messed around with its like the same thing with certain religions its NOT fair that creatures like werewolves are being mistreated like they r trash lol its just no offense to u vamps but ive had it i may read up on creatures of the night like vampires (like your selves) but not as much as werewolves of the night infact im writing a darn good series on werewolves and vampires lol plz reply back to me for ur opinion on wat i just said blessed be!!! ~athena16~ 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
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4. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 5 2010, 8:42 AM EDT
wow i never thought i would find another person believing to be a supernatural creature, hi, im actually a shadow fox, but i think we can be friends
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killerbeast222 |
5. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 7 2010, 5:19 PM EDT
coming from a vampire, go to hell
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Linzerlol |
6. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 10 2010, 12:00 PM EDT
Right comeing from another werewolf are you nuts!!! what kind of psyco delibrately insults vamps, they have no issues with ripping you apart, all they have to do is get at you when there's no full moon.Also on alighter note, does a werewolf come under the dangerous dogs act? only kidding but does anyone know the answer? LOL 0 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() Dous777 |
7. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 10 2010, 12:14 PM EDT
Sure they do. Werewolves must be kept on a lead at all times. Before and after transformation. For the benefit of the public.
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wolfadolpha |
8. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 14 2010, 12:50 PM EDT
hey hey hey so what if they run around!!! at least they are stronger!! think about it what would win a fight? a wolf or a bat!?!?!
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wolfadolpha |
9. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 14 2010, 3:11 PM EDT
see you there vampire
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10. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 19 2010, 8:24 PM EDT
"im a werewolf and let me tell you vampier stink and they just suck."You actually believe you're a werewolf? please do yourself a favor and see a psychiatrist because you and those other people who believe they are a mythical creature,or that they exist seriously flipped your lid. I'm all for writing mythical books or stuff like athena16 said, i respect that, it shows imagination. but you need serious help if you think you are one. That or you need to get off drugs! And Linzerlol it's no threat to deliberately insult things that don't exist and can do you no harm. And dous777 things that don't exist are no threat to the public. I guarantee about 90% of "Monster sightings" are from people who need the attention or have mistook an object for something else. So never humiliate yourselves again by doing that. the only "monster" I believe exist is Satan. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
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11. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 20 2010, 3:41 PM EDT
"You actually believe you're a werewolf? please do yourself a favor and see a psychiatrist because you and those other people who believe they are a mythical creature,or that they exist seriously flipped your lid. I'm all for writing mythical books or stuff like athena16 said, i respect that, it shows imagination. but you need serious help if you think you are one. That or you need to get off drugs! And Linzerlol it's no threat to deliberately insult things that don't exist and can do you no harm. And dous777 things that don't exist are no threat to the public. I guarantee about 90% of "Monster sightings" are from people who need the attention or have mistook an object for something else. So never humiliate yourselves again by doing that. the only "monster" I believe exist is Satan."right then. well i'm a naptitist we don't believe in satan so i say this prove they don't exist! ha you can't can you. the hunan mind is an amazing thing if you'd be terrified that there is a chance mosters existed it can blanc out on everything that could put your disbielf in doubt. 2 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |
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12. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 20 2010, 6:41 PM EDT
"right then. well i'm a naptitist we don't believe in satan so i say this prove they don't exist!I'm the person you replied to. Sorry no idea what naptitist is. The human mind is not complex it's predictable and easy to read and I'm not terrified of anything especially not those that don't exist. such as werewolves vampires and such I have no doubt in my mind these are just myths. Those who made these myths were in a time where superstition was plentiful. there are many logical explanations for these things. But if you believe your an all powerful werewolf or vampire I'd like to see how your attributes help you against an actual threat. Most 3 year olds believe in those old tales. I say it will makes no difference whether you believe your a vampire or a werewolf cause at the end of the day your still human whether you like it or not. And if you don't believe Satan exist then how do you explain humanities misery? Monsters? other humans? 0 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
monstersarefake |
13. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 20 2010, 7:01 PM EDT
"right then. well i'm a naptitist we don't believe in satan so i say this prove they don't exist!hi me again same person but with an account. Back to what i was saying before. Those logical explanations i was talking about are during the medieval era there where many sicknesses that could lead one to thinking that such monsters exist such as an illness that made people bleed when out in the sun because of their skin sensitivity and when they went out it happened. So they went out at night where they would not be hurt. But in order to replace the blood they lost during the day doctors had them drink cups of animal blood. right there is not healthy so when people drink that someone would see them and drinking blood is not natural and it's considered inhuman. Or monstrous. So they didn't understand and with their beliefs so were vampires born. And werewolves. Or lycananthorpes. That is a madness that made people believe they were wolves and other animals. so they acted liked a wolf. it's simple medical facts and ancient beliefs. Sure it's fun to read about that stuff but come on, to believe in it? And about Satan I can assure you he exist because he tempted Jesus and Jesus was crucified by a Roman army. and that's how Catholicism spread. From the Romans as it was them who crucified Jesus and witnessed him rise up three days later. So my side has hard facts. Your side has fake superstition. I however am not catholic I am Protestant Christian. The bible has been proven to be true many times. It has been witnessed. By nations and kings. But you draw from a probable drunkard stumbling into a bar drunk who thought he saw something. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
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14. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 20 2010, 7:35 PM EDT
"idk y im replying to this post this but i think ur right i mean like yea sure im not trying to put down any supernatural creature but vampires well they used werewolves and it wasnt right AND its still not right at all sure werewolves i wouldnt exactly mess with on a full moon but they still not to b used or messed around with its like the same thing with certain religions its NOT fair that creatures like werewolves are being mistreated like they r trash lol its just no offense to u vamps but ive had it i may read up on creatures of the night like vampires (like your selves) but not as much as werewolves of the night infact im writing a darn good series on werewolves and vampires lol plz reply back to me for ur opinion on wat i just saidVampires never used werewolves athena16. they'd have to exist first. That only happened in Van Helsing. and i thinks it's a good idea writing a fictional series on vampires and werewolves. i'd like to read it. Do you find this valuable? |
monstersarefake |
15. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 20 2010, 7:42 PM EDT
"wow i never thought i would find another person believing to be a supernatural creature, hi, im actually a shadow fox, but i think we can be friends"I don't have a clue what a shadow fox is and no sorry to break your reality your not actually a shadow fox. Do you find this valuable? |
monstersarefake |
16. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 20 2010, 7:44 PM EDT
"Right comeing from another werewolf are you nuts!!! what kind of psyco delibrately insults vamps, they have no issues with ripping you apart, all they have to do is get at you when there's no full moon.No they're simply a myth Linzerlol and like I've said before it doesn't take a psycho to insult that which doesn't exist. I'd have no problem with another human attempting to rip me apart at any time who think they are a vampire. I actually feel sorry for those who believe they exist and more who believe they are one 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
Linzerlol |
17. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 23 2010, 5:13 PM EDT
hey right then prove it. wait you can't can you!! it just like god all over again... you can't prove they don't exist because it's impossible for all you know they might exist. Me out see ya minn.
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monstersarefake |
18. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 23 2010, 6:59 PM EDT
"hey right then prove it. wait you can't can you!! it just like god all over again... you can't prove they don't exist because it's impossible for all you know they might exist. Me out see ya minn."There is no proof they exist and every time people say they have pictures or they tell a story of it, it turns up fake. And if Vampires and werewolves exist why don't they come out? Oh right....because they don't exist. I believe certain things exist and certain things don't. Vampires, Werewolves Mummies....all fake. Nobody has proven they exist. People have planted hoaxes made stuff up but in the end that's proven. Every time someone shows "evidence" it gets denounced as fake. Tested by scientist. People who are trying to prove they exist can't. And if a vampire did exist. i would be the first to spit in face. Same with werewolves. But I'll never do that because they don't exist. I've read so many stories, books and other things "witness" accounts everything. I used to hope they existed but every time I read a book or an eyewitness account, it always turned up the same. No proof,No proof,No proof. Or they admitted to it being a hoax or it was proven a hoax. People can show videos but everybody knows how easy it is to edit something in to a video. I hate to shatter fantasies but they don't exist. Like i said, I used to hope they existed cause i thought they were so cool....But how can it be proven with nothing to support it. there is nothing. And I don't need to prove they don't exist because believers of them are doing that for me. They get their hopes high up when someone says they have "proof" and then they get torn back down when it's denounced as a hoax. There are so many logical explanations for these things if you read above. but it's all superstition and myth. Like if a raven flies by you someone will die in 3 days, or if you break a mirror you'll have 7 years of bad luck. Do you find this valuable? |
monstersarefake |
19. RE: i'm a werewolf
Apr 23 2010, 7:08 PM EDT
"hey right then prove it. wait you can't can you!! it just like god all over again... you can't prove they don't exist because it's impossible for all you know they might exist. Me out see ya minn."Or a rabbits foot is good luck. none of that makes any sense. How logical is it for someone to turn from a human into a wolf? for one that would kill them because that would change their molecular structure to much. And people who run around drinking other peoples blood (vampires) that's gross for one and it would kill someone to drink that much blood because of all the disease and other things. Maybe and I say MAYBE if at anytime there were monsters they were killed off a llllloooonnnnnggggg time back. That's a huge IF. Because they don't. But if in some other alternate universe they existed they would have been killed. for one violence is in human nature. for two humans reject that of which they do not know. I believe werewolves vampires and other are myths,superstition and a bit of Pagan belief. As in Greek MYTHOLOGY there was a King named Lycaeon or something like that who displeased Zeus ans there for Zeus turned him into a wolf. That's under MYTHOLOGY. Do you find this valuable? |