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Fairygirl007 |
Mystic-Apotamkin |
1. RE: VAmpire diasease
Mar 29 2010, 3:28 AM EDT
What are you talking about? ...
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![]() Dous777 |
2. RE: VAmpire diasease
Mar 29 2010, 6:33 AM EDT
Dunno. I've heard in very recent past threads about certain corpse attributes that may have fed the vampire superstitions. But not a disease or mental illness that affects a living person in any vampirish way.
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TheSnowTiger |
3. RE: VAmpire diasease
Mar 29 2010, 10:28 AM EDT
Yeah. I've heard about what Dous is saying, but I'm not sure I've ever heard that a living person has vampire-ish habits. Maybe if you gave us a link or something, to an article talking about that...I mean, I'd love to read about it...
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Fairygirl007 |
4. RE: VAmpire diasease
Mar 29 2010, 12:42 PM EDT
Well Im not for sure if its online but the doctors have diagnosed my friend. She has the paperwork. Its not so much as vampire habits but the apperance of one, and the mental illness of thinking you are one. That is the doctors explaination. I think they are real vampires.
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Risika(tigress) |
5. RE: VAmpire diasease
Mar 29 2010, 7:57 PM EDT
You all have very interesting views on this... However farygirl, what symptoms does your friend show exactly? Is this a mental ilness where it's all in her head or does she have a serious need for human blood?
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TheSnowTiger |
6. RE: VAmpire diasease
Mar 30 2010, 9:39 AM EDT
Oh. Yeah, I've heard of that before, Fairy. I thought you meant like she *really* needed to drink blood to survive or something. But as for it being a mental illness, yeah. I mean, my unclehas a 'mental illness' for thinking that he is a girl in a man's body. Meaning the person wants to be different than who they really are. There are loads of cases like that, still it IS interesting.
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Posted Anonymously |
7. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 6 2010, 11:27 AM EDT
ok ur friend is full of ****:)
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Vahshirlover |
8. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 9 2010, 12:02 PM EDT
well if you consider it , it's quiet possible. most of the lore came from alements people went through that then never could really be diagnosed. most of it is just being found out. they really don't need to have a lust for blood , because there are so many other attibutes to being a vampire.
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Posted Anonymously |
9. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 19 2010, 8:55 PM EDT
"Their is technically living vampires. They are diagnosed by doctors with the vampire diasease and its irrversable. Which may had led to the suspicions of the true vampire."Actually in the medieval era there was a disease that many royal children had that turned their skin red and it bled when they went out. so to counter that doctors had them drink blood to replace that of which they lost during the day. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
xXPixieXx |
10. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 23 2010, 9:33 PM EDT
OH! There was a chick on CSI that had that! She had her dog kill people and harvested their organs and made protein shakes. They call it the vampire disease because their body doesn't retain blood so they get all pale and their gums recede making it look like they have fangs and other stuff that I can't remember.
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Vahshirlover |
11. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 27 2010, 11:45 AM EDT
LOL looks like you remember enough about it pixie.
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xXPixieXx |
12. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 27 2010, 7:06 PM EDT
Lol, the Spike network likes to re-run episodes to death. Especially CSI.
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Miacatable |
13. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 28 2010, 5:27 AM EDT
look you ******* idiots! havent you got anything better to do with your lives than go on this stupid website. you should be at work not on a weird website you twats. vampires are not real get over it mate .x love connor ;)
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Vahshirlover |
14. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 28 2010, 11:42 AM EDT
"Lol, the Spike network likes to re-run episodes to death. Especially CSI."I love spike t.v. my favortie show is MXC, but they don't seem to show it anymore. Do you find this valuable? |
xXPixieXx |
15. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 29 2010, 8:13 PM EDT
Looks like somebody go hacked by a someone who was a tad misinformed on the topic of this thread....I love Deadliest Warrior. It's such a guy show! But I can't help but be intrigued and entertained. And I like to bet on the outcome. Do you find this valuable? |
Miacatable |
16. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 30 2010, 9:29 AM EDT
oh ****! srry :/ tht was connor my fellow anoying **** of a friend! sorry i didnt mean for this.. if anyone knows how to delete it i would happily get rid of it asap.
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Vahshirlover |
17. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 30 2010, 11:44 AM EDT
I think i'd watch that show to just to watch how it ends. but I'd actually have to watch it first. my friend tells me the outcome of them Do you find this valuable? |
xXPixieXx |
18. RE: VAmpire diasease
Apr 30 2010, 8:13 PM EDT
Well it's no fun when they spoil it!
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![]() freedragon10022 |
19. RE: VAmpire diasease
May 2 2010, 12:20 PM EDT
"oh ****! srry :/ tht was connor my fellow anoying **** of a friend! sorry i didnt mean for this.. if anyone knows how to delete it i would happily get rid of it asap."delete what? Your last post? You can't . But you can edit it. 1 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |